
What eating habits increase cancer risk, see if you have? Some hope to change it

author:Clinical nutritionist Wang Bingya

In recent years, cancer has become one of the major diseases that threaten people's health. In addition to genetic, environmental and other factors, poor eating habits are also one of the important factors that increase the risk of cancer.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 10 million people worldwide die every year from diet-related diseases, of which cancer is one of the main causes. In China, there are more than 3 million new cancer cases and more than 2 million deaths every year, a considerable part of which is related to poor eating habits.

What eating habits increase cancer risk, see if you have? Some hope to change it

So, what bad eating habits increase cancer risk? This article will answer it for you in detail.

First, the impact of these poor eating habits on cancer risk

1. High-calorie diet: Long-term intake of high-calorie foods can easily lead to obesity, diabetes and other diseases, which themselves increase the risk of cancer.

2. High-fat diet: Excessive fat intake increases the risk of cancers such as breast, colon, and rectal cancer.

3. Low-fiber diet: Fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, reduce the residence time of harmful substances in the intestine, and if the intake is insufficient, it will increase the risk of intestinal cancers such as colon cancer.

4. High-salt diet: Excessive salt intake increases the risk of stomach cancer.

5. Drinking: Drinking alcohol can damage the liver, and long-term heavy drinking will increase the risk of liver cancer.

What eating habits increase cancer risk, see if you have? Some hope to change it

2. Which cancers are associated with it?

(1) Colon cancer: Long-term intake of high-fat, low-fiber foods will lead to the inability of harmful substances in the intestine to be excreted in time, increasing the risk of colon cancer.

(2) Breast cancer: Women's long-term intake of high-fat foods will lead to increased estrogen levels in the body, thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer.

(3) Gastric cancer: Long-term intake of high-salt diet will damage the gastric mucosa, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcer and other stomach diseases, thereby increasing the risk of gastric cancer.

(4) Liver cancer: drinking alcohol will damage the liver, and long-term heavy drinking will lead to liver steatosis, cirrhosis and other diseases, thereby increasing the risk of liver cancer.

What eating habits increase cancer risk, see if you have? Some hope to change it

Third, these poor eating habits lead to the possible causes of cancer.

1. High-calorie diet:

Diseases such as obesity and diabetes increase the risk of cancer by affecting hormone levels, immune system, etc. For example, obesity increases estrogen levels in the body and increases the risk of breast cancer; Diabetes affects the function of the immune system and increases the risk of cancer.

What eating habits increase cancer risk, see if you have? Some hope to change it

2. High-fat diet:

Excessive fat intake increases the risk of cancers such as breast, colon, and rectal cancer.

Studies have found that a high-fat diet causes changes in the types of bacteria in the gut, producing more harmful substances, while also affecting the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and increasing the risk of intestinal cancer.

3. Low-fiber diet:

Cellulose can promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce the residence time of harmful substances in the intestine. If the intake is insufficient, it increases the chance of harmful substances coming into contact with the intestinal mucosa, increasing the risk of intestinal cancers such as colon cancer.

4. High-salt diet:

Excessive salt intake increases the risk of stomach cancer. This is because a high-salt diet stimulates the proliferation of cells on the gastric mucosa, making the gastric mucosa fragile, and also affecting the repair ability of the gastric mucosa, increasing the risk of gastric diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcers, thereby increasing the risk of stomach cancer.

5. Drinking:

Drinking alcohol can damage the liver, and long-term heavy drinking can lead to liver steteaosis, cirrhosis and other diseases, thereby increasing the risk of liver cancer. In addition, drinking alcohol can also affect the function of the body's immune system and reduce the body's resistance to cancer.

What eating habits increase cancer risk, see if you have? Some hope to change it

In conclusion, poor eating habits are one of the important factors that increase the risk of cancer. By controlling the intake of calories, fats, fiber, salt, and alcohol in the diet, the risk of cancer can be effectively reduced.

It is recommended to adopt healthy eating habits, including eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry and other foods rich in fiber and nutrients;

control the intake of fats and sugars in the diet;

reduce salt and alcohol intake;

Get more physical activity and weight control to prevent cancer.

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(Disclaimer: This article is only for health science, not for any commercial advertising purposes, and does not provide diagnosis and treatment suggestions, nor can it replace hospital examination and treatment.) If you have related diseases, please go to a regular medical institution in time and follow the doctor's advice. )#Magic Pen Life Creation Challenge#