
Arafat embezzled 6 billion yuan, his wife spends hundreds of thousands a month, and the Palestinians have little food and clothing

author:The second is old-fashioned

I have written several articles before, counting the various shortcomings of Israel in history, and today I have to talk about the Palestinian problem. The old saying is not wrong at all, a slap does not make a sound. In the decades-long conflict between Palestine and Israel, if Israel is playing hooligans on the territorial issue, then Palestine is playing tricks.

When a rogue and a scoundrel are fighting, the people on the side just want to stay away and save a splash of blood.

After so many years, how has the Palestinians played tricks, let's take Arafat, the representative of the Palestinians in the past decades, as an example to talk about the rogue behavior of the Palestinians.

Arafat embezzled 6 billion yuan, his wife spends hundreds of thousands a month, and the Palestinians have little food and clothing

Arafat turned out to be the leader of Fateh. Here, we will briefly talk about Fatah and Hamas.

Fatah, like Hamas, is a Palestinian political faction, with Fatah meaning the Palestinian National Liberation Movement and Hamas meaning Islamic Resistance.

Fatah was the largest political wing under the Palestine Liberation Organization, and during Arafat's life, Fatah controlled all of Palestine. Today, the Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas, while Fateh occupies the West Bank.

One of the most important reasons why Fatah was able to grow and grow until he came to power was that there were many gold fathers who paid them money for decades.

Initially, when Arafat and Fatah were first founded, they immediately welcomed two angel investors, Kuwait and Syria. Kuwait helped him establish Fatah, and Syria financed Fatah's first terrorist attack.

In the decades since, donations from around the world have become Fatah's most important source of income, including donations from Palestinians scattered around the world, contributions from Muslim countries, and donations from groups around the world sympathetic to the Palestinian plight. Without these contributions, Fatah would not have survived today, and Arafat would not have become an icon for the Palestinians, so to speak.

Don't think that these money are small money, at the beginning, Iraq's Saddam Hussein in order to thank Arafat for his verbal support in the Gulf War, a shot of 50 million US dollars, Fatah did not spend a soldier, easily received a huge amount of money.

Arafat embezzled 6 billion yuan, his wife spends hundreds of thousands a month, and the Palestinians have little food and clothing

Fatah's second important source of revenue is taxes. Don't see that they can't govern Palestine well, but when it comes to collecting money, they are absolutely unambiguous. Palestinians working in Israel and in other Arab countries are required to hand over 5 percent of their income to Fatah.

Note that part of this tax revenue is earned from the Israelis, and it is ironic that part of the funds that Arafat used to fight Israel are actually provided by the Israelis.

The third source of income is the drug trade. After the Third Middle East War, Israel intensified its pursuit of all opposition groups on Palestinian soil, and Arafat and his Fatah could not survive in the West Bank, so they moved to Jordan as a whole, and Fatah became Jordan's state within a state.

Who would have thought that this group of Palestinians was the wolves saved by Mr. Dongguo, and after gaining a foothold, they planned to occupy all of Jordan, and also planned to assassinate King Hussein ibn Talal of Jordan. After the king narrowly escaped, Jordan expelled Fatah.

Arafat embezzled 6 billion yuan, his wife spends hundreds of thousands a month, and the Palestinians have little food and clothing

At this time, Fatah's reputation fell to a low ebb, and the world believed that Fatah was a white-eyed wolf, and the consequence of helping them was to be eaten back. As a result, all the gold dads refused to donate to him, and Fatah was immediately in trouble. At this time, Arafat held an internal meeting and finally decided to be self-reliant and profit from growing drugs. Since then, Fatah has had one more way to make money, until now.

These three financial paths have supported Fatah to this day, of course, the most important thing is to rely on the financial father, although Arafat can not beat Israel, but he is particularly good at building a personal image and selling the world the victimization of Palestinians, so the world has received countless donations.

Arafat embezzled 6 billion yuan, his wife spends hundreds of thousands a month, and the Palestinians have little food and clothing

However, no matter how much money Fatah receives, whether it comes from legitimate sources or not, it is difficult to say where it goes. Although the money was originally given to Fatah, after the establishment of the Palestinian state, both donations and taxes should be counted as Palestinian national income and should be entered into the account of the national treasury.

However, the Palestinian national account is basically the account of the Fatah organization, and Fatah's account is basically Arafat's personal account. As a result, the money flowed into the private accounts of Arafat and his comrades.

The biggest source of Palestinian revenue is the pockets of Fatah leaders, including Arafat. Arafat personally took at least $6 billion, and he even bought shares in Coca-Cola and Guinea-Bissau Airlines.

Meanwhile, his wife, Suha Arafat, has been living in Paris, France, and Arafat pays her at least $300,000 a month for living expenses, enough for her to live in luxury. To this day, 30 per cent of Palestinians live on less than $2.10 a day.

Arafat embezzled 6 billion yuan, his wife spends hundreds of thousands a month, and the Palestinians have little food and clothing

The second major part of Palestinian financial expenditure is the financing of terrorist attacks. Fatah has its own armed terrorist organization, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and a significant portion of Fatah's income is used to improve equipment, buy arms, train and carry out terrorist attacks for the terrorist organization.

Why won't Fatah give up on terrorist attacks? Because as long as a terrorist attack is launched, the Israelis will definitely retaliate, and the Palestinians will appear to the world as weak, so donations from all over the world will pour in again, and Fatah will get rich again. The same logic applies to Hamas, but Hamas looks more ugly. At the time of Fatah's misery, Arafat lived at least in Palestine, and today's Hamas leaders live in luxury abroad, controlling terrorist attacks in the Gaza Strip. The same moths, the same scoundrels, and now they are not as good as the next.

To sum up, Palestinian revenues either go into the pockets of Fatah's leaders or carry out terrorist attacks to attract more donations, so that Fatah's leaders will have more pockets.

Arafat embezzled 6 billion yuan, his wife spends hundreds of thousands a month, and the Palestinians have little food and clothing

Originally, these revenues were supposed to build hospitals, factories, parks, schools for Palestinians and improve the lives of Palestinians, but they were squandered by Arafat and his comrades.

After Arafat's death, his wife, Suha, received at least $2 billion in inheritance. For Arafat's other legacies, Fatah and Suha have been chattering for many years, and it is said that they were also in Suha's possession, but eventually spit it out.

Whether it is Fatah or Hamas, whether it is Arafat or Abbas, they are scoundrels who sell miserably to the whole world all day and squander all the money they receive. Palestinians have lived in hardship for decades, struggling to feed themselves, not only through Israelis' fault, but also because of the scoundrels who are in front of them, and perhaps driving them out is as important as driving them out.

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