
Once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China cannot attack the US aircraft carrier, what kind of bandit logic is this?

author:Late spring

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In recent years, China's rapid economic and military power has grown, making it more prominent on the international stage. At the same time, however, Western countries have taken a tougher approach to China, especially the United States, which sees China as the greatest threat to global military hegemony. The escalating tensions have appeared to be a strategic pawn, particularly as provocations in the South China Sea, Taiwan Strait and Yellow Sea have heightened tensions in these already less calm regions and raised concerns about the possibility of war.

Especially on the Taiwan Strait issue, US military experts have issued a warning that once a conflict between China and the United States occurs, the most likely trigger is the Taiwan Strait issue. However, China has always insisted that the island not be allowed to separate, which means that if the PLA has to reclaim Taiwan and the United States intervenes, the PLA will not hesitate to confront the US military.

Once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China cannot attack the US aircraft carrier, what kind of bandit logic is this?

The United States may send a powerful aircraft carrier battle group to intervene in the affairs of the Taiwan Strait, which will become the main target of the PLA and may even be destroyed. But the U.S. military will not give up and is likely to increase its strength to retaliate against the PLA. If the carrier is sunk, the U.S. counterattack will be relentless, potentially launching a large number of missiles into the Chinese mainland within hours or destroying PLA aircraft carriers or amphibious assault ships around the Taiwan Strait. Such a situation could lead to large-scale conflicts or even a third world war, with serious global repercussions.

The author of this article worries that if China and the United States go to war over the Taiwan Strait issue, it may trigger a large-scale conflict and pose a huge threat to the world. However, the author's implication seems to contain a threat to China, suggesting that China should not take offensive actions that could trigger a larger conflict.

Once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China cannot attack the US aircraft carrier, what kind of bandit logic is this?

However, we should understand that if the PLA is forced to act and sink the US aircraft carrier, it is also because the United States first intervened and tried to prevent the PLA's Taiwan reconquest. If the United States is really worried about the outbreak of a large-scale conflict, the easiest way is not to interfere in the Taiwan Strait issue.

The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, external forces have no right to interfere, any attempt to split the island will be regarded as a hostile act, and the PLA will take all necessary measures to ensure Taiwan's reunification. Whether the U.S. military intervenes or not, the PLA will resolutely resist.

To sum up, there seems to be a logical inconsistency in the views put forward by US military experts. If the PLA is forced to act and sink the US aircraft carrier, it is not bandit logic, but to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. Most importantly, the best way for the United States to avoid triggering a large-scale conflict is not to intervene in the affairs of the Taiwan Strait.

Once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China cannot attack the US aircraft carrier, what kind of bandit logic is this?

Article Inspiration:

This article deals with tensions between China and the United States over the Taiwan Strait and possible military conflict. From this, the following lessons can be drawn:

Peaceful settlement is the best option: The article mentioned that once China and the United States engage in a war over the Taiwan Strait, it may trigger a large-scale war and even threaten the world. This underscores the importance of the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Diplomacy and negotiation should be preferred rather than relying on force.

Respect for the principle of sovereignty: The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and the article emphasizes the need to respect the principle of sovereignty. The international community should abide by international law, respect the territorial integrity of States and refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other States.

Once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China cannot attack the US aircraft carrier, what kind of bandit logic is this?

Need to build trust: The article mentions that mistrust between the two sides could lead to an escalation of the conflict. Therefore, trust and communication channels need to be established between China and the United States to reduce the risk of misunderstanding and conflict.

Avoid an arms race: The article hints that an arms race could lead to conflict. All countries should exercise caution and avoid unnecessary arms races in order to maintain regional peace and stability.


This article discusses tensions between China and the United States, particularly in the Taiwan Strait. U.S. military experts have proposed a possible conflict scenario that highlights potential dangers. However, the article also reflects China's position and resolutely safeguards national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China cannot attack the US aircraft carrier, what kind of bandit logic is this?

In general, the article reminds us of the complexity and tension in international relations. The peaceful settlement of disputes, respect for sovereignty, confidence-building and avoidance of an arms race are key to ensuring regional and global security and stability. Both sides need to reduce tensions through dialogue and diplomacy to avoid potential conflict and its potential global repercussions. At the same time, States should recognize that interference in the internal affairs of other States could provoke tensions and that caution was needed and respect for international law and the principle of sovereignty.

In addition, this article has also provoked some profound food for thought and broader implications for international politics. Here are some relevant points:

Diplomatic and Military Balance: In international relations, the balance between diplomatic and military power is crucial. The situation described in the article shows that diplomacy should still be the first option, even if military force exists. The international community needs to attach importance to diplomatic negotiations and international cooperation in order to resolve differences and disputes and avoid military action.

Regional Stability: The article's mention of possible large-scale warring could have significant global implications underscores the importance of regional stability. The international community should work together to ensure peace and stability in all regions in order to reduce the risk of conflict.

Improving the international legal framework: This situation also reminds us that the international legal framework needs to be continuously improved to better deal with complex international disputes. States should work to strengthen existing international legal institutions and, where necessary, to enact new legal provisions to ensure that the international community could properly address potential crises.

Bilateral Relations: In the article, the U.S.-China relationship is emphasized, but this also applies to bilateral relations between other countries. The international community needs to actively seek diplomatic solutions to differences and build mutual trust in order to avoid potential conflicts.

Precautions: Finally, the situation described in the article also reminds States to take precautionary measures to reduce the risk of potential conflict. This includes resolving differences through diplomatic means, strengthening international scrutiny and ensuring transparency in the use of military force. Preventive measures can help avoid an escalation of crises that could eventually lead to conflict.

In conclusion, the article highlights the complexity and tension of international relations and the steps countries need to take to ensure peace, stability and international cooperation. Diplomatic settlement of disputes, respect for sovereignty, confidence-building and avoidance of an arms race are key elements in maintaining international and regional security. The international community should work together to reduce the risk of potential conflict and ensure peace and stability. By upholding and strengthening these principles, the international community can better respond to current and future challenges.

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