
The pediatric clinic is full, share 3 sets of prescriptions, keep your child away from sore throat, cough, rhinitis

author:Chinese medicine pediatrics Sun Fengping

Judging from the full outpatient clinic in the past two days, children's respiratory diseases have entered a new round of high incidence period, children have been "shot", and adults have suffered crimes.

The pediatric clinic is full, share 3 sets of prescriptions, keep your child away from sore throat, cough, rhinitis

From the perspective of Western medicine, bacteria, viruses and mycoplasma breed in large numbers in autumn, causing various respiratory diseases, such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.;

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, autumn dry evil hurts the lungs, the temperature is changeable, at this time people with low resistance such as children, are very vulnerable to external evil invasion, lungs as the first line of defense, the first to be affected.

At the beginning of autumn, the children who come to my clinic are roughly divided into these three types, in addition to growth and development:

1. Allergies

Allergic rhinitis, allergic cough, asthma and other diseases are most likely to recur in autumn, many children have nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness and headache and other symptoms, after examination are allergic disease attacks;

2. Infectious diseases

Common infectious diseases, including influenza, new crown, mycoplasma infection, etc., usually appear in children with weak constitution and low resistance, manifested as colds, fever, sore throat, cough and other symptoms.

Children who are found by these infectious diseases, if they cannot be treated in time, or the treatment is not thorough, will have repeated attacks, more and more medications, and their spirits will become worse and worse.

Different from Western medicine, Chinese medicine regulates common infectious diseases in autumn, is to look at the overall state of the child, dialectical treatment, through dialectics, you can know the degree of the disease and cold and heat, the symptomatic treatment is relatively simple, but also can completely remove the root of the disease, improve the physique.

3. Hurt by autumn dryness

Autumn weather is dry, for people who are usually hot, the feeling is particularly strong, there will be obvious dry nose, dry throat, dry mouth, cough and other manifestations, some accompanied by dry and itchy skin, asthma and other symptoms.

For these common respiratory diseases, I have accumulated some simple and easy-to-use coping experience in the process of diagnosis and treatment for many years, and today I share them with you, so that parents can choose and refer to their children's conditions.

Before speaking, it is emphasized that if the dialectical treatment mentioned by Chinese medicine cannot be accurately given to the child, it is necessary to seek the help of professional Chinese medicine and cannot be used blindly.

The pediatric clinic is full, share 3 sets of prescriptions, keep your child away from sore throat, cough, rhinitis

1. Allergic rhinitis in autumn, repeated colds

The main movement of the spleen, the main water of the lungs, the energy of the spleen and lungs is insufficient, the water will stay in the body, the wind cold and wet evil can not be transported to the outside of the body, the body is easy to get sick, the external manifestation is: whenever the season changes, it will inevitably catch a cold, and the body's resistance can not play a role.

In this case, in the face of external invasion, it is more likely to have allergic symptoms, such as:

A runny nose, stuffy nose, or itchy eyes, nose, throat, etc. Many parents will see their children rubbing their eyes frequently, picking their nose, sneezing, coughing and even drowsy, and this is why they are drowsy.

What are the manifestations of people with deficiency of spleen and lungs?

1. Tired and weak on weekdays, tired with a slight movement;

2. Weak speech, weak voice, pale tongue;

3. The stool is not formed and stains the toilet;

4. Frequent colds and low resistance.

Based on the above conditions, "Jade Cicada Wei Lung Pill" can be recommended, and the formula includes drugs such as astragalus, baizhi, coix seed, jade bamboo, windproof, cicada molt and so on.

This recipe is summed up by the famous otolaryngologist Mr. Geng Jianting for many years, which is very suitable for patients with allergic diseases caused by spleen and lung qi deficiency, not only can make up for the deficiency of the spleen and lungs, but also regulate the appearance of rhinitis, which can be said to be both symptomatic and curative.

The pediatric clinic is full, share 3 sets of prescriptions, keep your child away from sore throat, cough, rhinitis

I often prescribe this medicine to my children clinically, and the feedback from parents is very good. However, one thing to note is that if the child has yellow and sticky nose, food accumulation, thick tongue and other symptoms, do not use this method.

Second, the throat is red and painful in autumn

It is easy to get hot in autumn, especially for children with yin deficiency in the past, and the jin fluid is seriously insufficient at this time, and the throat will have uncomfortable symptoms.

Common outpatient symptoms include dry itching, pain, and even swallowing a blade, accompanied by symptoms such as hot hands and feet, dry stools, dry skin, red tongue and less moss.

These all indicate that there is a problem in the lungs, and the water cannot moisturize the respiratory tract normally.

In response to this situation, it is recommended to use "genmai gantang granules". The combination includes the four flavors of ginseng, wheat dong, licorice, and bellflower, which can clear the heat in the body and nourish the yinjin, especially suitable for "blade voice", which is very comfortable after using the throat.

What should I pay attention to when using this medicine? People who are familiar with the pharmacology of Chinese medicine can see that the prescription is biased towards cold, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency, people who are prone to cold, and people who block phlegm and moisture in the body are not suitable for use.

3. Autumn cough

In autumn, where children gather, coughing sounds rise and fall, many are dry coughs, no phlegm, even if there is, most of them are stuck in the throat and it is difficult to cough up, and the sputum is yellow sticky sputum.

The principle is the same as above, there is too little fluid in the body, the sputum is constantly burned, the water is taken away, and the rest is sticky phlegm that cannot be transported, which will be tightly attached to the throat, coughing up, swallowing.

In this case, two proprietary Chinese medicines are recommended.

The pediatric clinic is full, share 3 sets of prescriptions, keep your child away from sore throat, cough, rhinitis

1. No or less sputum

If the throat is dry and itchy, there is pain when coughing, and the throat is red after being irritated, you can use "Qingxuan cough granules". The formula includes mulberry leaves, peppermint, bitter almonds, bellflower, white peony, aster, citrus husk, tangerine peel, and licorice.

Fang Chinese medicinal materials, the medicinal properties are relatively peaceful, slowly the heat accumulated in the body is released, blocking the process of liquid burning, suitable for children who have just developed a cough.

2. Yellow sticky sputum cannot be coughed up

In the cough can obviously hear phlegm, in the past bronchitis, pneumonia children parents should pay attention, at this time phlegm cough, can not swallow, accompanied by chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat obvious pain, tongue yellow greasy thick, you can use "two mother ning pills".

The composition of Ermu Ning Pills includes Sichuan Fried Mother, Zhimu, Gypsum, Fried Gardenia, Skullcap, Honey Mulberry White Bark, Poria, Fried Melon Seed, Tangerine Peel, Burnt Licorice, Schisandra, etc. It has the effect of clearing the lungs and moisturizing, suppressing cough and phlegm.

The above methods, aimed at the most common situation, parents who feed their children know that the child's physique is childish and yin, the disease is complex and difficult to distinguish, in addition to the cause of autumn dryness, there are cold, food accumulation, phlegm dampness, etc., before medication, parents must clearly distinguish, if not sure, please seek the help of a professional Chinese medicine doctor.