
The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

author:Doraemon Entertainment Show


In this age of money and status, we often feel the envy of celebrities.

Their glamorous lives seem to have everything we haven't had.

However, when standing at different stages of life, we all have our own stories and situations.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

Today, let's approach a well-known "Tang monk" and find his own insights in his life experience.

He abandoned his career for her, but she didn't treat him as a person after all

In 1986, China Central Television decided to shoot one of the four famous works, "Journey to the West".

As a national key production project, many actors from all over the country have participated in the competition for this role.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

Director Yang Jieqing was bent on finding the most suitable candidate to play Tang Monk, but the two actors he found successively withdrew from the role for various reasons.

Wang Yue is a popular student, who was originally confirmed to play Tang Monk, but later chose to leave for a new drama with higher pay.

The second Tang monk Xu Shaohua also gave up the performance because he decided to study.

Yang Jie was in a dilemma, because the shooting date was so close, but she could not find the right person again in such a short time.

Just when she was helpless, a twist of fate appeared.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

One day, Yang Jie and assistant director Yu Hong went to the editing room to check the progress of the sample, hoping to get some inspiration from the clip.

At this time, they happened to meet Chi Chongrui, a young man who had just graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy and was working in the China TV Drama Production Center.

Chi Chongrui was born in a Peking Opera family, studied Peking Opera since he was a child, and has a soft spot for traditional arts.

He is also well-read, indifferent, and gives people a bookish and upright spirit.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

As soon as he saw Chi Chongrui's elegant and simple expression, Yang Jie immediately felt that he was in line with the image of the Tang monk in his mind.

If he is allowed to shave his head and play the role of a Tang monk, he will definitely be able to do it.

Yang Jie made a decision immediately and directly asked Chi Chongrui if he was willing to join the crew and play the role of Tang Monk.

Chi Chongrui, who is working, was very surprised and honored by this sudden opportunity.

He was already passionate about acting and originally wanted to make a career in the Peking Opera industry, but his work was mediocre for many years after graduation, and he did not have many opportunities to show his talents.

To be able to participate in such a classic now is a great opportunity to dream of.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

For this role, Chi Chongrui, who is 34 years old, open-mindedly shaved off his long black hair.

Self-taught and trained in Peking Opera for many years, his long hair is a source of pride for him, and shaving is hard for many actors.

But he immediately laid down his burden for the role and resolutely shaved his hair.

Chi Chongrui devoted himself to filming with passion, studying the character of Tang Monk day and night, hoping to interpret the tenacity and persistence in this character who has experienced ups and downs but is pious and kind.

Sure enough, once "Journey to the West" was broadcast, Chi Chongrui became famous in one fell swoop with the rich and delicate Tang monk interpretation in the middle layer of playing, and was loved by countless audiences.

His popularity grew rapidly and he was often invited to appear on various television programs.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

Originally unknown, he has also become a household name.

His career has finally reached its peak, and for him, who is full of ideals and enthusiasm, this is the highlight of his acting career.

Just when his career was at his peak, 38-year-old Chi Chongrui met Chen Lihua, a female entrepreneur 11 years older than him.

Chen Lihua is the eighth generation descendant of the Yehenara clan of the Yellow Banner of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and can be said to be a famous family.

However, because she was born in the year of war, her childhood was not rich and prosperous, and she dropped out of school early to earn a living, relying on her own hands to start a business.

He has done many jobs, such as operating sewing machines, furniture sales and so on.

A few years later, the 80s were the beginning of China's reform and opening up.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

With excellent business acumen and international vision, Chen Lihua successfully founded Fuhua Group, with business all over the world, its industries covering electronics, real estate, funds and other fields.

She single-handedly created a business empire, appeared on the Hurun rich list several times, and was known as the richest woman in China.

In 1989, the two met for the first time. Regardless of family lineage or achievements, Chen Lihua is far more than Chi Chongrui.

She took the initiative to confess and proposed to Chi Chongrui many times, but she was always declined.

Chi Chongrui thought that the gap between the two was too big, and it was better to be friends, and politely declined Chen Lihua's marriage proposal.

Although Chen Lihua was a little disappointed, the two still maintained business contacts and friendship.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

However, when Chen Lihua learned that Chi's mother was suffering from a life-threatening serious illness, she immediately showed an amazing spirit of retribution.

Chen Lihua contacted the best hospital in China at the first time and brought expert doctors to consult Chi's mother.

He did not hesitate to use his huge network resources, and paid for all the medical expenses of Chi's mother out of his own pocket, and finally saved Chi's mother.

Chi Chongrui was deeply moved by Chen Lihua's unreserved act of retribution.

He began to re-examine the relationship between the two and found that Chen Lihua was not only decisive and intelligent, but also had rare courage and sincerity.

The communication between the two has also become more frequent, and the similarities of interest have gradually increased.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

After much deliberation, Chi Chongrui finally accepted Chen Lihua's marriage proposal.

In 1989, the two married and entered the palace of marriage.

As a source of affection that nourishes life, their marriage was indeed happy at the beginning.

However, when this veil is lifted, certain signs of disharmony gradually appear.

This marriage is not destined to be smooth sailing.

After marriage, Chi Chongrui found that the powerful Chen Lihua commanded him, asking him to call himself "chairman", and he lived carefully at home like an unassertive "wooden man".

Chen Lihua likes to be completely in control of everything around her, and she has set all kinds of strict rules to restrain Chi Chongrui.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

For example, when eating, Chi Chongrui must wait for Chen Lihua to move his chopsticks before he can start eating, otherwise he will be severely reprimanded.

Chen Lihua's three children also do not attach much importance to Chi Chongrui, the stepfather.

They were accustomed to their mother's authoritarian style and regarded Chi Chongrui as a servant who could be summoned at will.

Chen Lihua completely dominated the marriage relationship, and Chi Chongrui's status was more like a vassal without the right to speak.

This is in stark contrast to the Tang monk he played in the TV series who is cared for by the king of his daughter's country.

In public, Chi Chongrui's sense of presence is often marginalized.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

At one important exhibition, Chen Lihua sat in the middle of the front row, surrounded by business partners and dignitaries.

And Chi Chongrui could only stand aside, squatting in an inconspicuous corner.

Chen Lihua's daughter-in-law also greeted Chen Lihua with a smile when she saw her, and warmly and thoughtfully helped her to visit the exhibition.

But he turned a blind eye to Chi Chongrui on the side, as if he was a transparent person.

This attitude is also reflected in life.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

Chi Chongrui wanted a study or homework room of his own, but Chen Lihua always refused for various reasons.

Chi Chongrui wanted to get some pets to accompany him, but he was also vetoed.

The communication between husband and wife is very one-sided, Chen Lihua always chatters non-stop, but rarely asks Chi Chongrui's thoughts.

Over time, the contradictions in the married life of the two have also intensified.

Chen Lihua is extremely controlling, and her attitude is becoming more and more arrogant, making Chi Chongrui feel increasingly alienated and lonely.

There are also rumors that Chen Lihua's huge inheritance was not left to Chi Chongrui, which also made him need to sell Buddhist beads online to earn living expenses in his later years, and was criticized for "not guaranteeing the late festival".

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

In the face of all this, Chi Chongrui seems to have chosen compromise and tolerance.

He has a nonchalant temperament and does not care much about positions of power and money.

Although the result was not satisfactory, he chose to be grateful, cherish the present, and did not let the ups and downs of fate defeat his optimism and kindness.

Today, Chi Chongrui has lived in this marriage for many years.

He said he "lived contentedly, in good health and at peace of mind."

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

He didn't complain and looked away. Approach the world with compassion and understanding.

Although the results were not satisfactory, he chose to be grateful, cherish the present, did not give up his enthusiasm for life, and maintained a positive attitude.

He abandoned his career for love, but failed to get it; She saved his mother, and he was willing to give in, only to repay the favor.

Marriage should be equal and respectful, but this watch and help will not be able to respect the same person.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

Life is impermanent, although the story is dramatic, it can finally be calm. Perhaps this is the most precious destination in Chi Chongrui's life.


We are often confused by fame and fortune, and while chasing hard, we may lose something we should be grateful for.

Although Chi Chongrui's life has undergone changes, he has always maintained a kind and generous heart, and has not been changed by the world, which is precious.

The "Tang monk" who entered the billionaire family and was willing not to want his descendants to become male favorites finally paid the price in his later years

When we see the glamour and decency of celebrities, we may think that they have more than themselves; But behind the flash, everyone has their own story and situation.

We should not make judgments, but remain humble and kind.