
Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

author:New Fujian

【Editor's Note】

On the afternoon of April 23, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Federation of Social Sciences held a symposium for the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian. Eight experts and scholars from social science theoretical circles such as colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, and practical work departments made exchange speeches on the themes of high-quality integrated development, building a new development pattern, accelerating the construction of a modern economic system, accelerating rural revitalization, focusing on improving the quality of people's lives, and making history clear and reasonable in the study and education of party history.

The participants believed that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian has formulated a program of action and provided fundamental guidelines for Xiamen to do a good job in all work at present and in the coming period, and the social science theoretical circles in our city should set an example in studying and publicizing, interpreting research, and applying and practicing, and strive to show the responsibilities of social science workers in composing new chapters and opening new bureaus.

Xiamen Netnews (Text/Xiamen Daily reporter Chen Dong Photo/Xiamen Daily reporter Zhang Jiangyi)

Contribute to Xiamen's strength in building a new development pattern

Lv Dan (Director of the Scientific Research and Decision-making Consulting Office of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee, First-level Researcher)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Lu Dan

How to deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian, find out the positioning, actively integrate and actively serve in the construction of a new development pattern, we need to start from the actual situation of Xiamen's industrial development, economic cycle, and scientific and technological innovation, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of The Fujian chapter of a modern socialist country with new development achievements.

First of all, we must accelerate the promotion of scientific and technological innovation, vigorously develop high-tech industries, and contribute to meeting the national high-end supply. It is necessary to adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall development of Xiamen, improve Xiamen's innovation system, accelerate the construction of a city of science and technology, and strive to grow a number of leading technology enterprises like Huawei and Tencent.

The second is to vigorously develop Xiamen's modern service industry and make Xiamen's contribution to smoothing the domestic cycle. Xiamen is the leading city of modern service industry in the southeast coastal area, on the one hand, vigorously develop production-oriented service industry, and promote the organic integration of service industry and modern manufacturing industry. On the other hand, we should vigorously develop the service industry for the people's livelihood, accelerate the development of various new formats of tourism, and actively expand new service fields.

Third, it is necessary to create a new situation in the opening up of the special economic zone to the outside world and give play to the special role of the domestic and international double circulation intersection of the Xiamen special economic zone. Years of exploration of special economic zones, bonded zones and free trade zones have formed a good foundation. It is necessary to comprehensively deepen structural reform and institutional innovation, raise the level of opening up, create a new situation of opening up to the outside world, and write a new chapter in Xiamen for the mutual promotion of the two cycles of the whole country.

Explore a new path for high-quality integrated development across the strait

Zhang Wensheng (Vice President and Professor, Institute of Taiwan Studies, Xiamen University)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Zhang Wensheng

Fujian plays a unique role in promoting the integration of the people on both sides of the strait and promoting the reunification of the motherland, and shoulders the mission and responsibility that cannot be shirked. In his important speech during his inspection in Fujian, General Secretary Xi Jinping put "promoting high-quality development" in the first place, high-quality development and cross-strait integrated development are complementary, cross-strait relations have entered a new stage of development, we must adhere to the new concept of high-quality integration and development, and have the courage to explore a new road of high-quality integration and development on both sides of the strait. For example, in the new historical period, the two sides of the strait have entered the era of networking and digitization, and Fujian can actively explore a new road for the integration and development of cyberspace and digital space on both sides of the strait, making industrial digitalization and digital industrialization a new path to promote the integration and development of fujian and Taiwan.

Cross-strait integration and development is the integrated development of all aspects of the economy and society, and it is a mutually beneficial development. Fujian and Taiwan not only have strong economic and trade development, but also maintain a strong momentum in the integration and development of personnel, society, culture and other aspects, especially the emerging digital film and television industry in Xiamen, which has opened up a new road for the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan, and has a broad space for development. At the same time, it is necessary to share the opportunities of development and the fruits of development with Taiwan compatriots. Finally, the goal of meeting the hearts and minds of compatriots on both sides of the strait will be realized.

Build a beautiful countryside suitable for living and working

Deng Wei (Professor, Jimei University Law School)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Deng Wei

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Fujian that it is necessary to accelerate the revitalization of rural areas, based on the diversity of agricultural resources and the advantages of suitable climate, and cultivate industries with characteristic advantages. It is necessary to take the implementation of rural construction actions as the starting point, improve the living environment in rural areas, and build beautiful villages that are livable and suitable for work.

Fujian should base itself on its advantages in selecting industries that enrich the people, implement the plan to invigorate agriculture through science and technology, push the modernization of agricultural infrastructure to a new level, and improve the quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of modern agriculture with special characteristics. It is necessary to cultivate characteristic industries according to local conditions and promote the agglomeration and upgrading of characteristic modern agricultural industries. Deepen the integrated development of agriculture in Fujian and Taiwan, and promote the in-depth docking of agricultural resource elements on both sides of the strait.

A good and beautiful ecological environment is the necessary foundation for rural revitalization, and only when the ecological environment is beautiful and livable can we attract talents to drive industrial revitalization. To build livable and workable villages, it is necessary to scientifically prepare village planning according to local conditions, base on the existing foundation, retain rural characteristics, pay attention to style guidance, protect nostalgia and rural charm, retain green waters and green mountains, and give rural ecological revitalization more personalized elements. Promote the upgrading of rural infrastructure and improve the supply level of basic public services in rural areas.

Fujian should also speed up the construction of a double-cycle pattern, actively build an agricultural and rural industrial system oriented by consumption upgrading, increase investment in the construction of infrastructure for important agricultural products, and increase investment in local characteristic industries, leisure and tourism agricultural demonstration sites, rural tourism boutique routes, characteristic towns, and pastoral complexes. Through these rural comprehensive industrial policy upgrading measures, we will boost consumption potential and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of rural revitalization.

Let the red gene continue for generations

Wu Baojie (Head and Associate Professor, School of Marxism, Xiamen Medical College)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Wu Baojie

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Fujian that Fujian is an old revolutionary area, with many party history incidents, many red resources, and many revolutionary ancestors, and it has unique advantages in carrying out party history study and education. We must bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, accurately grasp the core essence of the history of learning from the four "profound understandings", combine the activities of "re-study, re-research, and re-implementation", carry out systematic excavation, collation, research and elaboration of the city's red culture, give full play to the unique advantages of the city's party history resources, guide young students to learn history, increase credibility, learn history reverence, and learn history, so that the red gene and the revolutionary torch can be passed on from generation to generation.

Xiamen's red culture is a fertile ground for young students to learn history and reason. The study and education of young students in party history is the common responsibility of the whole society, and it is necessary to form a powerful joint force, give play to the educational function of Xiamen's revolutionary cultural relics, and integrate Xiamen's party history resources into the main channel of the ideological and political classroom. Carry out in-depth academic research on xiamen's red culture, so that the red gene will continue from generation to generation.

Drawing wisdom and strength from the party's century-old history is the fundamental guarantee for the successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so it is necessary to feel the great power of ideology, cultivate the spirit of struggle, cultivate excellent skills, and take the initiative to participate in the historical wave of building a high-quality and high-value modern international city in the course of studying history.

Empower the construction of a modern economic system

Xie Qiang (Director of The Industrial Office of the Municipal Development Research Center, Senior Economist)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Xie Qiang

When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Fujian, he made an important instruction to our province to "make greater progress in accelerating the construction of a modern economic system", which provided a fundamental guide for the city to promote high-quality development and surpass in an all-round way and build a two-high and two-modernization city at a new starting point, and pointed out the way forward.

In connection with Xiamen's actual conditions, especially the deployment of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the top priority in implementing the requirements of the general secretary is to concentrate on building a "122X" strategic emerging industry system, that is, to develop the core pillar industry of a new generation of information technology, seize the opportunity of the adjustment of the global industrial chain supply chain, focus on enhancing the industry's independent innovation capabilities, open up the new generation of information technology industry breakpoints, blockages, difficulties, strengthen life and health, new materials as the two emerging leading industries; cultivate digital creativity, marine high-tech as two characteristic landmark industries Keep up with the development trend of cutting-edge science and technology, fully explore the explosive new technologies and new formats, and advance the layout of flexible electronics, third-generation semiconductors, aerospace technology power and other X future tracks.

By promoting the large-scale development of these strategic emerging industry clusters, improving the advanced level of industrial base and industrial chain modernization, we will move towards the middle and high end of the value chain and innovation chain in the new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation.

Lead the healthy development of Xiamen with high-quality life

Chen Qingchao (Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Huaqiao University)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Chen Qingchao

High-quality life must be based on innovative high-quality development as the premise of production. Xiamen should continue to maintain the country's leading development quality and development volume in the fierce competition, and technological innovation and institutional innovation are the key. This requires more active policy incentive system innovation and scientific research innovation, promote the advantages of system innovation in the pilot free trade zone, optimize various urban management systems, create a warm urban environment, and encourage enterprises and universities to actively cultivate, retain and make good use of talents.

High quality of life must be based on the natural premise of a protective ecological environment. After years of hard work and development, Xiamen's ecological civilization index ranks first in the country, becoming a "national ecological city" and a "national ecological garden city", which contains the painstaking efforts and efforts of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the Xiamen period, providing full natural conditions for the people of Xiamen to achieve a high-quality and healthy life.

A high quality of life must be premised on a regulating and just system. In practice, the development of Xiamen should break the "awareness of small islands", "increase efforts to eliminate the imbalance and uncoordinated development problems inside and outside the island", and use efficient political resources, high-quality educational resources and medical resources to drive the common development of the island and abroad, and create an inclusive high-quality life.

Proactive service and integration into the new development landscape

Lin Biyue (Professor, School of Cultural Industry and Tourism, Xiamen University of Technology)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Lin Biyue

To study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian, it is necessary to strictly benchmark against the table and promote it in combination with actual work, "make greater progress in accelerating the construction of a modern economic system, show greater achievements in service and integration into the new development pattern, take greater steps in exploring the new road of cross-strait integration and development, and achieve greater breakthroughs in creating a high-quality life."

The "Xiamen "14th Five-Year Plan" and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035" proposes to build a high-quality and high-value modern international city at a higher level, strive to build a national high-quality development leading demonstration zone, and make the special economic zone better and run at a higher level.

In terms of innovation-driven, we will make the high-end manufacturing industry bigger and stronger, and strengthen the construction of innovation platform carriers. In terms of the digital highland, vigorously develop the digital economy, digital society, and digital government, and build a national digital economy innovation and development pilot zone. In terms of coordinated development, we will deeply implement the "cross-island development" strategy, comprehensively promote the "great promotion on the island and the great development outside the island", accelerate the construction of new airports, subways and other projects; in terms of deepening reform, focus on key areas and key links, improve the high-standard market system, and strive to achieve an international first-class business environment. In terms of ecological civilization, we will further improve the system of ecological civilization and promote the development of green and low-carbon cycles. In terms of people's livelihood security, we will focus on solving the most direct and realistic problems that the masses are most concerned about, make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, and deeply implement the Healthy Xiamen Action Plan.

Give full play to your advantages and innovate publicity methods

Liu Hongyu (Third-level Researcher of The Lecturer Group of the Municipal Party Committee)

Learning deeply and thoroughly Contributing ideas and suggestions for Xiamen's high-quality development - excerpts from the speeches made by the city's social science circles to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian

Liu Hongyu

As propaganda cadres, we must consciously study one step ahead and go one step deeper, and take the lead in doing a good job in propaganda and implementation. It is necessary to fully understand the great significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection in Fujian, accurately grasp the core essence of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, study in depth, systematically and comprehensively, and combine the study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian with the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, with the study and implementation of the spirit of the General Secretary's important instructions, and with the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important concepts and major practices during his work in Fujian and Xiamen.

Give full play to the advantages of the social science theoretical circles, do a good job of centralized propaganda and theoretical interpretation, innovate propaganda methods, give full play to the functions of the theoretical propaganda light cavalry "small, fast, smart" and "fine, accurate and realistic", promote the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech into organs, campuses, enterprises, communities, and villages, use modern network technology to widely disseminate, and continuously enhance the theoretical depth, practical strength, and emotional temperature of propaganda.

Xiamen is one of the earliest established special economic zones, and all work should be consciously the main force and set an example in the overall development of the whole province, and the enthusiasm for studying and publicizing the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian has quickly emerged, and strive to show Xiamen's responsibility in opening a new chapter.

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Responsible editors: Liao Wenyan, Lai Xuhua
