
With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

author:Residual wine in the lamp

At a time when the contradictions between China and the United States are becoming more and more intense, the United States is also thinking about various plans to attack China.

In this regard, Samuel Paparo, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, issued a shocking remark, proposing that if the PLA solves China's Taiwan issue, the United States can use six aircraft carrier battle groups and two marine divisions to "expedition to China."

What's more, U.S. Defense Secretary Austin said the United States now has 800,000 U.S. troops ready to move to deal with the Chinese threat.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

Samuel Paparo, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet

Provocation by the United States against China

It can be said that the United States' provocations against China have become more and more bottomless, and all kinds of statements about all-out war against China are emerging one after another.

So is it feasible to say that Samuel Paparo, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, and Secretary of Defense Austin?

In fact, when it comes to the remarks of these two people, one can't help but think of an interesting thing that happened in history, that is, Spain's "expedition to Daming Plan".

In the 16th century, a Spanish missionary named Martin de Lada, after examining the coastal defense forces of Fujian, China, came to the astonishing conclusion that Spain needed only 25,000 men to conquer the entire Ming Dynasty.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

Oil painting depicting the great armed voyages of Europe

According to the missionary's plan, Spain needed 10,000 troops to conquer Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and other "islands" outside China.

After completing this step, Spain could recruit 6,000 soldiers in Japan, 500 slaves in Southeast Asia to supply logistics, and some indigenous soldiers in the Philippines as a supplement, with a total of 25,000 troops to land in Macau, using Macao as a springboard to drive straight in, thus conquering the entire Daming.

From a modern point of view, this plan was undoubtedly very ridiculous, but the Spaniards at that time were serious.

King Philip II of Spain even responded seriously to this plan. Don't look at his response as it was not approved, but Philip II's reason for this response was not that he thought the plan was absurd, but that the situation in Europe had become more and more serious, and Spain did not have the spare power to send so many people to East Asia.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

Britain annihilated the Spanish Armada at the Battle of Lepanto

It can be seen that the Spaniards at that time confirmed that this plan was feasible, but because European affairs led to their lack of skills and could not "conquer the Daming".

Now if we look at the plan of Samuel Paparo, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, it is not difficult to find that there are many similarities between the two plans.

To be honest, whether it was the Spanish expedition plan to Daming or the US expedition to China, the military power taken out was not less.

With more than 600 people, Spain defeated the armed forces of tens of thousands of Aztec Empires and conquered this country of millions of people.

The United States' six aircraft carrier battle groups and two marine divisions look at the world, and apart from China and Russia, basically no country can carry it.

But both plans clearly fall short in the face of China.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

US aircraft carrier fleet

However, the people who made these two plans are very confident in their plans, and the fundamental reason behind this is that the United States has fought small countries for too long, won for too long, and is too arrogant in mentality.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the commander of the US Pacific Fleet will really think his plan is feasible or whether he is just talking about it, but one thing we do know for sure is that the US provocations against China have intensified.

Whether the commander of the US Pacific Fleet really believes that six aircraft carrier battle groups can conquer China, or just talks ruthlessly to scare China, his core purpose is only one, that is, to deter China and prevent the PLA from solving the Taiwan issue as much as possible.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

PLA landing combat exercises

Can't be led to the rhythm by the United States

In fact, China does not need to pay attention to such provocations by the United States.

First, being led by others will disrupt the pace of your own development.

Once you are led to rhythm by others, you will be dragged by your opponent into areas where they have strengths and weaknesses.

The most representative of this view is the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union that year.

After launching the first artificial satellite from the USSR, the United States was brought to the rhythm by the USSR.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

The first artificial satellite of the USSR

The Soviet Union, with its little-mover advantage in aviation, frequently won international political victories. Among them, the Soviet Union sent Gagarin into space, which reached the peak of the advantage of the space race.

But then the Soviet Union was dragged into the rhythm of manned moon landing by the United States, and the United States, with its stronger financial resources and more talents, won the space race with the Soviet Union in this regard, which caused a huge blow to the image of the Soviet Union.

In today's game between China and the United States around China's Taiwan issue, the mainland has adopted a strategy of ignoring the United States and not being led by the United States.

China has its own plan for solving the Taiwan issue, and before the United States "fires the first shot" at China, no matter how provocative the United States verbally, China will not be fooled.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

PLA cross-sea landing combat exercise

Time is on China's side

Second, time is on China's side, and the longer it drags on, the more advantageous it will be for China.

Whether it is economic or military development, China is currently in a state of rapid development.

Economically, China is currently integrating Southeast Asia, migrating its backward production capacity to Southeast Asia, spreading infrastructure throughout Southeast Asia, and economic and trade exchanges with Southeast Asia are getting closer and closer.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

China-ASEAN Expo

And China is now actively building energy pipelines with Russia to ensure its own energy security.

It can be said that with China's current development trend, China may only need less than 10 years to have relatively sufficient confidence to think about whether to cut off the US economy.

At that time, even if the United States fully sanctions China, the impact on China will be minimal.

Militarily, the PLA is now in a state of rapid upgrading of weapons.

Especially the navy, in recent years, the Chinese navy has launched warships with an average annual total tonnage of about 100,000 tons. With this development trend, the Chinese Navy will develop in 10 years, and the total tonnage of warships will increase by more than 1 million tons.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

The 052D destroyer was launched

In terms of the Air Force and Rocket Force, China is also in a situation where the number of fifth-generation aircraft, special operations aircraft and missiles is increasing.

At China's current pace of military development, by about 2030, the military strength of China and the United States will be basically equal.

It can be seen that whether it is economic or military, dragging out time is beneficial to China. On the contrary, the United States, seeing China's growing military and economic power, hopes to take advantage of its current advantages and let China fire the first shot as soon as possible.

With an army of 800,000 plus 6 aircraft carriers, the United States provokes China without a bottom line, is it war or forbearance?

Conceptual diagram of the Sino-US game

This further illustrates one point: the mainland needs to be patient with the current US provocations.

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