
The future of live streaming is slim

author:Lu Songsong

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There are indications that the e-commerce industry and live streaming will be affected. The future of live streaming is slim, I believe that there will soon be a policy to come out, for the e-commerce sector, support entities, support the cancellation of live broadcast goods.

The future of live streaming is slim

(1) At present, 6 countries and organizations have announced bans or restrictions on live streaming.

(2) Brother Yang, who has 160 million fans, also seems to have announced his withdrawal from the Internet.

(3) Live streaming is prohibited in some areas of Hangzhou.

These 6 countries include Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, the United States and the European Union (28 countries), Indonesia has completely closed its e-commerce live streaming platform and cancelled the delivery of goods, because e-commerce live streaming has too much impact on offline physical stores, and most physical stores have closed down because of this.

And Xiao Yang, who has 160 million fans, also said in a live broadcast: "If I announce my withdrawal from the Internet, will you support me?", it is estimated that there are high-level people who support them, smell the crisis, and may survive if they quit early. Before the policy was introduced, the early exit was earned, and the reputation was also obtained, after all, the tree made a big move, and the gun shot the first bird.

The future of live streaming is slim

Hangzhou is known as the capital of the Internet, now pilot some industries are prohibited from bringing goods, if the results are good, a large area of promotion, from March 6 this year, "China's first clothing street" Hangzhou Sijiqing part of the market announced that all businesses in the store to open live sales. However, this is a spontaneous behavior of some markets, not a government action, and some clothing markets in Guangzhou have long had this regulation!

Although everyone said that they supported the closure of e-commerce and live streaming, the result was that everyone was still very honest. A few days ago, because of Li Sisi's resignation from CCTV, Lu Songsong launched a vote. It is to the effect of: If it were you, how would you choose? 37 years old is staying in CCTV? Or live streaming?

The future of live streaming is slim

A total of 625 people voted. 38% want to stay in state-owned enterprises, and 9% are unable to make a choice.

As a result, 54% of people still want to do live broadcasting. Although many people don't like live streaming goods, everyone is willing to do this industry, what is the situation? Is live streaming so attractive? So many people want to go?

Jack Ma once said: If e-commerce goes bankrupt, 30 million people will lose their jobs, to be honest, stop e-commerce Are you used to?

Article source: Lu Songsong blog, follow Lu Songsong, learn more about entrepreneurs!