
He saw that his friend's wife was too beautiful, killed and robbed his wife, gave birth to 10 children, and enjoyed a state funeral after his death

author:Positive Ah Fei clip

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Li Liejun, a historical figure during the early Chinese Democratic Revolution and the War of Resistance Against Japan, his life was full of contradictions and controversies. From his outstanding performance in the Xinhai Revolution to his contribution to the war against Japan, Li Liejun's contribution to the national cause cannot be ignored, but his private actions are unacceptable. This raises an important question: how should an impartial standard be found when evaluating historical figures?

He saw that his friend's wife was too beautiful, killed and robbed his wife, gave birth to 10 children, and enjoyed a state funeral after his death

Before the Xinhai Revolution, Li Liejun was a close confidant of Sun Yat-sen and worked hard for the revolutionary cause. His credit is not only in words, but also in deeds. Forcing the Beiyang Fleet to surrender allowed the nascent democratic government to effortlessly seize Asia's most powerful imperial navy. This feat made him the governor of Jiangxi and was highly praised. However, with the lure of power, he promoted the official positions of his relatives and friends, causing controversy.

Li Liejun's private life is also full of controversy. He pursues Hua Shiqi, shoots her husband through intrigue, and eventually takes her as a concubine. These actions sparked widespread criticism calling into question his moral character.

He saw that his friend's wife was too beautiful, killed and robbed his wife, gave birth to 10 children, and enjoyed a state funeral after his death

However, this also raises a deeper question: Should historical figures be judged by a single event?

Li Liejun is not only an individual, but also a part of the country. His leadership in the Second Revolution and his resolute contribution to the war against Japan are undeniable. He repeatedly asked Chiang Kai-shek to resist Japanese aggression and pursue domestic stability. For the good of the country, he sent his own son to the battlefield and became a model.

Li Liejun's life presents the complexity of historical figures. His contribution to national egalvanism contrasted sharply with his private actions. When evaluating historical figures, we should adopt a dialectical attitude.

He saw that his friend's wife was too beautiful, killed and robbed his wife, gave birth to 10 children, and enjoyed a state funeral after his death

Their contributions and private actions should be considered together, and they cannot simply be categorized as black and white.

Finally, let us consider the question: how should we find a fair standard when evaluating historical figures? There is no easy answer to this question, as historical figures tend to be complex and multifaceted. However, we can learn from Li Liejun's story that historical figures should not be reduced to a single dimension of heroes or villains, but should be viewed from a more comprehensive perspective, embracing their complexity, while appreciating their contributions to the country and the nation. The evaluation of historical figures should take into account their merits and mistakes in order to better understand the true face of history.

He saw that his friend's wife was too beautiful, killed and robbed his wife, gave birth to 10 children, and enjoyed a state funeral after his death