
Xiao Yaxuan confessed that he didn't like his current appearance, and he was depressed and missed his mother

author:Confident pineapple 2s5

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On the evening of July 2, Xiao Yaxuan shared an old photo in which she was smiling happily with her mother and brother. In the accompanying text, she wrote affectionately: "I want mama back! I want my mom back. This simple and sincere expression makes people think about the inner world of this strong woman.

When she was young, Xiao Yaxuan's life changed dramatically, her parents divorced, she and her brother followed her mother, and Xiao Yaxuan, the burden of a single-parent family, resolutely shouldered it. Mom is not only the pillar of the family, but also the chairman of a technology company, a typical single strong woman. However, on January 1, 2010, Xiao's mother died of cancer, and Xiao Yaxuan expressed his willingness to trade his ten years of life for his mother's health, but unfortunately, no one can change the number of lives.

Xiao Yaxuan confessed that he didn't like his current appearance, and he was depressed and missed his mother

Xiao Yaxuan's younger brother revealed in a program that her sister and her mother were very close and almost talked about everything, so her mother's departure had a huge impact on Xiao Yaxuan. Her heart is full of depression and unpleasantness, and she longs for her mother to be by her side again.

Less than 15 minutes later, Xiao Yaxuan updated her social media again, posting a selfie. She is adamant that she is not afraid, but she still hopes that God will help her through this difficult time, saying, "I don't like the way I am now." Her confession seemed to be the first time she had publicly commented on the scars on her face. This shows that she is under great pressure and eager to talk, and it seems that only her mother can help her understand.

Xiao Yaxuan confessed that he didn't like his current appearance, and he was depressed and missed his mother

Although Xiao Yaxuan has recently undergone some cosmetic adjustments, such as lengthening eyelashes, and has become more beautiful, it is important to note that the scars on the corners of the mouth are still eye-catching. Two bandages were also attached to the wound, one of which was clearly visible. This is because in February this year, she and her boyfriend Huang Hao were both bitten by their pet dogs. Although half a year has passed, the wound has not healed.

During the initial bite, Xiao Yaxuan confessed that she felt world-weary because her face was unbearably painful and unable to show her expression. Although the physical pain has decreased, the mental stress has become heavier. The facial tissues have died, and the road to recovery is long and difficult.

Xiao Yaxuan confessed that he didn't like his current appearance, and he was depressed and missed his mother

Due to the restrictions of the epidemic, Xiao Yaxuan could not go to the hospital for professional rehabilitation treatment, and could only change the wound dressing at home. This made her wound recovery more complicated and almost an insurmountable obstacle.

Despite this, Xiao Yaxuan has been actively adjusting his mentality and constantly encouraging himself. She said: "It seems to need a little time, give me a little time, it will be fine!" "In front of the camera, she showed mood swings and sometimes wanted to cry, but she would try to smile and not let the tears flow, which was very distressing.

Touchingly, Xiao Yaxuan did not blame the pet dog that bit her. She revealed that the pet dog had been traumatized, had brain abnormalities, and could not control his emotions. The injury was not intentional because the dog could not understand the consequences of his actions.

Xiao Yaxuan confessed that he didn't like his current appearance, and he was depressed and missed his mother

We should cherish such a kind and beautiful person as Xiao Yaxuan, and look forward to her speedy recovery, health and beauty. After her injury, she mostly shared photos of her life and rarely mentioned her work. Recently, however, she revealed that she began to long for a return to the stage, as if she missed her mother. Fans are also full of encouragement and encourage her: "Come on will be fine, think positively, it's inevitable to be down, but you can't lose your mind too much, there are still many people who love you!" ”

On the same day, Xiao Yaxuan also took a photo with friends, with a long-lost smile on his face. Let's sincerely hope that she will always be full of joy.


Xiao Yaxuan confessed that he didn't like his current appearance, and he was depressed and missed his mother

Xiao Yaxuan's experience taught us several important truths. First of all, her tenacity and courage show that people should believe that they can overcome difficulties when facing difficulties and setbacks in life. She has experienced divorce, the early death of her mother, and most recently facial pain, but she has not given up and is actively looking for a path to recovery. This tells us that no matter how difficult life is, we can overcome it with a positive attitude and perseverance.

Secondly, Xiao Yaxuan's story reminds us to cherish family and affection. Her deep thoughts about her mother and concern for her brother show that family plays an irreplaceable role in our lives. We should always cherish our time with our families, because life is short and we never know what will happen tomorrow.

Finally, Xiao Yaxuan's attitude towards pet dogs has also been enlightened. She doesn't blame her pet dog because she understands the pet dog's emotions and experiences. This reminds us to be kind to animals because they cannot understand our emotions and intentions. When dealing with animals, one should be loving and patient.


Xiao Yaxuan's story is a story full of tenacity and courage, which teaches us many important truths. First of all, her tenacity and positive attitude show us that no matter what setbacks in life, we are capable of overcoming difficulties. Her perseverance and courage are a powerful motivator to not be discouraged in the face of adversity, but to persevere in the pursuit of healing and happiness.

Secondly, Xiao Yaxuan's cherishing of family and affection reminds us that family is the most precious wealth in life. Her affection for her mother and care for her younger brother reflect the importance of affection. We should always cherish the time we spend with our families, because family is the support and reliance of our lives.

Finally, her kindness to pet dogs tells us to be loving and patient with animals. Pet dogs cannot understand our emotions and intentions, so we should treat them with warmth and care. This is an important moral education that makes us aware of how to handle when entering into an intimate bond with animals.

All in all, Xiao Yaxuan's story inspires us, teaching us to be resilient, cherish family and be kind to animals. Her experience is a powerful example of staying positive, grateful for family, and loving animals in the midst of life's challenges. May she recover soon and continue to transmit positive energy and beauty.

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