
There is a good show in the village | Hedong: Develop the "one village, one product" industry and play the "symphony" of industrial prosperity

author:Linyi Hedong release

Rural revitalization and industrial revitalization are the key. Focusing on the goals of agricultural efficiency, farmers' income and rural development, Hedong District has actively developed the industry of "one town, one characteristic, one village, one product", and actively developed characteristic industries according to village conditions, making scientific plans, and playing a "symphony" of industrial prosperity.

There is a good show in the village | Hedong: Develop the "one village, one product" industry and play the "symphony" of industrial prosperity

In autumn, it is the harvest season, and the melons and fruits in the land of Hedong are fragrant, and the joy of harvest is everywhere. In the Xiaoxihe Family Farm in Zhengwang Town, more than 100 acres of sunshine rose grapes gradually entered the ripening period, and the round "emeralds" became the local "fruits of prosperity", injecting "sweet power" into rural revitalization. Gong Zaibao, head of Xiaoxihe Family Farm in Zhengwang Town, said. "At present, it is planted on about 103 acres, and now it has entered a bumper production period. Now the mu yield is about 4,000 jin per acre. Now sales are okay too. Now the wholesale is about five dollars. ”

There is a good show in the village | Hedong: Develop the "one village, one product" industry and play the "symphony" of industrial prosperity

Since the beginning of this year, 47 new industrial projects have been added to Zhengwang Town, including 28 projects such as Guojiawan rose planting, Liuguanzhuang beef cattle breeding, Shiwangya pet dog breeding, Changwang quail breeding, and Dagongjia sunshine rose grape planting, and the construction of characteristic agricultural industrialization has gradually become a well-known agricultural characteristic township.

Liu Jia, deputy director of the Zhengwang Town Rural Planning and Construction Supervision and Administration Office, said: "The development pattern of "one village, one industry, one village and one characteristic" in Zhengwang Town has initially taken shape, and it is accelerating on the track of realizing agricultural industrialization and promoting rural revitalization. ”

There is a good show in the village | Hedong: Develop the "one village, one product" industry and play the "symphony" of industrial prosperity

The harvest of grapes has made Xiaogongjia Village in Zhengwang Town a famous grape village. In Eight Lakes Town, this year's harvest of golden pears and autumn moon pears has made 65-year-old pear farmer Liu Peiying have a bumper harvest. Liu Peifang, a pear farmer in Fuchipo Village, Bahu Town, said: "The benefit of one mu of land is now more than 10,000 yuan, and 10 mu of land is more than 100,000 yuan." "The harvest of golden pears and autumn moon pears makes Eight Lakes Town another characteristic agricultural product after strawberries and lotus root. In Tanghe Town, in recent years, a new sales model has been used to enable seedling flower growers who used to go to Guangzhou to achieve the export of seedlings and flowers at their doorstep. Shen Yan, anchor of Yizhou Begonia Industry Demonstration Park, said, "Now is the peak season for the sale of begonia flowers, with an average of more than 100 pots of goods per day, mainly sold to the south, and the most popular begonia flowers we have here are the Four Seasons Begonia Longevity Crown, and Longevity Happiness." ”

There is a good show in the village | Hedong: Develop the "one village, one product" industry and play the "symphony" of industrial prosperity

Relying on a convenient e-commerce platform, begonia here has ushered in the "spring" of sales. Nowadays, Tanghe Town has officially become a municipal rural revitalization demonstration area, with the beautiful city of Yizhou Begonia, more and more citizens come to play, check-in, in the future, Tanghe Town will focus on building a begonia capital, health town, with begonia as the feature, with the seedling flower industry as the support, docking with the goal of rural revitalization and development, the begonia industry into a "splendid industry" that enriches the people and increases income.

There is a good show in the village | Hedong: Develop the "one village, one product" industry and play the "symphony" of industrial prosperity

Zhong Shengli, director of the Social Public Service Center of Tanghe Town, said: "Based on this Haitang Industrial Park, we will continue to increase the intensity of infrastructure construction, attract more promising young people to return to their hometowns to start businesses, and drive these surrounding Haitang professional villages to increase income and become rich, so that people's lives will be richer and happier." ”

In recent years, Hedong District has always regarded industrial development as the core and foundation for promoting rural revitalization, and adopted the method of "cooperatives + leading enterprises + bases + farmers" in each town and street to drive the local people to develop seedlings and flowers, strawberries, grapes, lotus root, tomatoes and other industries, effectively promoting the local people to become rich and increase income.

There is a good show in the village | Hedong: Develop the "one village, one product" industry and play the "symphony" of industrial prosperity

Liu Shiliang, deputy director of the Hedong District Agricultural and Rural Development Service Center, said: "By organizing agricultural technicians to go deep into the fields for technical follow-up guidance, face-to-face help farmers solve technical problems and practical difficulties in agricultural production, drive the development of the agricultural industry, further boost the confidence of the masses in developing and planting characteristic agricultural products, and broaden the channels for the masses to increase income." Up to now, Hedong District has planted a total of 65,000 mu of cash crops, with an average output value of more than 10,000 yuan. ”

Rural revitalization depends on industry, and industrial revitalization depends on characteristics. In the next step, Hedong District will further develop the "one village, one product" industry, build a number of characteristic agricultural product bases, continue to improve and strengthen characteristic industries, strengthen brand building and quality improvement, and accelerate the "running" on the "track" of agricultural industrialization to promote rural revitalization.

【Hedong financial media reporter Zhong Jiping】

#奋进新征程建功新时代 #Strong confidence, stabilizing the economy and promoting development#Unswervingly promoting high-quality development #打造乡村振兴齐鲁样板--There are good shows in villages and villages #文明山东美德山东信用山东 #绿色低碳从你我做起 #Carry forward the spirit of Yimeng, build quality, Hedong#HospitalityShandong, good productsShandong#Rural cultural revitalization#Please come to Yimeng to see the golden autumn