
As soon as the temperature cools down in late autumn, the fish run to these four places, and the right fishing spot is basically not airforce

author:You're good at fishing

#Magic pen flower creation challenge#Once the late autumn encounters cooling, some anglers may feel that it is very unhappy, because the fish will be difficult to catch after the temperature is lowered, but in fact, it is very suitable to catch crucian carp after the late autumn cooling, because crucian carp is a low-temperature resistant fish, and crucian carp will fight more groups when it encounters cooling, and gather in some places.

As soon as the temperature cools down in late autumn, the fish run to these four places, and the right fishing spot is basically not airforce

Let's share four places where crucian carp tend to gather when cooling down, as long as you go to these four places to fish, you basically won't be airforced!

First, after cooling down, wild fishing is preferred "deep water"

It is the consensus of anglers to choose to fish deep water after cooling down. This is mainly because shallow water cools down faster when the water temperature decreases, while deep water cools down relatively slowly due to its natural heat retention. Therefore, when temperatures drop, fish tend to choose deep-water areas as their primary places for feeding and roosting.

However, deep water does not refer to water depth alone, it is relative to shallow water. In some cases, even if the water depth is only 50 cm, there may be schools of fish as long as there are deep pits or ravines under the water. Therefore, when choosing whether to fish deep or shallow, you should judge based on the actual situation.

As soon as the temperature cools down in late autumn, the fish run to these four places, and the right fishing spot is basically not airforce

Second, cooling wild fishing can choose "leeward"

In cooler weather conditions, when there is wind, it is very suitable to go fishing at this time. However, wind can also cause water temperatures to drop, which is a problem that we need to consider. To meet this challenge, we should choose to fish in a sunny area with the lee wind. Doing so avoids direct wind blowing while enjoying the warmth of the sun.

If we fish in large areas of water, such as lakes or large rivers, then it is better to choose the north or east bank. Because the water surface in these two directions usually cools down first, and the north and east winds will also bring more oxygen here, promoting the survival and activity of fish.

As soon as the temperature cools down in late autumn, the fish run to these four places, and the right fishing spot is basically not airforce

In particular, if we choose a windward place on the south or west coast, the water temperature here will drop faster and the fish will be less active, which is not conducive to our fishing.

Third, cooling wild fishing can choose "Xiangyang"

The water temperature on the sunny side is usually warmer than in other places, so choosing a sunward water hook will often get better fishing results. Of course, if you encounter a cloudy day, the effect may not be as obvious

However, if it is a sunny day, the water temperature on the sunny side will be more significantly higher than in other areas, which will cause fish to gather on the sunny side, and choosing the sunny water surface to hook at this time often has unexpected effects.

As soon as the temperature cools down in late autumn, the fish run to these four places, and the right fishing spot is basically not airforce

Fourth, cooling wild fishing also needs to choose "grass edge"

Where there is grass, the water temperature will be higher than in other places, and the food is also richer, so you can choose the grass edge to hook at this time. Of course, it is better if there are lodging reeds, grass, etc. These plants can not only provide warm temperatures for fish, but also provide shade for fish, making fish feel more comfortable.

If anglers see some reeds and grass lying in the water in the wild, try to hook in that place!

Of course, in addition to the above four places, anglers can also choose some other places to take the bait, such as places with stone cracks, wooden stakes and other obstacles underwater. These are places where fish like to roost and can also provide more food to fish.

As soon as the temperature cools down in late autumn, the fish run to these four places, and the right fishing spot is basically not airforce

But no matter where you take the bait, anglers need to pay attention to the changes in air and water temperature! If the weather conditions are not very good, it is best not to go fishing.

These are the four locations you need to choose for wild fishing after cooling down! I hope it will be helpful to all anglers. Of course, the water and fish conditions are different in each place, and the above is only the general situation. If anglers want to know more about fishing tips, you may wish to check out some related information on the Internet.

I am Youyu Happy, I will continue to share what I see, hear, and feel about fishing in the future, and look forward to the attention and support of fishing friends, see you in the next issue!

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