
Yancheng held an exhibition of art works with the theme of "Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Construction of the Song Gong Causeway"

author:Beiqing Net

Modern Express News (reporter Tao Zhan Wang Fei Wen / Photo) "From south to north, a dragon will not let the salty tide invade Fudong; from then on, there will be no family disaster, and every time the tide is heard, the Song Gong is thought of." This widely circulated folk song records the deep suffering of the coastal people of Yancheng in those years, and also engraves the original intention and mission of the Communists to lead the construction of the seawall to benefit the people.

Yancheng held an exhibition of art works with the theme of "Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Construction of the Song Gong Causeway"

In order to further inherit the red gene and continue the spiritual strength, on the morning of October 9, the theme art exhibition "Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Construction of the Song Gong Causeway" opened at the Yancheng Art Museum, and more than 80 calligraphers and painters, mainly from coastal origins, created and exhibited more than 80 fine works, in order to express high respect to the revolutionary ancestors who made great contributions to the construction of the Song Gong Causeway. The exhibition runs from October 9 to October 19.

Yancheng held an exhibition of art works with the theme of "Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Construction of the Song Gong Causeway"

Historically, tsunamis in the Yanfu region were frequent. In 1941, soon after the establishment of the anti-Japanese democratic government in Funing County under the leadership of the Central China Bureau of the Communist Party of China, it was determined to build a coastal defense levee for the local people. With the full support of the Central China Bureau and the New Fourth Army, the first county magistrate, Song Naide, overcame numerous difficulties such as lack of money, food, and water, and enemy sabotage, and led the local people to build a strong embankment of nearly 45 kilometers in 84 days. This was a major practical matter done by the New Fourth Army for the masses of the people after it arrived in the Yanfu area, and the seawall was later named "Song Gong Causeway" by the masses, and in the hearts of the people stood a monument for communists to practice their original intentions and wholeheartedly benefit the people.

Eighty years later, the Song Gong Causeway still stands tall, protecting the production and life of coastal soldiers and civilians. In recent years, the Yancheng City Party Committee and the Municipal Government have insisted on empowering the future with seaward development, vigorously promoting the uplift of the northern coast, and the Binhai County Party Committee and the county government have seized the opportunity to build a deep-water port along the Songgong Causeway and a moon bay in the pro-sea area, and a large number of major projects have been landed and completed. Today's Songgong Causeway has become a veritable most beautiful seawall and a kangzhuang avenue for coastal people to pursue a better life.

At the opening ceremony, Shen Jianchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Binhai County CPC Committee and director of propaganda, introduced that Binhai County is a Chinese calligraphy county, the hometown of Chinese Yanglian, the hometown of Chinese poetry, and it has been full of talents in modern times. Gu Lian Estate, Pang Youlan, Yang Zhijiang, Wang Jiguang, He Bingsheng and other historical and cultural celebrities and enlightened gentry living in the Fudong area are not only active participants in the Huhai Art and Culture Society initiated by General Chen Yi, but also active promoters of the construction of the Song Gong Causeway. Li Dunfu, Guan Jun, Wang Zhaorong, Zang Ke and other famous contemporary calligraphers and painters from binhai are widely respected by the society for their unique artistic styles, leading the vigorous development of the famous art city in the hometown of coastal calligraphy and painting, and there are currently more than 20 members of the national calligraphy and artists association working and living in Binhai, and hundreds of members at or above the provincial level.

Yancheng held an exhibition of art works with the theme of "Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Construction of the Song Gong Causeway"

"In this exhibition, there are not only the masterpieces of the older generation of calligraphers and painters, but also a considerable number of works that are the works of young and middle-aged calligraphers and painters. It is hoped that with this exhibition, the audience will not only deeply appreciate the vivid study and education of the party history of the construction of the 'Song Gong Causeway', but also appreciate the exquisite cultivation of the artists. Shen Jianchun said.

"Eighty years ago, in 1941, the New Fourth Army rebuilt its military headquarters in Yancheng, opening a heroic chapter in the heroic killing of the enemy behind the enemy lines in central China and the defense of the homeland. Today, eighty years later, the Yanfu area has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the Songgong Causeway still stands majestically, protecting the production and life of the coastal people and is a broad road in the hearts of the coastal people. Ge Qi, vice chairman of the Yancheng Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the Shihuhai Art And Culture Society, said that this theme art exhibition not only expressed high respect to the predecessors who contributed to the construction of the Songgong Causeway, but also showed the new social development style of the Yanfu area, especially the coastal coastal area, and also showed the profound calligraphy and painting art heritage of the cultural Yancheng.

Yancheng held an exhibition of art works with the theme of "Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Construction of the Song Gong Causeway"

Song Qisheng, the founder of the Song Gongdi and the son of Song Naide, the first county magistrate of the anti-Japanese democratic regime in Funing County, also attended the opening ceremony. He hoped that everyone would inherit the excellent qualities of the communists represented by Comrade Song Naide in building the party for the public good, selflessly dedicating themselves, being indomitable, and not being afraid of sacrifice; from the red history represented by the construction of the "Song Gong Dike," they would continue to draw strength forward, continue the red bloodline, tell red stories well, and carry forward the red culture.

The exhibition is jointly sponsored by Yancheng Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Yancheng Federation of Literature and Art Circles, Yancheng Huhai Art And Culture Society, Binhai County Party Committee and County Government, Binhai County Huhai Art Literary Society, Binhai County New Fourth Army Research Association, Yancheng Art Museum, Yancheng Calligraphy and Painting Institute, and Yancheng Hanmo Danqing Culture Co., Ltd.

Source: Hyundai Express All Media

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