
China set another first, the satellite-ground laser test was a great success, and the US aircraft carrier was nowhere to be seen

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According to media news, China has set another first time in the field of satellite monitoring, a technology company in Jilin Province used their own research and development of vehicle-mounted laser communication ground station to conduct a satellite-ground laser high-speed image transmission test with the "Jilin No. 1" constellation MF02A04 satellite-borne laser terminal, and achieved complete success.

According to the media, this is China's first exclusive commercial application of satellite-ground laser high-speed image transmission test, which means that China has made a major breakthrough in the field of satellite-ground laser transmission and reached the world's leading level. In layman's terms, its success means that the United States may no longer have secrets in the Asia-Pacific region.

China set another first, the satellite-ground laser test was a great success, and the US aircraft carrier was nowhere to be seen

What is satellite-ground laser high-speed image transmission?

Satellite-to-ground laser high-speed image transmission uses lasers to transmit images and data in space to achieve long-distance and high-speed communication. In this test, the communication bandwidth reached 10Gbps, which is more than 10 times the traditional microwave data transmission bandwidth. In the future, this bandwidth will be extended to 40Gbps-100Gbps, and stations will be set up throughout the country to improve the efficiency of "Jilin No. 1" data acquisition.

Traditional satellite communications rely mainly on the radio spectrum, but the transmission rate is limited due to the limited spectrum. The satellite-ground laser high-speed image transmission can overcome this problem, it uses the laser beam to transmit data, not limited by the spectrum, greatly improving the data transmission rate. Compared with traditional communication methods, satellite-ground laser high-speed image transmission has higher bandwidth and lower latency.

In addition, satellite-ground laser high-speed image transmission also has higher safety. The laser beam is directed at the target site, and the transmission path is very narrow, almost impossible to interfere with or intercept. Compared to radio waves, laser signals are more difficult to eavesdrop on or hack, thus providing a higher level of data security.

China set another first, the satellite-ground laser test was a great success, and the US aircraft carrier was nowhere to be seen

In the future, satellite-ground laser high-speed image transmission is expected to play an important role in space exploration, remote sensing and communication. For example, in space missions, it enables the rapid transmission of high-definition images and videos, providing astronauts with more information and reducing risks during the mission.

In Earth observation, laser transmission technology can realize the rapid acquisition and processing of high-precision remote sensing data, helping researchers better understand the changes in the earth and environmental problems.

In addition, satellite-based laser high-speed image transmission can also promote the development of the communication industry, providing more reliable and secure solutions for high-speed Internet and wireless communication.

In short, the development of this technology can not only provide more efficient data transmission methods for space missions and Earth observation, but also bring revolutionary changes to the fields of remote sensing, communication and scientific research.

China set another first, the satellite-ground laser test was a great success, and the US aircraft carrier was nowhere to be seen

If it is applied for military use, it is even more remarkable

As we all know, "Jilin-1" is an optical remote sensing satellite, and it will form an optical remote sensing satellite constellation in the future, and will realize a network of 138 satellites in the future. The satellite has high-precision and high-efficiency imaging capabilities, and can provide high-quality image data and information services for users around the world. It will provide strong support for the development of agriculture, forestry, urban planning, surveying and mapping, environmental protection and other fields.

In the military field, its performance is also excellent, and it has clearly photographed American F-22 fighters passing through the clouds. It can obtain high-definition, high-resolution image data to achieve all-weather, all-weather, all-round surveillance of enemy military activities. Not only can it monitor and track the enemy's military facilities, bases and equipment, but also detect and identify the enemy's military movements and strategic deployments. By grasping the enemy's position and dynamic changes in real time, our military can better conduct situational awareness and operational command, and improve real-time decision-making ability and tactical flexibility on the battlefield.

China set another first, the satellite-ground laser test was a great success, and the US aircraft carrier was nowhere to be seen

In terms of intelligence analysis, Jilin No. 1 provides rich materials and information for military intelligence analysts by obtaining a large amount of remote sensing data. This data can be used in various aspects such as mapping, image processing, and target recognition to help the military make accurate intelligence assessments and analysis judgments. Through in-depth research and analysis of these data, our military can better understand the enemy's situation, speculate on the enemy's intentions, and provide scientific basis for military operations.

It should be noted that in terms of ocean monitoring, the penetration of lasers to the water layer itself is superior to electromagnetic waves, and can easily penetrate the sea layer of 500 meters, which basically reaches the maximum depth of the nuclear submarine. By exchanging information with lasers and satellites, submarines can receive information in a timely manner without needing to float, minimizing the risk of exposure.

If it is applied to the military, then the US aircraft carriers in the Asia-Pacific region will not be hidden, and the aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and strategic bombers on which it relies are under surveillance, and it will be difficult for the United States to think about things again.

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