
Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

author:Shanghai Zhenzhi Technology
Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

The wave of digital intelligence is sweeping all walks of life, leading enterprises from the digital era to the digital intelligence era. But what is digital intelligence? How to achieve digital transformation? It has become a big problem in front of countless enterprises!

In fact, digital intelligence is the intersection of the three elements of digitalization, AI and business, based on massive big data, combined with artificial intelligence-related technologies, to break through the original data "end-to-end island", combined with specific business scenarios to make decisions and solve problems. To put it simply, digitalization is a technical concept, and digital intelligence is the application of digital technology, which is the next stage of digital development.

As for how enterprises can achieve digital and intelligent transformation? Zhang Lijun, co-founder and CTO of Shanghai Zhenzhi Technology Co., Ltd., was interviewed by Artificial Intelligence Today.

Mr. Zhang has been focusing on enterprise SaaS services, IT service management, software architecture design and other fields for 21 years, and has led the Zhenzhi team to develop a number of enterprise service products, and is the chief product officer of the company's Yanqianyun SaaS and Pigtooth Fish SaaS products. Now he leads Zhenzhi team to build an AITSM product Yanqianyun based on artificial intelligence, automation and big data technology to help enterprises build digital service centers with IT service scenarios, and an enterprise-level R&D management platform Pigtooth Fish to provide enterprises with R&D management and DevOps tool chains, committed to helping enterprises accelerate digital transformation, accelerate organizational and technological innovation, and respond to the needs of the market and digital workplace.

Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

Zhang Lijun, co-founder and CTO of Shanghai Zhenzhi Technology Co., Ltd

Q: Hello Mr. Zhang, the recent digital intelligence transformation is very hot, I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you, can you briefly introduce Zhenzhi Technology to us?

A: Zhenzhi Technology, incubated by Hande Information, a well-known enterprise digital service provider in the industry, obtained its first round of financing in 2021, co-led by Blue Lake Capital and Matrix Partners Venture Capital, and has completed the A+ round of financing, with a total of 100 million + yuan in financing.

Zhenzhi Technology benchmarks the American ServiceNow, cuts into enterprise digital services with ITSM service management, provides intelligent service management platform for medium and large enterprises, helps enterprises integrate IT and business capabilities, establishes a new IT service management model that is service-oriented value-oriented, efficient collaboration, preventable, automated (reducing labor), and intelligent, and helps enterprises transform into service-oriented and knowledge-based organizations, and ranks first in the country in terms of market share in the SaaS model in the ITSM field, and has served 100+China's top 500, 250+ private top 500.

Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

Q: As an enterprise digital service enterprise benchmarking against ServiceNow, what core products does Zhenzhi Technology currently have that can benchmark against ServiceNow's products?

A: With more than 20 years of enterprise digital service experience and in-depth understanding of enterprise digital intelligence construction of Hande, Zhenzhi Technology has created two products, Pigtooth Fish and Yan Qianyun, focusing on "strong IT" and "strong service" product-level solutions.

"Strong IT" product solutions help enterprises realize the integration of IT construction and operation, and complete complete service support from IT service planning, construction, construction, maintenance and operation; And through IT asset management services to complete the precipitation and management of IT construction and operation process assets; The platform service capability provided by Z PaaS provides enterprises with the technology platform capability of rapid business innovation; Knowledge management helps integrated services to realize knowledge precipitation in business processes and transform the capabilities of service personnel into platform service capabilities.

The product solution of "strong service" helps enterprises build comprehensive service capabilities based on the best practices of IT services, extends the process, specification and capabilities of IT services to the service scenarios and customer service scenarios of enterprise employees, and helps enterprises establish a service system for employees and customers through employee AI assistants and omni-channel customer service products, forming a digital employee and customer service center.

Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

Yanqianyun intelligent service management platform uses work orders, call centers, knowledge bases, intelligent assistants, AIGC, process engines, integration engines and other technologies to organically link IT centers, personnel sharing, financial sharing, order logistics, customer service and after-sales and other departments to achieve proactive and efficient closed-loop services.

Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

The digital intelligent development and management platform provides tools such as collaboration, testing, DevOps and containers to help enterprises connect the whole process of software development and project management requirements, design, development, deployment, testing and operation, improve management efficiency and software R&D quality in one stop, help team effectiveness faster, stronger and more stable, and comprehensively promote the digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

Yan Xiaoqian AI employee assistant provides 24-hour online services all year round to help enterprises solve frequently occurring repetitive problems, provide intelligent Q&A and intelligent recommendation of solutions, and reduce labor costs; The dual ability of integrating question and answer library + knowledge base integrates the knowledge of the private domain within the enterprise with the AIGC language large model, and provides users with one-stop question and answer services with the excellent language generation ability of the large model to help enterprises accumulate knowledge base.

Q: The two products of Pigtooth Fish and Yan Qianyun do sound good. So, what industries and scenarios do Zhenzhi Technology mainly serve customers in these products? What pain points do they solve for customers?

Answer: Zhenzhi mainly serves medium and large enterprises, customers cover various industries, including new energy, chemical, automotive, retail, food, medicine, transportation design, etc., has served Wanhua Chemical, Oriental Yuhong, MINISO, GCL Integration, Xtep China, Changan Ford, KAS Dairy, Bangpu, High-energy Environment and other customer enterprises.

Zhenzhi mainly serves IT operation and maintenance management, project and R&D management, employee service management, customer service management, supplier integration service management and other business scenarios.

Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

Q: Mr. Zhang, compared with competitors such as ServiceNow, what do you think is the core competitiveness of Zhenzhi Technology?

A: Zhenzhi "Strong IT" and "Strong Service" product solutions are committed to creating intelligent full life cycle service processes, intelligent and automated service capabilities can help enterprises improve service efficiency and employee satisfaction, and help enterprises reduce service costs. Zhenzhi provides comprehensive product solutions for enterprise digital services; Intelligent and automated services are the core capabilities of the product; The Z PaaS platform provided can help enterprises carry out rapid business innovation; Help enterprises carry out digital transformation from the dimensions of organization management, service release and management system, and intelligent service support system; Create an upstream and downstream service ecology and jointly build a service ecology.

Q: At present, many enterprises are undergoing digital intelligence transformation, and the development of digital intelligence service platforms is also in full swing. What characteristics and trends do you think the digital intelligence service platform will present? What areas of improvement will it bring?

A: The first trend is intelligence, with the maturity of AIGC technology, will bring qualitative changes to enterprise digital services, the current application of large language models, the application of intelligent customer service and knowledge has been greatly improved, and in the entire service life cycle, intelligent empowerment can improve the service experience, help enterprises truly achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

The second trend is automation, with the development and application of technology, change a large number of service processes and service forms, through continuous service precipitation and optimization, so that a large number of services to achieve automatic services, so that users can achieve self-service through self-service, achieve "left" of service, accelerate the timeliness of service, and improve user experience.

With the application and precipitation of related practices, the best practices of these services are applied to enterprise employee service scenarios and external customer service scenarios to achieve efficient collaboration between internal and external and upstream and downstream ecosystems.

The fourth trend is platformization, the introduction of a large number of service scenarios of enterprises, coupled with rapid changes in business and environment, enterprises continue to precipitate general services to form service platforms, helping enterprises quickly realize service changes and business innovation.

Zhenzhi Technology Zhang Lijun: Digital and intelligent transformation helps enterprises break through the cocoon into a butterfly!

Q: Under the wave of digital intelligence, what are the goals and strategic layout of Zhenzhi Technology in the future?

A: Zhenzhi Technology's goal is to build an enterprise-level digital intelligent service platform, provide "strong IT" and "strong service" product solutions to help enterprises build digital service centers, and help enterprises solve service process challenges.

Zhenzhi Technology continues to invest in AI strategy, overseas strategy and information innovation strategy, and its products continue to expand business modules horizontally from the current IT service management, IT asset management, employee service management, customer service management, project management, and DevOps management; Vertically strengthen PaaS platform capabilities, intelligent and automatic service capabilities, and build a platform-based service platform:

1. Intelligent ITSM, intelligent closed-loop service process, improve service efficiency, reduce service costs, and improve employee satisfaction.

2. Conversational interaction, provide conversational interactive service capabilities, improve user interaction experience, and improve communication and collaboration efficiency.

3. Omni-channel customer service, provide omni-channel customer service, and solve the problem of multi-channel after-sales collaboration of customers.

4. IT asset management, providing enterprises with hardware, software and consumables management capabilities.

5. Project management system, providing enterprises with multi-scenario project management, and completing the whole life cycle management from project establishment, budget, planning, cost, and implementation of projects.

6. DevOps management, providing enterprises with DevOps full-link platform service management.

7. Intelligent analysis and display, solve enterprise data analysis, display, insight problems, and help decision-making.

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