
Resist victory and show your true face! Truth!

author:Xiao Pang told the truth

Click to follow and uncover the inside story of the Dalian Marathon! On October 15, Dalian held the 33rd Marathon, an event that combines health, cultural tourism values and positive concepts. However, towards the end of the race, a "pickup" burst into the arena, stopping China's Yin Shunjin at the end and leaving him in seventh place. The organizers apologized afterwards, but what was the secret truth behind this? Is it a coincidence or is someone doing it on purpose? Next, let's uncover the truth together.

Resist victory and show your true face! Truth!

The tournament is scheduled on October 15, 2023, and tens of thousands of players are hoping to set their highest records with a world-class tournament. More than two hours into the race, nearly 10 runners were nearing the finish line, including China's Yin Shunjin. The audience cheered, because winning the championship is not only an honor for individuals, but also for the country. However, just as he was about to win the championship, a strange event occurred - a "pickup truck" suddenly broke into the arena and stopped Yoon Soonjin at the end.

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This incident has sparked a lot of speculation, some people think it was an accident, others suspect that someone did it intentionally. Whether the volunteers in the arena did it intentionally or not also makes people have to re-examine these "selfless" groups. It should be noted that this is an international competition, which needs to be fair and equitable, and volunteers need to be treated like players, and no one should be allowed to interfere with the competition under any name.

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The organizers immediately apologized for the incident, but many people thought that this was only a superficial solution, and what was the truth behind it? In this race, Yoon Soonjin was one of the possible candidates to save the suspense of winning the title until the last minute, but in the end he could only finish in seventh place. Is there more secret behind this? Did someone consciously interfere with the game?

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Of course, we should not blindly blame anyone for the problem, especially without sufficient evidence, but should look at the problem rationally and attract more people's attention. Competitions at the international level require a level playing field, requiring both the professionalism of the players and the teamwork of volunteers. Investigating the truth is a compulsory course after the game, which is not only a fair competition for the players, but also a responsible attitude towards the spectators and the public.

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In the post-match discussions, the focus seems to be on whether there is intentional interference, which is important, but what should be more concerned is how to build a more just and fair environment for the event. We need more regulation and more institutional guarantees to make the event purer and more valuable. The occurrence of this competition should also make us reflect on our sportsmanship and civilizational quality, let us pay more attention to the true sportsmanship and cultural connotation, and build a harmonious society.

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Figuring out whether the disruption was accidental or intentional is not the ultimate goal, but a step that must be taken on the road to investigation. We look forward to sharing and discussing this event more, sharing more sportsmanship and cultural connotations, and together we can build a more just, healthier and better society." The Dalian Marathon encountered the "pickup truck blocking the road" incident, which caused heated discussions among netizens, and some people suspected that there was a conspiracy.

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During the race, a pickup truck suddenly stopped in front of Yoon Soon-jin, causing his travel speed to be disrupted, and finally finished the race in seventh place. Doubtfully, the timing and location of the pickup seems too coincidental, and the top three runners in the Dalian Marathon are all black athletes. After the incident fermented, everyone discussed and questioned whether the official explanation was true and credible. In marathons held on the mainland, black runners often win championships, raising questions about whether blacks have an innate advantage.

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The "pickup in the way" incident in the game is chilling, is someone deliberately obstructing it? Judging from the dynamic picture, this "roadblocker" seems to have been carefully calculated, and after turning a corner, it braked sharply, and the front of the car accurately blocked Yin Shunjin's way forward. This not only forced Yoon Soon-Kim to slow down, but also caused his travel speed to be confused, thus losing the chance to compete for the championship. He could only bypass the "pickup" and continue walking, wasting nearly 10 seconds of time. In the end, he could only finish in seventh place.

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It's worth noting that the top three runners at the Dalian Marathon are all black athletes, does that mean there's a conspiracy? Why do black runners always win marathons held on the mainland? The "pickup in the way" incident quickly became a hot topic on the Internet after the game, and many netizens expressed their views on social media. They agreed that the timing and location of the pickup truck was too coincidental compared to Yoon Shunjin.

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Some netizens even ridiculed the Dalian Marathon Organizing Committee, thinking that they were really awesome, and praised the operation of these netizens. As the incident continued to ferment on the Internet, official organizations also came forward to issue statements and apologize to Yoon Shunjin and the audience. However, the statement did not provide any substantive remedy, but merely a verbal apology. The official did not give a reasonable explanation for the cause of the "pickup in the way" incident.

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If only verbal apologies were relied upon to dispel the doubts of the audience and Yoon Soon-Kim himself, then the official move actually did not help. Does this mean there is a deeper conspiracy behind it? The frequent triumphs of black runners in continental marathons have long raised questions. Some people say, "Black people are the constant champions, and other Chinese runners are just running with them."

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In the marathons held on the mainland, black runners are almost everywhere, and black runners can be seen almost every race. According to statistics, 90% of the event's eventual winners are black players. This speaks volumes about the excellent performance of black runners in the marathon. Does this mean that black players have an innate advantage? If so, do other Chinese runners have a chance of achieving better results in the marathon?

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In general, the "pickup in the way" incident encountered by the Dalian Marathon has aroused widespread attention and discussion. As a result, Yoon Soon-Kim lost the chance to compete for the championship, raising questions about the frequent victories of black runners in mainland marathons. Although officials have apologized, they have not offered a convincing explanation, which has deepened doubts about whether there was a conspiracy behind the incident. At the same time, questions have been raised about the dominance of black runners in marathons.

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They wondered if black players really had an innate advantage or if they were winning frequently for some other reason. These questions require clear answers from officials to ensure the impartiality and fairness of the marathon. In your opinion, was Yoon Soon-Kim treated unfairly in this competition? Are you skeptical about black runners' frequent marathon wins or do you believe they have an innate advantage? Do you think the official apology is sincere and can it give a satisfactory answer?

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Please leave your comments to share your views and opinions with us. Nowadays, marathon sports are becoming increasingly popular in China, and various competitions have been held, which has aroused people's attention and expectations for runners. However, little is known about the fact that behind these black contestants are some Chinese intermediary companies. These agencies know how competitive black players are in the tournament and organize them to compete for high prize money and even more opportunities.

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This phenomenon has led people to think about the commercialization and capitalization of marathons. Chinese intermediary companies mainly target African countries and look for black players with excellent physical fitness as partners. For these runners, they must not only have excellent running ability, but more importantly, they must follow the arrangements of the agency. Therefore, in marathons, the essence of black runners is not individual performance, but the joint efforts of the whole team.

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The financial interest of intermediary companies bringing black runners to China to race, and if they finish first, the teams share the prize money together, a financial interest that makes the marathon even more extraordinary. However, even if they only get a portion of the prize money, black players feel very satisfied because it is the reward they can only get through working long hours. This phenomenon has happened in China's Taihu Lake Marathon. Back in 2018, China's He Yinli competed fiercely with a black player from Africa.

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The weather was not good that day, and light rain made the track slippery, which posed a huge challenge for the participants. He Yinli is the most likely person to win the championship, and the audience is expecting her performance. However, who will ultimately win is a suspense. Commercialized and capitalized marathons have made the original pursuit of personal glory and self-challenge complex and varied. The lure of money makes marathons no longer pure, creating an atmosphere unlike any other.

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However, we also need to think about the potential impact of this phenomenon on marathons. As a sport, a marathon is supposed to be a test of personal endurance and perseverance, not just chasing money and fame. If you continue to walk, the marathon may lose its original charm and meaning, and become only driven by money. In order to maintain the purity of the marathon, we need to pay attention and think about ways to solve this problem.

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First of all, the organizers should strengthen the review and management of the participants to ensure the fairness and credibility of the competition. Second, increase the publicity of marathon competitions to improve people's understanding of the motivation and purpose of participating in the race, so that they understand that marathons are not just for money and trophies. Finally, strengthen the supervision of the distribution of bonuses to ensure fairness and transparency, and avoid the transmission of benefits and unfairness. The phenomenon of commercialization and capitalization of marathons is not unique to China, it exists globally.

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As marathon enthusiasts and participants, we have a responsibility to jointly safeguard the purity and fairness of the marathon. Only in this way can the marathon truly become a healthy, positive exercise that allows participants to enjoy joy and a sense of accomplishment while challenging themselves. What do you think about the phenomenon of commercialization and capitalization of marathons? How do you think this problem should be solved?

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【Title】Volunteers and the National Flag in the Marathon: The True Meaning of Sportsmanship 【First Paragraph】As a challenging and exciting sports activity that people love, the marathon has become a symbol of urban culture. However, during a recent marathon, there was a series of incidents about volunteers and flags, raising questions about sportsmanship and the fairness of the race. 【Second paragraph】With the continuous improvement of the national level in the mainland, marathon events have attracted more and more attention and participation.

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When most cities hold marathons, they choose the most beautiful route, which can not only promote the city's culture, but also allow participants to experience the local customs. However, some people have turned the marathon into a tool for business marketing, using unscrupulous means for profit. 【Third paragraph】In this marathon, a volunteer in a yellow vest suddenly appeared in front of He Yinli and wanted to hand her the national flag. However, due to negligence during the run and other reasons, He Yinli did not notice the volunteers' actions.

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The volunteer did not give up and continued to follow He Yinli for hundreds of meters until he ran out of physical strength. This scene made people feel surprised and curious, why did the volunteers hand He Yinli the national flag? Did someone arrange this on purpose? 【Fourth paragraph】Then, a volunteer wearing a black coat appeared and handed the national flag to He Yinli. The African contestant saw that He Yinli was disturbed and took the opportunity to overtake her. This scene makes people wonder, did the volunteers' actions affect the fairness of the competition. Why didn't He Yinli take the flag?

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【Fifth paragraph】On social platforms, He Yinli explained that the national flag was soaked, and her arm had run stiffly, causing the national flag to fall to the ground without reacting. Such an explanation has sparked a discussion of conspiracy theories among netizens, has anyone deliberately arranged for volunteers to hand over the national flag? If so, then the impartiality and authenticity of this marathon is at stake.

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Although no party has announced the true cause of the marathon, the frequent occurrence of similar incidents makes it difficult to believe what sportsmanship really is. What is the point of competitive sport if sportsmanship loses its foundations of justice, fairness and honesty? We should think about how to protect and promote the spirit of sports, so that sports events can become a truly fair and honest competition platform. 【Conclusion】Marathon events are a symbol of urban culture and a sports activity that people love.

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However, in some marathons, there have been incidents of volunteers handing out national flags, affecting the integrity of the races, raising concerns about sportsmanship. We should call on relevant institutions to strengthen the management and supervision of marathons to ensure fairness and impartiality in the races. At the same time, we also hope that every participant and related personnel can abide by the rules of the competition and jointly safeguard the purity of the marathon and the true meaning of sportsmanship. 【Question】How to protect and promote sportsmanship in competitive sports?

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What do you think about the events with volunteers and flags in this marathon? After Li Wenliang's death, how did his wife Fu Xuejie's life go? News of Dr. Li Wenliang's arrest for reporting the outbreak in Wuhan quickly spread across the country, but when he died of coronavirus infection on February 7, 2020, the public's focus turned to his family. Li's wife, Fu Xuejie, became one of the focal points of public attention. The media and even social networks have been vocalizing, asking society to give her more attention and support.

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After Li Wenliang died, Fu Xuejie began to slowly and gradually come out of her husband's shadow. She was interviewed by various media and thanked the society for its love and care in sincere language. She said she didn't know what to do next, and that both her family and career would have to face enormous pressures. However, she will continue to fight for Li Wenliang and the country's epidemic prevention and control work. Fu Xuejie's life has always attracted attention, and she has also actively participated in charity and public welfare activities.

Resist victory and show your true face! Truth!

She established the "Wenliang Foundation" to support the needs of new coronavirus prevention and control and family hygiene and health. She has also actively participated in various charity activities and contributed her love to the underprivileged. Fu Xuejie's career is also developing. She is an ophthalmologist who has led a team of doctors to treat patients during the pandemic. Despite the enormous pressure on her career, she still maintains an excellent work. In addition, Fu Xuejie also shared her life and work on social media.

Resist victory and show your true face! Truth!

She showed netizens her true and ordinary side, and also encouraged everyone to move forward positively and exert their strength. CCTV exposed baby melon, Huang Xiaoming chose to divorce? Recently, CCTV exposed a big melon that caused a sensation in the entertainment industry, that is, the marriage problem of Angelababy and Huang Xiaoming. According to reports, Angelababy has a huge amount of money behind it, while Huang Xiaoming is suspected of participating in equity fraud. The whole incident has attracted a lot of attention, including voices of support and condemnation.

Resist victory and show your true face! Truth!

Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy were once recognized as a model couple in the entertainment industry and became popular all over the country. But before, it was revealed that the two had already divorced, and the big melon exposed by CCTV this time gave this rumor more sense of success. There are many public and non-public rules in the entertainment industry, including a large number of collusions and transactions. However, as a public figure, you should also assume your own moral and social responsibility. We should pay more attention and think about this matter, not just simple noise and lamentation.

At the age of 39, he disappeared, what happened to Song Zuying, the "national face of the Spring Festival Gala"? As the "national face of the Spring Festival Gala", Song Zuying was one of the popular female artists when she was young. But as she grew older and her career changed, her image gradually faded from the public eye, until she reappeared in the public eye in recent years. At present, Song Zuying is 39 years old and has experienced many ups and downs in his career and family life. She has had important roles in some film and television productions and has often appeared in concerts and on stage.

And in the spring evening of 2020, she returned to appear again, using her singing voice to let everyone feel her unique artistic charm. Song Zuying has not lost her value because of the years, she is still on the art scene, showing her charm with her practical actions. Her hard work and persistence have always been worth learning from. The above conclusion is a report on several recent hot topics. From this, we can see that different people and events have different effects in society.

We should look at these events objectively and rationally and draw lessons from them. For the death of Li Wenliang, the "new crown whistleblower", we should deeply reflect on the shortcomings and problems in the epidemic, and consciously strengthen the prevention and prevention of the virus in daily life. For the undesirable phenomena and events in the entertainment industry, we must not turn a blind eye, we must advocate a healthy culture, adhere to the bottom line of humanities, and return the entertainment culture to the essence of yearning and justice.

For those who work hard and make progress in their careers, we should give recognition and support, and we must also realize that the hard work and effort behind them is the most precious.