
In the first large-scale all-cavalry annihilation battle in Chinese history, 300,000 troops died

author:Elegant old Yao said history

CHENGYANG, March – Xiang Yu is known as one of the outstanding generals in Chinese history, and his military brilliance and boldness have been demonstrated time and time again in war. This time, we'll focus on Xiang Yu's remarkable strategy in adversity, especially his amazing cavalry raids, and how to deal with sudden storms of sand.


In Chengyang, present-day Ju County, Shandong, in March, the war situation was not optimistic. Xiang Yu took three months to quell the rebellion, but Liu Ji broke the bill and gathered a coalition of nearly 600,000 princes to march on Pengcheng. This meant that Xiang Yu changed from the overlord of the world to the public enemy of the world, and Western Chu lost its national capital and was on the verge of dying. Almost all the princes of the Three Jin Dynasties also rebelled, and Yingbu the King of Jiujiang and Wu Rui the King of Hengshan were neutral, and the situation was reversed.

In the first large-scale all-cavalry annihilation battle in Chinese history, 300,000 troops died

Xiang Yu's calm decision

In this desperate battle, Xiang Yu showed excellent calmness and decision-making ability. Faced with a critical situation, he did not panic, but planned to win. He decided to mobilize 30,000 cavalry to raid Pengcheng and deal an unexpected blow to the coalition of princes.

A pioneering cavalry raid

Cavalry was considered an auxiliary branch at the time, and there were few precedents for raids. However, Xiang Yu was eclectic and brought together cavalry from different sources, including the Yue Cavalry and the Lou Fu Cavalry, forming a powerful force of 30,000 cavalry to raid Pengcheng. This initiative became a feat in military history and a masterpiece of military innovation.

In the first large-scale all-cavalry annihilation battle in Chinese history, 300,000 troops died

Xiang Yu's boldness and plan

Why did Xiang Yu choose Pengcheng to fight? Under the siege of the enemy, Pengcheng became a battlefield of life and death. However, it was this decision that allowed Xiang Yu to successfully escape. The 30,000 cavalry not only successfully broke through the encirclement, but also pursued them separately, so that the combined army of the princes could not be defeated, and the battle situation was rewritten.

In the first large-scale all-cavalry annihilation battle in Chinese history, 300,000 troops died

The divine help of the sandstorm

Just as Xiang Yu's boldness and plan worked, a sandstorm suddenly struck. The clouds were thick, and the Pengcheng battlefield was shrouded in it. It was this force of nature that provided Liu Ji with an opportunity to escape. Despite Xiang Yu's anger, Liu Ji managed to escape and the tide of battle was reversed.

In the first large-scale all-cavalry annihilation battle in Chinese history, 300,000 troops died


In this thrilling battle, Liu Ji successfully escaped and the tide of battle was reversed. Xiang Yu's boldness and innovative military strategy made him one of the outstanding generals in history. This feat not only demonstrated his military wisdom, but also his ability to remain calm in desperate situations. This story is not only a page in Chinese history, but also a classic case of military strategy and decision-making, a great strategic victory, the legend of Xiang Yu.

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