
"Taiwan is only a province of China," the president of this country has gone a long way, openly supporting China

author:Lu Zhe has something to say

Recently, the President of Nicaragua made a statement that shocked the West. While openly praising China, the president added a special note stressing that Taiwan is only a province of China, not an independent country. You know, the Western mainstream media has been committed to the propaganda of Taiwan independence forces, and in such an atmosphere, the Nicaraguan president's behavior is to compete with Western countries led by the United States.

"Taiwan is only a province of China," the president of this country has gone a long way, openly supporting China

When many of us think of Nicaragua, the first thing that comes to mind is the "Nicaraguan Falls," a small Central American country near the equator that has a very difficult history: Nicaragua was colonized by Spain for three centuries until 1821. But the good times did not last long, and in the process of independent exploration, the Americans exploited loopholes. In 1912, the United States occupied Nicaragua militarily, and Nicaragua suffered a dictatorship of pro-American forces for more than 40 years, until 1979, when the local Nicaraguan organization "Sandinista National Liberation Front" completely overthrew the pro-American government.

"Taiwan is only a province of China," the president of this country has gone a long way, openly supporting China

However, instead of achieving peace and stability, Nicaragua fell into a decade of infighting, and in 1990 the National Opposition Alliance defeated the Sanglmune de libération (FSLN) and came to power, returning power to the pro-American faction. And the new government is an extreme right-wing, and the most classic expression is "establishing diplomatic relations with Taiwan." Since then, regimes have changed, but this foreign policy has not changed.

There are many fighters in Latin America who actively resist US hegemonism, but the current President Ortega is really not very vocal. Compared with Cuba, Venezuela and other countries, the clouds of "poverty" and "backwardness" have always hovered over Nicaragua, and Nicaragua seriously lacks the right to speak in the international community. For this reason, President Ortega is also more inclined to find a more hopeful future for the Nicaraguan people.

But where exactly this future lies, it is clear that it is not in the West. European and American powers have always liked to engage in the deformed concept of "weak countries without diplomacy", and Nicaragua has always faced great pressure for survival. It is worth mentioning that in June this year, the Nicaraguan government claimed rights on the grounds that the United States had intervened in the Nicaraguan civil war, but it was sanctioned and condemned by the United States and the European Union.

Under such circumstances, Nicaragua gave up its last illusions about Europe and the United States. In 2021, Nicaragua severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and quickly resumed diplomatic relations with China. The mainland has always been committed to helping developing countries get rid of the dilemma of survival in the international community and move towards development and prosperity, while respecting the sovereignty and independence of each country and truly achieving "mutual benefit and win-win results".

In just 22 months since the establishment of diplomatic relations, frequent trade exchanges have effectively boosted Nicaragua's economy, and China has made amazing improvements in the modernization of Nicaragua's towns. Even Ortega lamented: It is a miracle to be able to establish diplomatic relations with a country as powerful as China. In August this year, China and Nepal formally signed a free trade agreement, and Nicaragua's ambassador to China said excitedly: This is a historic scene, which will bring Nicaragua a more stable and lasting trade relationship and new opportunities for Nicaragua's development.

"Taiwan is only a province of China," the president of this country has gone a long way, openly supporting China

Not only that, China is more committed to promoting world economic growth and implementing the global economic governance concept of "peaceful development and win-win cooperation". Recently, the "Belt and Road" International Forum was held in Beijing, this initiative has handed over a satisfactory answer to the world in the past decade, and in the near future, not only Nicaragua, but more than 150 countries around the world will be the beneficiaries of this initiative. China has made immeasurable contributions to the world, and under the guidance of this oriental wisdom, the world will inevitably move towards that better tomorrow.

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