
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan


Today's housing prices can be said to be ridiculously high, especially in first-tier and second-tier cities, which is unacceptable. Some people have calculated that even if an ordinary person does not eat or drink, it will take a hundred years to buy a house in a city like Beijing. This makes many hard-working "North Drifters" have no extra money to rent. But some people have a whim, using the company's design creativity, using bamboo to create an "egg-shaped" hut as a dwelling, the cost is much less than renting a house.

The owner of the cottage is Dai Haifei, whose hometown is in the countryside of Hunan Province, where his father works on a construction site and his mother works as a cleaner in a company. Dai Haifei studied university in Hunan and after graduation interned at an architectural design firm in Beijing and decided to stay in the city. He said his parents were old and still on the move, hoping to save money for him to marry his daughter-in-law, but they didn't know that with their salaries, it would take two to three hundred years to buy a house in Beijing.

At the beginning of this year, at the company's "Biennale", a design project called "Eggs from the City", that is, egg-shaped huts that can be moved, was presented. After seeing it, Dai Haifei decided to use the company's design concept to build a house for himself. So he borrowed more than 6,400 yuan from his cousin as the cost of materials, and with the help of several younger siblings, he was busy for a month or two and finally completed the egg-shaped cottage.

During the day, he worked and studied in the company, and at 12 o'clock at night, he came down from the upstairs company, got into the cabin to sleep, got up at 8 o'clock in the morning, and went upstairs to the company. But as winter progresses, the hut gets colder, with only 3 to 4 degrees at night. There was simply a 1-meter-wide bed in the hut with a few books at the head of the bed. At the end of the bed there is a tank with a hidden pressure system for washing.

The outside of the hut is an insulated layer made of sacks filled with fermented wood chips and grass seeds, and grass grows inside in spring. Dai Haifei said that although the life without renting is a moonshine family, the quality of life has improved significantly. He has been living in a cottage for almost two months, because he has no burden of rent, and occasionally goes to the café to enjoy the petty bourgeois life. Every day after work, he would go swimming, take a bath and sauna by the way.

However, because the egg-shaped house occupied the space below the complex, which affected the aesthetics, the property staff asked him to move out of the place. So he spent three thousand dollars to install wheels in the hut so that it could be moved. The cottage also comes with its own electrical equipment and has a solar panel at the top for daily electricity consumption.

Although Dai Haifei's egg-shaped cabin has received a lot of attention, a very different voice has emerged in society. On the one hand, some people expressed touching Dai Haifei's perseverance, believing that he exerted his creativity and found fun in his fast-paced life. After all, in Beijing, where housing prices are soaring, even renting a house is a big expense, and Dai Haifei has successfully saved a lot. On the other hand, there are doubts about the habitability of egg-shaped huts. The insulation spliced with sacks cannot withstand Beijing's freezing weather. And this building is not recognized by the relevant departments, and Dai Haifei does not know how long this cabin can stay in the compound. Compared with its monthly rental cost of less than 1,000 yuan, the manufacturing cost of more than 6,400 yuan is obviously higher for the uncertainty that may be required to be demolished at any time.

Dai Haifei said that in fact, his parents wanted to help him buy a house, but he himself did not want to live in the corner of the city, did not want to hand over his hard-earned salary to the landlord, and did not want to spend two or three hours a day crowding the bus. However, in the face of such high housing prices, all his hopes were dashed. He represents all the "North Drift" young people, and we are really powerless in the face of high housing prices.

At the end of the article, I would like to ask your point of view. Do you support or oppose Dai Haifei's creativity and innovation? Do you think society should be more tolerant of such ideas, or should it insist on the demolition of "illegal buildings"? Welcome to leave your opinion in the comment area.

The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan
The boy in Beipiao was evicted from the property because the house price was too expensive and the egg-shaped nest he built was less than 10,000 yuan