
The male star is in the upper position, and the four-hour recording exposure is unbearable

author:Little Chen's

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Introduction: The big melons in the entertainment industry are always surprising, full of incredible stories and plots, let's dive into them, reorganize these events upside down and explore this intricate world.

The recording four years ago came to light and made everyone start to explore the hidden secrets. Yu Zheng, the supernumerary actor in the story, launched a fierce online "battle" with Zhao Yiqin's ex-girlfriend as early as four years ago. Like a "hen protecting cubs", he resolutely defended Zhao Yiqin's reputation and launched a battle for the truth.

In order to protect Zhao Yiqin, Yu Zheng did not hesitate to fan the flames and provoke public opinion, launching a continuous verbal attack on Zhao Yiqin's ex-girlfriend. He persuaded well, but also exposed Zhao Yiqin's record of transferring money to his ex-girlfriend, seemingly for tens of millions of dollars. Yu Zheng's attention is surprising, and he has created a great sense of presence for Zhao Yiqin.

The male star is in the upper position, and the four-hour recording exposure is unbearable

But Yu Zheng also fell into an unexpected "fight". The exposure of audio recordings and chat records became a "real hammer", and Zhao Yiqin's ex-girlfriend was undaunted and resolutely revealed the truth behind it. In this recording, Zhao Yiqin admitted that in order to obtain a Beijing hukou, he had accompanied the male boss more than once, which is completely contrary to the previous statement.

Not only that, this recording also involves other actors, Song Weilong and Xu Kai are also mentioned, and it seems that they have also been "introduced" to participate. This makes the complexity of the whole incident even more confusing, as it does not match Yu Zheng's previous statement.

Zhao Yiqin gained some fame in the show "Provoke", but his affairs intensified on the Internet. He issued an ambiguous apology, explaining that the recording had been edited and that he had told the truth. However, his apology has not been widely recognized, and most people are not optimistic about him.

The male star is in the upper position, and the four-hour recording exposure is unbearable

In addition to this incident, another "big melon" broke out in the entertainment industry, and the cheating and unspoken rule incident of a "male god" shocked fans even more. In just two days, the actor had relationships with two women, one of which was witnessed by his fans. The incident sparked outrage among fans because the actor has always had a good persona.

Finally, there is also a video in which actress Qiu Yinong dances intimately with Wang Jing, which has sparked speculation. These events are just the tip of the iceberg of chaotic things in the entertainment industry, making people can't help but rationally look at the twists and turns of the entertainment industry.


The events in the entertainment industry in this article provide us with some profound inspiration. First of all, it highlights the huge gap between the appearance of the entertainment industry and the actual situation. The image of celebrities is often shaped by the media and fans, but there may be many untold truths behind them. This reminds us not to believe in the image of stars in the entertainment industry, and to maintain rational thinking and objective judgment.

The male star is in the upper position, and the four-hour recording exposure is unbearable

Second, the article reveals the important role that public opinion and social media played in the fermentation of the event. In the entertainment industry, the power of public opinion and social media is huge, and they can change a person's life and career. Therefore, celebrities need to be more careful and cautious so as not to fall into unnecessary turmoil.

Most importantly, the article highlights the importance of the truth. Both celebrities and ordinary people should face the problem honestly and frankly, because concealment and lies will eventually be exposed. It's also a reminder to cherish your credibility and integrity, because once lost, it's hard to recover.


This article reveals the unknown truth behind the entertainment industry, highlighting the gap between image and reality. It reminds us to look at celebrities rationally and not to trust the image created by the media. Public opinion and social media played an important role in the event, and celebrities need to be more careful. Above all, honesty and frankness are key to maintaining credibility, and concealment and lies will eventually be exposed. This article makes us realize the complexity and impermanence of the entertainment industry, reminds us to eat melons rationally, not to believe rumors, and to cherish our credibility and integrity.

The male star is in the upper position, and the four-hour recording exposure is unbearable

For stars and events in the entertainment industry, we can learn more profound lessons and enlightenment from this article.

First of all, we should cherish privacy and the protection of personal information. The exposure of the entertainment industry is high, but everyone has the right to keep a part of their private life. In the information age, privacy breaches can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, not only celebrities, but everyone should recognize the value of privacy and take appropriate measures to protect themselves.

Secondly, the article highlights the responsibility of the media and social media. Media coverage should be more objective and responsible, focusing not only on click-through rates and inflammatory headlines, but on accurate information. In addition, social media users should choose their rhetoric carefully when exercising their right to freedom of expression to avoid unnecessary rumors and malicious attacks.

The male star is in the upper position, and the four-hour recording exposure is unbearable

Another important lesson is that the truth sometimes takes time to surface. At the beginning of an event, the information may be confused, but over time, the truth usually emerges. Therefore, we should be patient and not rush to conclusions.

Finally, the article also calls attention to moral and ethical issues within the entertainment industry. Celebrities and industry professionals should uphold high ethical standards and set a positive role model not only for the entertainment industry, but also for fans and the younger generation.

Overall, this article makes us realize the complex relationship between the appearance and reality of the entertainment industry, as well as the power of public opinion and social media. It reminds us to think rationally, cherish privacy, demand that the media be more responsible, adhere to morality and ethics, and ultimately emphasize the importance of truth. These lessons are meaningful to everyone inside and outside the entertainment industry, helping us better understand this complex and dynamic field.

The above content and materials are derived from the Internet, relevant data, theoretical research in the Internet materials, does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. We are not responsible for any issues arising above or in connection with the above and the author of this article do not assume any direct or indirect legal liability.

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