
The unsavory deeds of the United States and Taiwan colluding to provoke the mainland will shake the ground once confirmed

author:Well-behaved Sissy

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In the mysterious land of the United States, night is falling, and a silent airport awaits the unfolding of a covert operation. Four F-16A fighters of Taiwan's "Air Force", deliberately erased the original emblem and "Sun God" livery on the fuselage, are preparing to carry out a mission full of unknown challenges. This mission is not the first time, some time ago, 6 F-16A fighters have flown back to the Hualien base of the Taiwan Air Force, and this time, the number has been reduced to 4.

Taiwanese pilots traveled back and forth to Taiwan and the United States, experiencing more than 10 aerial refueling, more than 10 hours, and more than 10,000 kilometers of transcontinental flights. These figures clearly show that the capabilities and qualities of Taiwanese pilots have improved significantly, thanks to the assistance of the United States. The United States has always supported Taiwan as an ally, providing valuable experience and resources, especially in military training.

The unsavory deeds of the United States and Taiwan colluding to provoke the mainland will shake the ground once confirmed

US-Taiwan military ties have become public in recent years, not only in large-scale arms sales, but also in the fact that Taiwan's military goes to the United States for training and even joint training. Behind the secret flight of Taiwan's "Air Force" F-16A fighter was actually to simulate confrontation with the PLA aircraft carrier battle group and carry out confrontational exercises.

This series of actions shows the closeness of US-Taiwan collusion, and the arrogance of Taiwan separatists is also positively related to it. However, this close cooperation has also been accompanied by an escalation of the situation in the Taiwan Strait and an increase in the risk of war. Chinese mainland tried to deter Taiwan's separatist forces through military action, but the situation is different today. The deepening of US-Taiwan cooperation has made the PLA face greater challenges.

The unsavory deeds of the United States and Taiwan colluding to provoke the mainland will shake the ground once confirmed

There was a revelation of a classified Pentagon document showing that 55 years ago, in order to prevent China's reunification, the US military leadership almost unanimously supported a "preemptive" nuclear strike on the Chinese mainland. The document reveals that the U.S. military's use of nuclear weapons to achieve its goals is particularly dangerous today. The United States is increasingly keen on China, and its determination to intervene militarily in the Taiwan Strait has become more and more determined.

However, Chinese mainland must act more in a targeted and deterrent manner to preserve national unity and sovereign integrity. In addition to military means, political and economic means should also be coordinated to restrain relevant organizations and personnel in the collusion between the United States and Taiwan. Otherwise, although the PLA's actions can be vigorous, the anti-China forces in the United States and Taiwan separatists can still profit from the Chinese mainland and further weaken the PLA's military deterrent.

History teaches us that opposing forces only turn back after paying the price. At this moment when the situation in the Taiwan Strait is in full swing, Chinese mainland need to take more decisive measures to ensure that national unity and sovereign integrity are not violated.


The above article reveals the closeness of the US-Taiwan military ties and their potential impact on the situation in the Taiwan Strait. From this, we can draw the following lessons:

Closeness of Military Cooperation: U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation has grown to a fairly high level, not only in arms sales to Taiwan, but also in training and joint exercises. This shows that the United States is willing to side with Taiwan on the Taiwan Strait issue, which is a political and military signal that could provoke regional tensions.

Enhancement of Taiwan's Army: With U.S. assistance, the capabilities of Taiwan's military have been enhanced, including the skills and psychological qualities of pilots. This is good for Taiwan's own defense, but it could also be seen as a factor in exacerbating regional tensions.

Geopolitical Situation: U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation is not only a regional security issue, but also involves international politics. This could trigger Chinese mainland warnings to the United States, leading to an escalation of geopolitical tensions.

Expectations for Peaceful Reunification: This development suggests that U.S.-Taiwan collusion may have exacerbated tensions in the Taiwan Strait, which does not meet the expectations of people on both sides of the Strait for peaceful reunification. Military tensions could pose an obstacle to reconciliation of cross-strait relations.


The continuous tightening of US-Taiwan military ties has had a far-reaching impact on the regional and international political pattern in the Taiwan Strait. As Taiwan's military capabilities improve, regional tensions are likely to escalate further. Such development requires Chinese mainland to take targeted and deterrent military action, combined with political and economic means, to limit the collusion of relevant organizations and individuals between the United States and Taiwan. Otherwise, U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation may not only exacerbate regional tensions, but also weaken the deterrent power of Chinese mainland military operations. Against this backdrop, Chinese mainland needs to be more vigilant and targeted in responding to U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation to safeguard national unity and regional stability. At the same time, efforts to peacefully resolve the Taiwan Strait issue should continue to meet the expectations of the people on both sides of the strait for peaceful reunification.

To meet the challenges of U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation, Chinese mainland can employ a multifaceted strategy:

Diplomatic Efforts: Through diplomacy, China can continue to persuade the international community, especially those countries that maintain close ties with Taiwan, to refrain from participating in or supporting Taiwan's military operations. The goal of diplomatic efforts is to reduce international pressure and the possibility of escalation of the conflict.

Defensive military measures: Chinese mainland can strengthen its defensive military capabilities to ensure that they can effectively respond to potential military challenges. This includes improving military technology, enhancing force readiness and enhancing countermeasures.

Economic sanctions: China can take economic measures to limit the economic interests of organizations and individuals that support Taiwan separatists and U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation. This will force them to reconsider their actions and mitigate their negative impact on the situation in the Taiwan Strait.

Peace Initiative: Chinese mainland could continue to emphasize the importance of a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan Strait issue to attract more support from the Taiwanese people. Through diplomatic means and cultural exchanges, strengthen communication and understanding between the people on both sides of the strait.

International cooperation: China can cooperate with other countries and international organizations to work together to maintain regional peace and stability. This includes working with Asian neighbors to jointly promote regional cooperation and development.

In general, Chinese mainland needs to carefully respond to U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation to ensure peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region. Safeguarding national unity is a core interest of the Chinese mainland, but it is also necessary to avoid the escalation of military confrontation through diplomatic means and peaceful settlement efforts, so as to meet the expectations of the people on both sides of the strait and achieve lasting peace. At the same time, the international community should remain vigilant against tensions in the region and actively promote ways of resolving peace and dialogue to ensure peace and prosperity in the region.

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