
The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

author:Elegant evening breeze 90D

Tensions have erupted again in the Middle East! Israeli-Hamas conflict led to an attack on a hospital in the Gaza Strip! It sparked worldwide protests and outrage! Hundreds of people took to the streets to demand the ouster of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas! Protesters try to storm the Israeli embassy, and Lebanon's Allah party calls for a "day of rage" across the country! This series of events has not only thrown the entire Arab world into turmoil! The evolution of this situation will require close attention, as it could have a profound impact on the future direction of the Middle East!

Today, we will focus on three important news that have emerged on the international stage:

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

The latest news one: the Israeli army retaliates madly, Hamas can't stand it! Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Recently, the Israeli government's powerful military retaliation against Hamas has aroused widespread concern in the international community. Hamas is being dealt vigorously by Israel.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Recently, 1,000 Hamas warriors tried to cross the wall and use powered paragliders to raid Israeli territory, but were completely annihilated by the Israel Defense Forces. In recent days, Israeli forces carried out airstrikes that killed two senior Hamas officials.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

In recent days, the Israeli army has carried out precision strikes against more than 80 war rooms, military installations, two Hamas Bank branches, and an underground tunnel in the Gaza Strip. The wife and daughter of the actual planners of the raid were also tragically killed.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

In recent days, the Israeli army carried out a "local operation", successfully killing the head of the Hamas air force and a commander who led the raid. On the same day, the IDF announced plans for a broader ground military operation, including "joint air, sea and land coordinated attacks."

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was taking all measures to completely destroy Hamas, ensuring that every Hamas member became a "dead body." As Hamas's nests were revealed one by one, senior Hamas members were eliminated one after another, and Hamas forces were severely encircled without strong external support. But does the disappearance of Hamas mean that the Palestinian question will be resolved?

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

In 1947, Jewish refugees fled persecution in Nazi Germany and came to Palestine on a cruise ship. The cruise ship reads: "The Germans have destroyed our homes and homes, do not destroy our hopes." "The well-meaning Palestinian people took in these Jewish refugees. However, Jewish refugees had not only occupied their homes, but had later massacred Palestinians and deprived them of their right to life. At this difficult time, the Palestinians have formed a number of local armed groups to resist Israeli aggression, of which Hamas is one of the most resolute.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Hamas is staunchly opposed to peace talks with Israel and has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. In Hamas's view, attacking Israel is a form of "jihad", and despite its terrorist acts such as suicide attacks, Palestinians and Muslims see them as heroes defending their homeland.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Israel's powerful military action has raised widespread concerns. Despite the heavy blows suffered by Hamas forces, the fundamental problems of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remain unresolved. Only by addressing this problem at its root can it bring true peace to the region.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

The international community should continue to push the two sides to resume peace talks in order to find a sustainable solution. If Israel fails to resolve the Palestinian issue, Hamas or other similar groups may rise again and the revolt will not stop. The maintenance of peace and security requires all parties to work together to find a fair and sustainable solution that eliminates hostility, reduces the humanitarian crisis and creates a better future for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples. The support and cooperation of the international community are crucial to advancing the peace process and maintaining regional stability and security.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Latest news two: Why is Hamas going to hurt Zelensky, not Ukraine?

The current political and geopolitical situation in Ukraine is of great concern, especially around the instability of President Zelensky and his regime. The future of the Ukrainian people seems to be shrouded in fog, while the Hamas conflict in the Middle East has brought more uncertainty to Ukraine's diplomatic relations.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

President Zelensky, who has been controversial since his election, is seen as an agent of the United States, which has sparked widespread discontent and protests. His policies are opposed at home, especially in the east, which has been in conflict with pro-Russian forces. Zelensky's governing style has been criticized for lacking policy depth and understanding of state affairs.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Ukraine's foreign policy has also been challenged. The U.S. government is no longer as strongly supportive of Ukraine as it once was, and this policy change has put pressure on the Ukrainian government. Foreign mercenaries and military experts in Ukraine are leaving Ukraine for the Middle East to participate in IDF operations in the Gaza Strip, further weakening Ukraine's military power.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Zelensky's regime also faces a threat from Russia, and although the Russian-Ukrainian war has cooled to some extent, the conflict in the region may still escalate. At the same time, Ukraine's internal problems, such as corruption and political grievances, continue to plague the country's stability.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Zelensky's ouster or death does not guarantee the liberation of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine still faces complex internal and external challenges, including intra-regional conflicts, economic problems and political instability. Zelensky's defeat will make Ukrainian politics more chaotic, and the problems that the future government will need to solve will be more onerous.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Comparing Ukraine to the Hamas conflict in the Middle East is also an inaccurate analogy. The history, nature and root causes of the two conflicts are very different. There are historical ties between Ukraine and Russia, while the Hamas conflict in the Middle East is a complex issue between different religions and peoples. Comparing them will only lead to more confusion rather than providing clear analysis.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Ukraine's future remains uncertain, and the stability of Zelensky's regime has become the focus of attention at home and abroad. The Ukrainian government needs to address internal and external challenges in order to achieve long-term stability and prosperity in the country. The international community should also actively participate in the search for peace and solutions to promote the development and stability of Ukraine.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Latest news three: Hamas reinforcement is coming! Turkey's strong military aircraft has arrived! Erdogan criticized the United States

Since the recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the war in the Middle East has continued to escalate, attracting extensive attention from the international community. At the same time, the situation has been further complicated by the policy involvement of external countries, and in particular the policy change in Turkey has been noted.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Turkey has long been seen as a loyal ally of the United States and maintains a close cooperative relationship with the United States as a member of NATO. Recently, however, tensions have emerged between Turkey and the United States, and the rift in this relationship has been particularly evident in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become increasingly critical of the United States, arguing that U.S. policies and actions are creating chaos in the Middle East.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

This change in Turkish policy is not accidental, but because Turkey believes that the United States has repeatedly failed it. First, the United States canceled orders for F-35A fighters to Turkey and instead supported Greece's purchase of these fighters, which poses a direct threat to Turkey's regional security. Second, Turkey's liquidation of Kurdish forces conflicts with U.S. policies to support Kurdish forces, leading Turkey to take action. The accumulation of these problems has led Turkey to drift away from the United States and seek a more independent foreign policy.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

This shift in Turkish policy shows that alliances between states are often based on common interests. Once these benefits and guarantees are lost, countries may reassess their diplomatic positions, as the growing cooperation between Turkey and Russia shows the volatility of international politics.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

Although the United States has always been a powerful force in international politics, its foreign policy can sometimes appear rigid because it often confronts its collaborators from a high position, and this unequal relationship can be unsustainable. In international politics, it is an immutable law that the core interests of the state often dominate. In the future, the United States and other countries need to carefully manage diplomatic relations to safeguard their national interests and promote global peace and stability.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the resulting policy changes in the Middle East are thought-provoking. Turkey's policy shift is a striking example of the volatile nature of alliances in international politics. Turkey is no longer willing to act in the shadow of the United States, but seeks to assert its independence and interests.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

It also reminds us that diplomatic relations between nations are not just based on ideology or history, but rely more on the core interests of their respective countries. The divergence between Turkey and the United States highlights realism in international politics, where state behavior is primarily driven by its own national interests.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

For the Palestinian-Israeli conflict itself, the continued instability in the Middle East region demonstrates the urgency of a peaceful solution. The international community should continue its efforts to promote dialogue between the parties in order to put an end to the conflict and provide opportunities for both parties to live side by side in peace. Long-term peace and stability in the Middle East can be achieved only through diplomatic means. In addition, the international community needs to reflect carefully on its role and position on policies in conflict areas to ensure that its policies are not only in the national interest but also contribute to regional peace.

The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?
The Israeli army retaliates madly! Hamas can't stand it? Without Gaza, what do Palestinians call home?

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