
The seriously ill puppy endured the pain to comfort the owner, and donated the cornea before he died

author:Marco on popular science

The old man held his dog and cried silently, as if his world had completely collapsed. And this golden retriever named Sandy gently patted the master's hand and comforted the owner with his last strength.

On Sandy's stomach, there was a huge tumor. And this tumor began to swell a few months ago, at that time, because the size was not large, the owner did not pay attention to it, but felt that Sandy was bitten by a bug and swollen up a large bag.

But as time went on, the lump grew bigger and bigger, and Sandy felt uncomfortable, often rubbing his body around.

At this time, the master discovered that something was wrong. When he brought Sandy to the hospital, the doctor issued Sandy's death notice on the spot.

The seriously ill puppy endured the pain to comfort the owner, and donated the cornea before he died

The tumor had taken so long to form, long before he noticed a bulge in his stomach, and now it had developed to this extent that it could not be treated. Even if surgery is performed, part of the tumor is removed. There is no complete cure for the disease, and there is only one way to die waiting for Sandy.

The owner was like a thunderbolt after learning of this situation, Sandy and he had spent ten years together, and he had also thought about what to do if Sandy was gone one day. But he never thought it would be such an ending, and now when he sees Sandy's painful appearance every day, he only feels like his heart is being pinched by a big hand, clenching it fiercely again and again.

The tumor is getting bigger and bigger, and it often ruptures, and when the pus inside flows out, the owner can only endure the heartache to help it wipe it clean.

The seriously ill puppy endured the pain to comfort the owner, and donated the cornea before he died

He didn't want to save Sandy's life, but now he couldn't do anything about it.

The veterinarian told him that Sandy's tumor must not be cured, and now it was in an advanced stage, and there was no medical treatment to change his life. But they were still able to surgically remove part of the tumor to alleviate Sandy's pain.

The owner watched Sandy run to the corner every day and rub his body on it, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable. After learning that the surgery would relieve Sandy's pain, he decided to operate on him without hesitation.

Even if this choice will cost him the savings he has saved for a long time, it will not save Sandy's life, but as long as it can make Sandy a little less painful, it will be worth it.

After making an appointment for the operation, the old couple spent all their energy and time on Sandy. They were all afraid that Sandy would leave him forever after this operation, and they were worried that something would go wrong before the operation.

The seriously ill puppy endured the pain to comfort the owner, and donated the cornea before he died

And Sandy also seems to understand that his time is numbered, and whenever the owner wipes his body, he will stretch out his paw and put it on the owner's hand. Looking calmly into the owner's tear-filled eyes, it also wanted to comfort the owner and tell them that he was okay. But now it is very difficult to even eat, and it is impossible to stand up and rub the owner's face affectionately like before.

It can only use all its strength to show strength. But its strength makes the owner's heart ache even more, and they often blame themselves for not discovering that something is wrong with Sandy's body sooner. If it had been discovered earlier, perhaps it could have been saved.

But at this point, no amount of regret and unwillingness has lost its meaning, and they can only do their best to make Sandy's last days more comfortable.

When the time came for the day of the operation, the old man brought Sandy to the hospital.

Doctors tried all kinds of methods to completely eliminate this tumor in his body. But unfortunately, the cancer cells in its body have already spread from the lungs to the whole body, and there is no way to cure them.

As previously expected, the operation did nothing but alleviate some of Sandy's pain.

The seriously ill puppy endured the pain to comfort the owner, and donated the cornea before he died

When the operation was over, the old man returned home with the dying Sandy. Now it is in worse condition than before, although the pain of the external tumor has disappeared, but the trauma caused by the incision and surgery has made this puppy in the advanced stage of cancer more painful.

Now it needs a lot of drugs every day to stay alive, and in the dead of night, when everyone is asleep. Sandy was still convulsing and couldn't sleep, it was in too much pain.

Now it is better to live than to die, endless pain is tormenting Sandy all the time, and the old couple has no way but silently cry.

After some thought, they decided to send Sandy to the pet hospital to donate his cornea. This helps other animals to survive healthily.

The seriously ill puppy endured the pain to comfort the owner, and donated the cornea before he died

Although they were extremely reluctant in their hearts, they knew that one more day of Sandy living in the world would have to suffer one more day. And if it drags on any longer, Sandy's life expectancy will only be a few days.

They learn that there is a puppy in the pet hospital waiting for a matching cornea, and Sandy's fits it just right.

That's why they made this choice. When the pain relieving needles and anesthesia were injected into Sandy's body, his convulsive body slowly quieted down, and his breathing became weaker and weaker, until finally stopped completely.

And its cornea was successfully transplanted to another puppy. This is Sandy's last gift left in the world, and it is also the last sustenance in the old man's heart.