
Flatbread Personalization: Good Days, All the Way with You

author:Ha Xuan Jade

The elk spirit in the depths of the dense forest is a symbol of beauty and holiness, and it is also the appearance of every girl in the eyes of lovers, turning love into a delicate and flexible deer salute, thankful for every encounter in life, thank a "deer" for your company, never give up in this life.

Flatbread Personalization: Good Days, All the Way with You

Deer homonym "road", the emerald deer brand has the meaning of following along the way. Giving a deer card to your lover can express your determination to be with Ta all the way, always by Ta's side, and share happiness and hardships.

Cuiyou was ready to customize a gift for her lover's third wedding anniversary, and at the suggestion of Big Cake, she chose an ice blue material design "One Deer Has You" theme.

Flatbread Personalization: Good Days, All the Way with You

The traditional character "Li" in beauty is written "Li", and the character Li is derived from the deer character, deer is a beautiful and elegant animal in the eyes of the ancients, unique antlers and patterns on the body, more unique beauty when running, showing the beauty of life, it is appropriate to give it to female friends.

Flatbread Personalization: Good Days, All the Way with You

Lutong "Road" represents the life path that everyone wants to take, with you all the way, the rest of your life is sweet. The material is icy and gummy, and the blue background is beautiful, adding more romance to the firmness that has been you along the way. Under the illumination of natural light, there is a sense of movement, no matter what angle you look at, it is the most perfect display.

Flatbread Personalization: Good Days, All the Way with You

This work is not only an ornament that can be worn on the neck every day, but also allows us to obtain a spiritual comfort in this vulgar material world. Remembering the deer bumping in the past, bravely expressing love, welcoming the love that belongs to "us" with sincerity, and happily learning how to love each other together and accompany each other until old age.

Life is a long way, there may be countless tribulations and hardships, only with love and optimism, can we move forward in the best state, which is exactly the good wishes that this "one deer has you" wants to express.

The deer comes in the fog, and in October you always have an invitation to usher in a drizzle, or with a cool evening breeze, a gentle sunset, meet your sweetheart who accompanies you with a "deer".

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