
Guo Jianxiong conducted special research in Beizhai Township to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up with rural revitalization

author:Yushe County Financial Media Center

On October 18, Guo Jianxiong, secretary of the county party committee, went deep into Beizhai Township to conduct special research to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link rural revitalization.

Guo Jianxiong conducted special research in Beizhai Township to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up with rural revitalization

Guo Jianxiong and his entourage successively went to the households of Zhaowang Village, Yangtian Village and Beizhai Village in Beizhai Township to monitor households, carefully check the help cards, carefully inquire about the enjoyment of medical, education, employment and other assistance policies, and talk cordially with them to learn more about their physical health, economic income, children's lives and other conditions.

Guo Jianxiong conducted special research in Beizhai Township to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up with rural revitalization

Guo Jianxiong stressed that we must attach great importance to consolidating the connection work, normalize the dynamic monitoring and assistance work of preventing poverty return, so as to ensure that we should do our best and help as much as possible, and resolutely guard the bottom line of not returning to poverty on a large scale. It is necessary to carry out large-scale visits from village to village and household, find out the bottom line, grasp the facts, and do a good job of the work accounts in a strict and meticulous manner, so as to ensure that the data is accurate, the logic is rigorous, and the results of the work are objectively reflected. It is necessary to do a solid job in helping and supporting villages, accurately measure income, accurately grasp household conditions, and ensure that income is stable and up to standard. It is necessary to pay close attention to key households, adhere to the principle of lenient entry and strict exit, seriously and meticulously strengthen screening and monitoring, regularly study and judge the "three guarantees" and drinking water safety issues, coordinate and support resources, actively and properly handle them, and use actual work results to improve the satisfaction of the masses. It is necessary to do a good job in improving the appearance of villages and households, unify standards to promote the transformation of rural household toilets, actively explore ways to increase village collective income, and promote the consolidation of poverty alleviation achievements and the effective connection of rural revitalization with tangible work results.

Guo Jianxiong conducted special research in Beizhai Township to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up with rural revitalization

Reporter | Huiya Xiaoyu

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