
During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, Mr. Peng scolded the central cadres in Zhongnanhai so that they could not lift their heads

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Marshal Peng Dehuai, as one of the outstanding military leaders of the mainland, made outstanding contributions to the establishment of New China. Chairman Mao once described him as "General Peng who dares to cross the knife immediately," emphasizing his outstanding performance on the battlefield. However, in addition to his outstanding combat achievements, Marshal Peng Dehuai's fiery personality is also widely known. His frank, outspoken character was widely respected in the army. This article will review three of Mr. Peng's temper flare-ups on the Korean battlefield, and explore why he became angry at a meeting in Zhongnanhai and how Premier Zhou mediated.

Peng Dehuai scolded "Liang Daya"

In 1950, our volunteers crossed the Yalu River and rushed to the unfamiliar Korean battlefield to fight for the safety of future generations. In the early days of this battle, our soldiers performed well because the American army despised them. However, Liang Xingchu of the 38th Army hesitated during a battle, allowing the Americans to calmly escape. Upon learning of this, Mr. Peng mercilessly rebuked Liang Xingchu and even threatened to revoke his rank. Although he scolded very harshly, in the later Battle of Songkufeng, General Peng still trusted Liang Xingchu, and as a result, the 38th Army successfully held its position and almost annihilated the US army group.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, Mr. Peng scolded the central cadres in Zhongnanhai so that they could not lift their heads

Peng Dehuai scolded Wei Jie

In 1951, the fifth campaign to resist US aggression and aid Korea broke out, and the main forces of our army were concentrated in the northern and southern regions of the 38th parallel. However, the enemy launched a counterattack, dividing and encircling the 60th division of the 180th army. Due to the wrong command and untimely support, the 180th Division suffered huge losses. This situation caused President Peng to lose his temper and called a meeting in Kongsidong, where in front of everyone, he angrily denounced Wei Jie, commander of the 60th Army, described him as a "worm", and severely criticized his military command. Wei Jie bowed his head and acquiesced, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room froze, but everyone understood Mr. Peng's temper.

Mr. Peng made a big fuss about Zhongnanhai

As the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea progressed, Mr. Peng was recalled to China, but he was worried about the logistical supply of front-line soldiers. He wrote several times to report the plight of the volunteers to the Central Committee, but he was met with delay and prevarication. Mr. Peng no longer endured it, and at a meeting in Zhongnanhai, he became angry with the logistics cadres, accusing them of not working well in the rear. When Premier Zhou heard this, he immediately ordered that most of the state revenue be used to improve the logistics of the volunteers and ensure that the soldiers were fed and fed. This incident shows that Mr. Peng is responsible for the lives of the soldiers and is angry to improve their living conditions.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, Mr. Peng scolded the central cadres in Zhongnanhai so that they could not lift their heads


Although Marshal Peng Dehuai's temper was fiery, his directness on the battlefield showed the importance he attached to the lives of soldiers. However, the situation in the country was relatively stable in the post-war period, and his blunt temper became the focus of controversy, leading to some unpleasant events. In any case, Marshal Peng Dehuai is the founding merit of the mainland, and his battle exploits and character deserve our respect and admiration. The moment he lost his temper on the battlefield also showed the sense of responsibility and determination of a military leader.


The article mentions Marshal Peng Dehuai's resolute character and straightforward temper, as well as his responsible attitude towards the lives of soldiers on the battlefield, which brings us several important enlightenments.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, Mr. Peng scolded the central cadres in Zhongnanhai so that they could not lift their heads

First, a resolute leadership attitude. Marshal Peng Dehuai's decisiveness and resoluteness on the battlefield taught us the need to make decisions quickly and without hesitation at critical moments. This resolute character can lead to efficiency and determination in leadership.

Secondly, concern for subordinates. Mr. Peng's responsibility for the lives of soldiers on the Korean battlefield shows that a leader should care about the well-being of his subordinates, especially in high-risk environments. This care builds trust and boosts team morale.

Third, be fair in decision-making. Although Mr. Peng once scolded his subordinates, he paid attention to the wrong people in his decision-making and encouraged his subordinates to improve and improve. This tells us to differentiate between issues and individuals in leadership in order to build a healthier organizational culture.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, Mr. Peng scolded the central cadres in Zhongnanhai so that they could not lift their heads


Marshal Peng Dehuai was an outstanding military leader in the history of the mainland, and his resolute character and concern for the soldiers made remarkable achievements on the battlefield. Although he sometimes appears fiery in his leadership style, his decision-making and tenacity have played a role in key moments.

His experience has taught us that leaders should remain steadfast in the face of adversity, care about the well-being and safety of their subordinates, and be fair in their decision-making, not hindering the development of their team due to personal feelings. In difficult times, a resilient and decisive leadership style can inspire a team and bring victory. Marshal Peng Dehuai is a glorious chapter in the military history of the mainland, and his story will always inspire us to move forward.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, Mr. Peng scolded the central cadres in Zhongnanhai so that they could not lift their heads

Marshal Peng's experience also reminds us that leaders need to adapt to different styles in different situations. On the battlefield, quick decision-making and resolute determination are essential, but in peacetime, more patience and gentleness are needed to coordinate complex matters. This flexibility and alignment of leadership style is a sign of a good leader.

In addition, the example of Marshal Peng Dehuai also tells us that although he showed a fiery temper in some cases, he won the respect of the fighters in battle. This shows that sincerity and adherence to principles are equally important in leadership. Leaders should stand up for their beliefs and values instead of blindly currying favor with others.

Finally, Premier Zhou's intervention and support for Marshal Peng Dehuai's decision-making demonstrated the power of teamwork and support. Leaders need to build trust and cooperation within their teams to pursue common goals together. In this process, leaders need to have the wisdom to mediate conflicts to ensure harmony and efficiency in the team.

All in all, Marshal Peng's experience provides important lessons on how leaders deal with stress, handle teams, and make decisions. His tenacity, caring and principled character make him a timeless role model who inspires us to progress in a variety of leadership situations. His story teaches us that in leadership, adherence to principles, concern for subordinates, and adaptation to situations are critical.

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