
Outburst! The US Capitol has fallen!

author:Cyberspace mobile phone users

The old Biden in Israel, never thought. While he ran to Israel to express his coexistence with Israel, the backyard of the United States caught fire and Biden's old nest Capitol was once again captured.

Today, thousands of protesters collectively mobilized to break through the layers of U.S. police and enter the U.S. Capitol. Demand that the United States immediately promote a Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire!

Among the protesters who stormed and broke into the Reichstag were a large number of Jewish groups, who came not in solidarity with Israel, but against the Israeli massacre in Gaza and the United States shielding Israel.

Outburst! The US Capitol has fallen!

It seems that this time Israel's indiscriminate killing of innocents in Palestine has made these Jews in the United States feel afraid. Unwilling to blame Israel for the massacre anymore, they began to stand up and strongly condemn Israel's crazy killing of Gaza, while at the same time pressuring the United States to immediately stop Israel's attack on Gaza. Israel's atrocities in Gaza and the actions of the United States in supporting Israel and tigers cannot stand even the Americans themselves.

Although Jewish capital is extremely powerful in the United States, powerful to the point of pervasiveness, many Israeli atrocities in Gaza have been uploaded to the Internet.

In the United States, the pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli people are sparkling, just as the Democratic and Republican people in the United States are deeply torn apart, and the two sides do not give in to each other, and now they have come to the point of occupying Congress.

Seeing that the situation of the occupation of the Capitol began to spiral out of control, the United States had to mobilize a large number of police to urgently surround the protesters occupying the Capitol and arrested more than 300 people.

Today, in front of the White House, a large number of protesters who tried to storm the White House were arrested!

Outburst! The US Capitol has fallen!

Remember that during the 2020 US presidential election, Trump's supporters directly stormed and occupied Congress. Let the whole world drop its jaw in shock.

Today, the U.S. Capitol is also occupied by protesters. The long-term policy of the United States to indulge the colorimetric has given the United States itself a taste of ignition, and this is just the beginning.

While the anti-Israeli wave was surging in the United States, Jewish capital also used its huge financial power to exert power in all corners of the United States to suppress the forces that supported Palestine.

A university in the United States received a call from Estée Lauder's boss threatening to withdraw its financial sponsorship if it did not stop supporting Palestine. And some Jewish capital-backed consortiums in the United States have even threatened that whoever supports Palestine will expose it and never admit students who support Palestine.

Just because Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook, the largest social platform in the United States, is Jewish, the speech of support for Israel on Facebook can be unimpeded, but a large number of pro-Palestinian accounts have been innocently blocked, even Palestinian official accounts.

What's more, six BBC journalists were suspended for supporting Palestine.

Outburst! The US Capitol has fallen!

In Europe, Jewish capital is also pervasive, not only suppressing pro-Palestinian protests, but also launching blockade tactics in the media.

But with the development of the Internet, Israel's atrocities in Gaza began to be made public, especially the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, which killed more than 700 people, and shocked the whole world.

Many countries in the Middle East have set off a wave of anti-Israel and anti-American, the embassies of the United States and Israel are surrounded by groups, while a US consulate general in Turkey has been stormed by protesters, and Israel has urgently ordered all Israelis to evacuate from Turkey. Once again, Israel has experienced what it feels like to be shouted and beaten by everyone.

The partiality of the United States and European countries towards Israel and the suppression of Palestine began to arouse the collective anger of the people in the United States and even Western Europe and other Western countries, and the United States finally tasted the taste of ignition.

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