
Bao adopted a female college student, who was removed from CCTV because of his unobstructed words, and he ruined himself like this

author:Sugar, sugar, sugar

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Recently, Sabine once again appeared on CCTV's "Today's Statement", which caused widespread heated discussion. It is widely believed that he only rose to prominence in the local variety show circle after being expelled from CCTV before, so the picture of him returning to CCTV surprised people. However, there were some cases of confusion behind this discussion, one of which was the confusion between Sabine and another moderator.

In fact, Sabine has always been a favored host of CCTV, and the one who was fired by CCTV was another host named Aqiu. Achu, born in 1968, is a talented person, although he does not have the advantage of height and appearance, but with his intelligent mind and eloquence, he attracted the attention of many fans during his college years. In addition, he is also involved in the field of script creation, and his works written, directed and acted in have been selected for the Spring Festival Gala program of provincial TV stations.

Bao adopted a female college student, who was removed from CCTV because of his unobstructed words, and he ruined himself like this

Although Achu's screenwriting talent is highly recognized, his work in the factory's publicity department has given him plenty of spare time to further develop his creative skills. However, when the Guangxi Art Troupe sent him a friend application, he left the factory without hesitation, a decision that caused controversy. Although some people think that this is "climbing high branches", Aqiu explained that his previous work has no future, and the art troupe has given him more opportunities to develop.

During his time at the Guangxi Art Troupe, Aqiu created many outstanding works that made the audience laugh and the leaders praised him. However, his ability is not only reflected in eloquence, but also in many talents, which allows him to move to a bigger stage. He was eventually invited to join Hunan Satellite TV and hosted a number of programs, quickly becoming the audience's favorite host.

Bao adopted a female college student, who was removed from CCTV because of his unobstructed words, and he ruined himself like this

Despite his fame, Achu's career was not all smooth sailing. His private life attracted media attention, revealing his affair with a number of women. Although he has repeatedly denied these scandals, it seems that this is not the case. These scandals exacerbated his professional predicament, but he tried his best to keep a low profile and continue his work as a host and screenwriter.

However, a published view of the pandemic plunged him into controversy again. CCTV responded to this, including removing some programs. Despite Achu's apology, the incident had a negative impact on his career. As a result, he now mainly plays the role of lecturer, and the glory days of the past are fading. This story teaches us that while talent is important, ethics and professional ethics cannot be ignored either.

Bao adopted a female college student, who was removed from CCTV because of his unobstructed words, and he ruined himself like this


The stories in the article offer some valuable insights:

Talent and Morality: The article elaborates on the talent of the host Achu, but also points out the problem of his lack of morality and three views. This tells us that not only talent is needed, but also good moral character is needed to succeed in the long term of one's career.

Career Development and Family Relationships: Achu's case illustrates the need to strike a balance between career development and family relationships. He is successful in his career but faces challenges in his family relationships, which reminds us of the need to manage work and family well.

Caution in words and deeds: The article mentions that prudence in words and deeds is a manifestation of a person of great wisdom. This is an important lesson that emphasizes caution in words and deeds to avoid unnecessary problems.

Bao adopted a female college student, who was removed from CCTV because of his unobstructed words, and he ruined himself like this

Social media and speech: Achu's case also highlights the impact of social media. Be careful with your words and actions, as social media can spread information and have a profound impact on careers and reputations.


Sabine's return to CCTV hosting has sparked a lot of controversy, especially comparisons with other hosts. However, the story also shows many lessons from a career.

First of all, talent and moral character are equally important. While Achu was talented in hosting and creating, his misconduct eventually affected his career. This underscores the need to maintain moral character in the pursuit of career success.

Second, there needs to be a balance between family and career. Achu's example shows that family should not be neglected in the pursuit of career success. Balancing work and family life is essential for long-term well-being.

Bao adopted a female college student, who was removed from CCTV because of his unobstructed words, and he ruined himself like this

Caution in what you say and do is also an important lesson, especially in the age of social media. Be careful with your words and deeds, as careless words and actions can cause serious damage to your career and reputation.

Finally, the story highlights the ups and downs of career. Even if a person has been successful, they may face challenges and difficulties. In these times, adaptability and tenacity will be key to success.

In their careers, no one has been able to go all the way. Achu's experience has taught us that no matter how successful you have been, you can encounter setbacks and difficulties. The key, however, is how to address these challenges.

In the face of adversity, we can learn from Achu's tenacity. Although he was plagued by public opinion and controversy, he stuck to his profession and tried his best to save his reputation. This tenacity and determination is a quality that everyone needs to have in their career. When there are setbacks in your career, don't give up easily, but keep working hard and find ways to solve problems.

In addition, Achu's story reminds us to remain humble. When he was successful at CCTV, he began to float, but this arrogance eventually led to his predicament. Humility is an important virtue, and no matter how successful your career is, you should be humble and grateful, constantly reminding yourself not to forget your original intentions.

Finally, the story also highlights the importance of words and deeds. The popularity of social media has made it easier for our words and actions to spread, so we must be especially careful. Incautious words and actions can cause irreversible damage to our profession and reputation. Therefore, be careful in your words and deeds to avoid unnecessary controversy and trouble.

Overall, Achu's career has been full of ups and downs and lessons. His experience has taught us that talent and moral character are equally important, that balancing work and family is necessary, that resilience and humility are the keys to success, and that careful words and actions can protect our profession and reputation. Through these lessons, we can guide our careers wiser, face setbacks, keep moving forward, and ultimately succeed.

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