
Azithromycin, pharmacies sold out?

author:The first pharmacy Caizhi

Recently, topics such as "Mycoplasma pneumoniae" and "azithromycin" have appeared on the hot search list. It is reported that in Guangdong, Fujian and other southern regions, the infection rate of Mycoplasma pneumoniae has increased significantly compared with the same period last year, and it has even been reported on the Internet that azithromycin has been out of stock in pharmacies in many places.

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Azithromycin, out of stock?

Mycoplasma pneumonia has received widespread attention, and the demand for symptomatic antibiotics such as azithromycin has increased.

According to the daily update of the ranking, azithromycin soared to the top 2 of the list of drugs for bacterial infections. In the past 15 days, 50,000 pieces of azithromycin dry suspension have been sold, and 20,000 azithromycin tablets have been sold, and the demand remains high.

The person in charge of Meituan Drug also revealed to the media on October 19 that the demand for azithromycin drugs in different dosage forms has increased in the past week, for example, the sales of azithromycin dry suspension have increased by nearly 2 times, and the demand for azithromycin tablets has increased by 1.1 times compared with last week. The overall increase is within the range that the market can digest, which can withstand the demand for drugs for a period of time.

The search of "First Pharmacy Financial Intelligence" found that on B2C platforms such as Jingdong and Ali, azithromycin is currently in normal supply, which is sufficient to support same-day delivery of same-day orders.

In response to the news that azithromycin was sold out on major platforms, the above-mentioned person in charge of Meituan also said that although the demand for azithromycin-related drugs has increased in the past week, there is no "sold out", "On the contrary, the supply of such drugs is relatively sufficient, and there is no need to panic." ”

In terms of offline retail pharmacies, Cisume (azithromycin dry suspension) is in a hot selling state. According to the data of Zhongkang Lingsu System, in the past two weeks of October, the share of sales of Sinomec in the whole body antibacterial drug category reached 4.1%, an increase of 1.7% month-on-month. The sales and distribution rate reached 9.85%, an increase of 3.94% month-on-month.

Azithromycin, pharmacies sold out?

Source: Zhongkang Ling speed system data

From the data point of view, since October 10, the average daily store order volume of Xishumei across the country has also been rising. The average daily store order volume in October reached 1.28, and the data showed that the average daily store order volume increased by 11% year-on-year compared with the same period last year.

On the supply side, some offline pharmacies are temporarily out of stock for children's medications. According to China News Network, the reporter visited a number of offline pharmacies in Beijing to consult the stock of azithromycin, some staff said that the current supply of drugs in the store is guaranteed, and some pharmacies said that the adult azithromycin drugs in the store are currently in stock, but azithromycin for children is temporarily out of stock.

It is worth noting that the WeChat index shows that the attention of "mycoplasma pneumonia" has continued to rise since September 28 and reached its peak in mid-to-late October, and "azithromycin" has begun to receive widespread attention since October 13. Referring to the news of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in many places, the high incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is from August to December, and it generally reaches its peak in November every year, and it is expected that the demand for azithromycin in retail pharmacies will continue to be strong.

Azithromycin, pharmacies sold out?
Azithromycin, pharmacies sold out?

Source: WeChat Index


Pharmacies: Stock up with caution

After three years of the epidemic, people's attention to health, drug purchase needs, and related information has increased significantly, and even developed the habit of hoarding a large number of drugs and devices during the epidemic. In the post-pandemic era, some consumers have retained the habit of hoarding medicines, which has led to several rounds of small-scale drug hoarding.

Talking about the peak of infection in this round that is different from previous years, some analysts mentioned that Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection ushered in a peak period every 3 to 5 years, and this year is the "big year of Mycoplasma pneumonia".

Li Tong, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing You'an Hospital, once said in an interview with the media that after the end of the new crown epidemic, the incidence of various respiratory diseases has increased. "In the past three years, there are many children who have not experienced respiratory infectious diseases after birth, so there is a general lack of resistance, and the incidence of respiratory diseases is higher, but the symptoms of Mycoplasma pneumoniae last longer, so everyone will feel it more obviously."

Seeing the sudden outbreak of azithromycin demand in the market, related pharmaceutical companies and many chain pharmacies began to increase popular science publicity. A chain pharmacy revealed to "First Pharmacy Fortune" that in the past few days, the purchase price of a certain brand of azithromycin dry suspension has nearly doubled. However, due to regional differences, the person in charge of a chain pharmacy in Jiangsu said that the current sales of azithromycin in the store are normal and there is not much fluctuation.

However, at the beginning of the year, the "four types of drugs" and diarrhea drug hoarding tide has taught many chain pharmacies a lesson, due to improper stocking planning leading to long-term stockpiling, cash flow is greatly affected by many pharmacies, in the face of occasional, local "drug rush tide", stocking will be more cautious.

In order to avoid pharmacies repeating similar public health problems, Wang Haojie, chairman of Sichuan Bairen Yuanda Pharmacy, believes that even if the demand is strong, it is difficult to find a drug, but it is resolutely not to take it for unqualified commodity pharmacies. "In the sudden change in demand, there are spot merchants, the price can be negotiated, can not negotiate, must not waste time on bargaining, get spot products immediately sold."

In addition, pharmacies should also do their homework on weekdays to ensure that they face social public health problems in the future and do not fall into cash flow difficulties caused by stockpiled goods. The first is to establish a sound supplier file and do a good job in hierarchical management; Secondly, carefully sort out the key order of various commodities, and take the initiative to establish good relations with the corresponding industries; In addition, for products that have not yet arrived during the drug purchase boom and have a high purchase price, try to find ways to push them away and replace them with cash to increase other basic categories and ensure reasonable inventory.

Compiled from: Economic Observer, China News Network, Xinkangjie

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