
Experiencing! The real process of releasing prisoners from prison is like this!

author:Leisurely orange maple

After spending six years in prison, I finally had the day of my impending release. Because of an accidental wounding incident, I was sentenced to this long sentence. However, during this time, I did not sink into despair and regret, on the contrary, I tried to find hope in life and opportunities for change.

Experiencing! The real process of releasing prisoners from prison is like this!

In prison, I was appointed as the head of the propaganda reporting team and the leader of the three-lesson study team. These two positions have given me the opportunity to meet different people and things, and they have also given me a deeper understanding of myself. The work of the Propaganda Team Leader allows me to participate in the transmission of information inside and outside the prison, and through writing reports and propaganda materials, I try to let more people know the real situation in the prison, as well as the thinking and reform process of our inmates. The leader of the three-lesson study team is responsible for the education work in the prison, and I have the opportunity to study with other inmates, exchange ideas and progress together.

Experiencing! The real process of releasing prisoners from prison is like this!

Although I did not participate in productive labor, I still tried to enrich myself. I read, write, think. During this time, I read a lot of books covering various fields. Through reading, I not only expanded my knowledge, but also cultivated my thinking and expression skills. I have written many articles, recorded my thoughts and feelings, and also conveyed my thoughts and expectations to the outside world in words.

Experiencing! The real process of releasing prisoners from prison is like this!

The day before I left prison, I packed my bags and got ready for the future. When I said goodbye to the other prisoners, my heart was filled with gratitude and hope. They have accompanied me and supported me over the years, and we have gone through difficult years together. Their friendship will remain in my heart forever.

Experiencing! The real process of releasing prisoners from prison is like this!

After a series of procedures, I finally stepped out of the prison gate and began a new future. Standing in the land of freedom, I felt an immense joy and excitement. I know that although this experience has brought me many difficulties and challenges, it has also allowed me to grow and change. I will cherish this opportunity and strive to pursue my dreams and goals. Completion of prison does not mean that everything is over, but a new beginning. I know that society is often prejudiced and suspicious of people who have sinned. But I believe that as long as I keep working hard and prove myself with practical actions, I will be able to reintegrate into society and find my place. The future is unknown to everyone, and so is me. However, I am ready to face everything. I will meet the challenges and opportunities of the future with firm belief and positive attitude. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, I will face them bravely and never give up. During this time in prison, I understood the meaning and value of life. I learned to cherish every day and be grateful for the people and things around me. I also understood the importance of change, and only by constantly changing and improving can we get out of difficult situations and win freedom. I hope that through my experience, I can give some inspiration and help to others. No matter what difficulties you are in, as long as you keep hope and perseverance, believe in yourself, you will be able to overcome all difficulties and meet your own bright future.