
Friends recalled the murdered Internet celebrity Luo Damei: born in grassroots, very eager to help people, some online information is rumors

author:Poster News

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Poster news reporter Wen Luyi Lv Le reported

Recently, the news of the murder of domestic Internet celebrity Luo Damei appeared on the Internet. On October 19, Luo Damei's friends revealed that Luo Damei was born in grassroots and was often eager to help others, and could not be contacted in mid-July.

Friends recalled the murdered Internet celebrity Luo Damei: born in grassroots, very eager to help people, some online information is rumors

Luo Damei account

According to public information, Luo Damei is an anti-string artist, often posting videos of women's costume performances, and also live selling makeup and skin care products. The first video on its Douyin account was posted in February 2020, and the latest video was posted on July 5, 2023, and currently has 1.23 million followers.

In September this year, some netizens spoke out that Luo Damei was killed. On October 19, according to the Beijing News, the reporter learned from official channels in Nanyang that Luo Damei's murder was true, all three suspects have been brought to the case, and the case is being further investigated. The suspect was an acquaintance of Luo Damei, who was tricked into going to Nanzhao County to kidnap and extort money at the time of the crime. After extorting a large amount of money, he killed Luo Damei and hid his body. In addition, online rumors that the victim's body was divided are false.

Friends recalled the murdered Internet celebrity Luo Damei: born in grassroots, very eager to help people, some online information is rumors

Damei Luo has donated to the affected areas

Anti-string artist Li Jie (pseudonym) is a friend of Luo Damei, introduced by Li Jie, Luo Damei's surname is Shang, is from Henan, born in 1994. Luo Damei worked as a farmer at home, and when she was a child, she was a cattle herder, and she went to a professional opera school to learn Danjiao because she loved opera. Later, my throat fell down, so I went to lip-sync performance. Luo Damei hit a wall everywhere when she first came out of society and started from scratch. Around 2017 and 18, Luo Damei began to do online live broadcasting, and her income was quite good in 2019. Before he disappeared, Luo Damei's studio had about a dozen employees, and he had two houses and a car in Nanyang.

In 2019, the two met while picking up goods from the same wholesaler. In the following years, the two sides often communicated through the Internet, Luo Damei would sometimes go to Chengdu, Sichuan Province to meet and play with Li Jie, and Li Jie would also go to Luo Damei's home in Nanyang, Henan Province. In Li Jie's view, Luo Damei has two characteristics - love of work and enthusiasm for helping others.

"He spends half of his month on performances, and he also has to live broadcast and bring goods, generally does not leave Nanyang, and later does not have time to play in Chengdu. His character is particularly good, and he donated money and materials as soon as Henan and Anhui were affected. Someone asked him for help, he didn't know, he wasn't a fan, he transferred thousands of money to people, and these people never paid it back. Li Jie recalled.

Friends recalled the murdered Internet celebrity Luo Damei: born in grassroots, very eager to help people, some online information is rumors

Luo Damei has donated to helpers many times

On June 28, 2023, Li Jie and Luo Damei called the video, Luo Damei was in Nanyang at that time, and there was no abnormality in the video. Li Jie told Luo Damei that he was going to Nanyang to play with him in July, and Luo Damei agreed. "He usually lives on his own in Nanyang, and sometimes friends want to come to him to play, and he also asks others to live in his house together." Li Jie said. Li Jie once met Luo Damei's friends in Nanyang, and he reminded Luo Damei to be careful of the people around him. Luo Damei once mentioned to him that many people borrowed money from themselves, and the WeChat name also wrote "borrow money to blacken". "He borrowed money with the principle of 'saving the emergency but not the poor'." Li Jie said.

Friends recalled the murdered Internet celebrity Luo Damei: born in grassroots, very eager to help people, some online information is rumors

Luo Damei's last TikTok video was released on July 5

On July 18 and 19, Li Jie sent a message to Luo Damei again and did not get a reply, which is a very abnormal situation, generally Luo Damei will reply to Li Jie within 24 hours even if he does not see it in time. Li Jie inquired about other mutual friends and got the news that Luo Damei was out to relax. "His income is not very good this year, and I think it is possible to go out and relax." Li Jie said.

In August, Li Jie learned the news of Luo Damei's murder from another friend, and also learned more details from Luo Damei's family. After Luo Damei was killed, Li Jie found that the rumors related on the Internet were very different from the facts, which made Li Jie very helpless, "The Internet said that he had a son, but in fact he was single and had no children." His sister is studying, his assistant is also his apprentice, and now the assistant and the rest of the studio are clearing goods, clearing the payment for the merchant, and leaving the excess money to his family. ”