
Science and technology museum, popular science education base, grassroots characteristic venue... This map takes you around nearby popular science venues~

author:Science and technology martial arts gate

You know

What are the science and technology museums and popular science education bases in the province

And what about grassroots specialty venues?

Where are these popular science venues?


A: Right next to you and me!

Weekends, winter and summer vacations

Don't know where to go with your kids?

These popular science venues around you

It's a good choice

Come and see

What popular science venues are near your home?

How can I find it?


Science and technology museum, popular science education base, grassroots characteristic venue... This map takes you around nearby popular science venues~

  Recently, the "Zhejiang Science Map" was officially launched, covering the basic information of 19 science and technology museums, 1043 science popularization education bases and 954 grassroots characteristic venues in the province.

  Through the "Alipay" app, "Zhejiang Liban" APP and "Zhejiang Liban" WeChat mini program, the public can easily search for "Zhejiang Li Science Popularization" and find "Zhejiang Li Science Map".

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  → click "Zhejiang Science Map" to view the information of popular science venues in Zhejiang Province at any time, including contact number, address, venue introduction, etc.;

  → click the "Map" menu, you can find venue information through the submenus of "Nearby", "Administrative Division" and "Venue Type";

  At the same time, the location of various venues is identified on the map, and you can navigate to the venues with one click.

  With the "Zhejiang Science Map", the public no longer needs to spend a lot of time and energy looking for information about the science popularization base, and can obtain all the information they need in one stop. This digital way of popularizing science has greatly improved the timeliness and convenience of popular science, and made popular science truly enter people's lives.

  Digital empowers development, and digital drives innovation. In the wave of Zhejiang's digital reform, the "Zhejiang Science Popularization Map" is another brand-new fruit of the science popularization work of the Zhejiang Provincial Association for Science and Technology.


How interesting and material are popular science venues?

Let's take a look at a wave ~

Zhejiang Science and Technology Museum

Science and technology museum, popular science education base, grassroots characteristic venue... This map takes you around nearby popular science venues~

  Science popularization education institutions, national science popularization education bases and national youth science and technology education bases for the public to carry out popular science exhibitions, scientific and technological training, youth science and technology competitions and other activities, the first panoramic digital science and technology museum in China, with ten permanent exhibition areas, more than 100 exhibition items, more than 300 exhibits, not only the basic scientific principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry, heaven, earth, life, etc., but also involve life science, environmental science, material science, aerospace technology, energy technology, information technology and other more than a dozen subject areas of knowledge.

● West Lake Cultural Square, Global Center, Chaohui Street, Gongshu District, Hangzhou

China Port Museum

Science and technology museum, popular science education base, grassroots characteristic venue... This map takes you around nearby popular science venues~

  Positioned with port culture as the theme, integrating display, education, collection, scientific research, tourism, international exchanges and other functions, reflecting the international, professional and interactive large-scale port thematic museum in mainland China, providing an intuitive image and interactive atmosphere for scientific perception of the development of the port and cultivating interest in the port.

● No. 6, Gangbo Road, Chunxiao Street, Beilun District, Ningbo

Su Buqing Inspirational Education Hall

Science and technology museum, popular science education base, grassroots characteristic venue... This map takes you around nearby popular science venues~

  At present, the only celebrity thematic hall named after Su Buqing and titled "inspirational education" in the mainland integrates cultural relics display, cultural relics collection, cultural relics research, inspirational education, popular science publicity and academic exchanges, and is divided into six parts: "Young Minds Should Be Clouds", "The First Geometrician of the East", "A Teaching Whip for a Life's Work", "Leaving a Heart to Warm Sunshine", "Article Morality Looks Up to the Wind" and "Success Does Not Forget Hometown Feelings", showing Su Buqing's style and carrying forward Su Buqing's spirit.

● Lizhi Road, Tengdai Village, Tengjiao Town, Pingyang County, Wenzhou City

Qianjiangyuan National Park System Pilot Area

Science and technology museum, popular science education base, grassroots characteristic venue... This map takes you around nearby popular science venues~

  The first batch of "National Youth Nature Education Green Camps" in China, with rich science popularization content and perfect science popularization facilities, has built an international first-class frontier research platform for forest biodiversity and its response to climate change, a citizen ecological civilization education and practice platform, and many scientists' scientific research work and achievements here have provided a lot of popular science materials for popular science education.

● Xilian Line of Qixi Town, Kaihua County, Quzhou City


  Friends who want to check in science venues, hurry up and open the "Zhejiang Science Map" and travel with science!

Source: Department of Science Popularization of Provincial Association for Science and Technology

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