
How much enmity Pakistan and Israel really have

author:The opposite is i9LR
How much enmity Pakistan and Israel really have

Relations between Pakistan and Israel have always been very complex and tense. The hostility between the two countries can be traced back to several factors:

Religious factors: Religious beliefs play a vital role in the Middle East. Israel is a predominantly Jewish country, while Pakistan is a predominantly Islamic country. This religious difference has led to a degree of tension, as religious factors play an important role in the political and social life of the two countries.

How much enmity Pakistan and Israel really have

Question of Palestine: Pakistan has always supported Palestinian rights and opposed Israel's occupation and expansion of Palestinian territory. This has led to tensions between the two countries, as Israel views the Palestinian issue as an internal affair and Pakistan as an international issue.

Foreign Policy: Pakistan has always supported Arab countries and Iran in foreign policy, and these countries are generally opposed to Israel. This has further strained relations between Pakistan and Israel.

How much enmity Pakistan and Israel really have

Wars and conflicts: Pakistan and Israel have sided with different sides in many Middle East conflicts, including the Arab-Israeli War and other regional conflicts. These wars deepened hostility between them.

In general, the hostility between Pakistan and Israel stems mainly from a variety of factors such as religion, geopolitics, and history. However, it is worth pointing out that international relations and policies are constantly changing, which may lead to improved or intensified relations between the two sides.

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