
How to solve the automatic transmission car

author:Understand the car master

Solving the problem of automatic transmission requires the driver to pay attention to operation skills and regularly check and maintain the vehicle. When driving an automatic car, some owners may experience problems slipping. Slipping will not only cause certain damage to the vehicle, but also may cause safety problems. So, how to solve the problem of automatic transmission? This article will give you some practical solutions and considerations.

How to solve the automatic transmission car

There are two reasons for automatic transmission, the first is improper operation of the driver: some drivers do not master the cooperation of accelerator and brake when the vehicle starts, resulting in the phenomenon of the vehicle slipping. The second is vehicle failure: some failures of the vehicle itself, such as brake system and gearbox failure, may also lead to automatic transmission.

How to solve the automatic transmission car

There are 5 solutions to solve the automatic transmission of the car, the first is to hold the steering wheel: when starting, the driver should hold the steering wheel to keep the vehicle stable. At the same time, pay attention to the surrounding traffic to ensure safety. The second is to apply the brakes: when the vehicle starts, the driver should lightly press the brakes to make the vehicle start smoothly. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the cooperation of throttle and brake in time according to the actual situation.

How to solve the automatic transmission car

The third is to slow release the brakes at start: when the vehicle starts, the brakes can be slowly released to make the vehicle start slowly, so as to avoid the phenomenon of slipping. The fourth is to replace the brake pads: if the brake pads are seriously worn, they need to be replaced in time. Because worn brake pads will affect the braking effect of the vehicle, resulting in the phenomenon of slipping. The fifth is to check the transmission oil: insufficient or deteriorated transmission oil will affect the normal operation of the gearbox, resulting in the phenomenon of slipping. Therefore, regularly checking the transmission oil is a necessary measure to solve the problem of automatic transmission.

How to solve the automatic transmission car

When using an automatic car, the driver should maintain concentration and observe the surrounding traffic at all times to ensure safe driving. Follow traffic rules, do not speed, do not run red lights, do not change lanes at will, etc. This avoids the phenomenon of slipping caused by improper operation. It is necessary to regularly inspect and maintain the vehicle to ensure that the vehicle is in good working condition. In particular, the inspection of the brake system and gearbox can detect and solve potential problems in time. When driving in rainy weather or on ramps, pay special attention to preventing automatic sliding. Because the road surface is slippery on rainy days, the friction is reduced, and the power required when starting the ramp is large, which is easy to lead to slipping. At this time, the driver should appropriately increase the throttle force to keep the vehicle moving forward stably.

How to solve the automatic transmission car

In short, solving the problem of automatic transmission requires the driver to pay attention to operating skills and regularly check and maintain the vehicle. Only by paying more attention and accumulating experience in ordinary driving can we effectively avoid the safety hazards caused by automatic sliding. Let's raise safety awareness together and ensure safe driving. #秋日生活打卡季#

How to solve the automatic transmission car