
Two trump cards were played, and on the 6th day when China imposed sanctions on Lockheed, the United States claimed to be able to survive the difficulties

author:Playful Lining

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When it comes to the complex relationship between international politics and the military-industrial complex, the consequences of events can be far more complex than they seem. In the current global tension, the dispute between China and the United States is becoming a clash of interests and political forces. This article will reorganize these events, depicting different narratives and perspectives to glimpse the multifaceted nature of international relations.

U.S. military industrial complex and arms sales to Taiwan

US military enterprises have been acting as the main promoters and executors of US government arms sales to Taiwan, which is not only extremely sensitive to the Taiwan issue, but also undermines Sino-US relations. In the past two months, the United States has repeatedly announced that it is sending weapons to Taiwan, sending a wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces. This approach not only damaged Sino-US relations, but also provoked China's response, and the PLA dispatched a large number of military aircraft to indicate the situation of cross-strait reunification.

Two trump cards were played, and on the 6th day when China imposed sanctions on Lockheed, the United States claimed to be able to survive the difficulties

China's multifaceted counteraction

China is not a passive party. In addition to imposing sanctions on two major U.S. defense companies, Lockheed and Grumman, China has also imposed controls on the export of rare earths and gallium germanium. These moves clearly have a serious impact on the production and supply chains of U.S. defense companies. China has taken a multifaceted approach to U.S. arrogance, especially in high-tech industries.

The complexity of the US military-industrial complex

U.S. defense enterprises are not only commercial institutions, they are involved in the political, commercial, academic and military fields, forming a huge interest group. Despite some negative responsibilities at home in the United States, such as shootings and military corruption, they still expand their interests. However, they should avoid touching red lines involving the Taiwan Strait, or they will fall into China's blockade chain.

Two trump cards were played, and on the 6th day when China imposed sanctions on Lockheed, the United States claimed to be able to survive the difficulties

Gallium germanium and rare earths are critical

China's export controls on gallium-germanium and rare earths not only troubled U.S. defense companies, but also revealed the critical importance of these key raw materials in the military and high-tech industries. China accounts for most of the world's gallium germanium and rare earth production, making it difficult for U.S. defense companies to bypass the sanctions. If China further strengthens rare earth export controls, it will have a greater impact on US military enterprises.

In the arena of international politics, everything is interconnected. The struggle between China and the United States involves not only politics and the military, but also commercial and global supply chains. Therefore, the complexity of this issue goes beyond what we usually see on the surface and requires more in-depth thought and research. Only by understanding the motives and interests of all parties can we better interpret this multi-layered story.

Two trump cards were played, and on the 6th day when China imposed sanctions on Lockheed, the United States claimed to be able to survive the difficulties


The above report reveals a series of international political and economic phenomena, from which some important lessons need to be drawn. First, the role of U.S. military-industrial complex enterprises is becoming increasingly evident in international politics, not only providing the United States with military technology, but also serving as a tool for political pressure. This tells us that the defense industry is closely linked to political interests, but it also brings many risks.

Second, the Taiwan issue has always been a sensitive topic in Sino-US relations. China's firm opposition to external interference in Taiwan's affairs requires global attention. The international community needs to pay more attention to the Taiwan issue to avoid actions that could lead to escalation of regional tensions.

In addition, the impact of China's export controls on specific key raw materials shows the effectiveness of sanctions. This is essential for countries to safeguard national security and economic interests, but it is also a reminder of the fragility of international trade and supply chains.

Finally, U.S. military-industrial complex has enormous influence over U.S. politics, business, and the military. This raises concerns about its social responsibility. Measures should be taken to ensure that the actions of military enterprises do not lead to instability or conflict and at the same time promote the peace and prosperity of societies.


Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. First, the U.S.-China relationship remains challenging, and the Taiwan issue is one of the core issues that remains unresolved. The international community needs to take a cautious stance and encourage dialogue and consultation in order to avoid potential conflicts.

Second, export controls are an effective tool in international politics and can be used as a counterweight to irresponsible behavior. China's export controls have already had a substantial impact on U.S. defense companies, alerting the international community to international trade and supply chain stability.

In addition, the huge interest groups of the US military industry play an important role in American society and politics. They should act more responsibly in order to reduce conflicts and problems within and outside the country.

Finally, international politics is complex and multilayered and requires a balanced and rational approach by all parties. Neutrality and cooperation are the keys to resolving international disputes and maintaining global peace.

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In the current international landscape, countries must recognize the reality of interdependence. Globalization has brought countries closer together, which means that international conflicts can trigger a chain reaction to the detriment of all parties. The international community therefore needs to do more to resolve disputes through dialogue and diplomacy, rather than resorting to force or unilateral action.

China's export controls and sanctions are effective diplomatic tools, but they should also be used with caution to avoid unnecessary shocks to the global economy and international cooperation. The international community should encourage States to take into account global interests in taking such measures and to ensure that they are consistent with international law and norms.

As a huge interest group, US military enterprises should pay more attention to their social responsibilities. Their actions not only affect domestic politics and business, but also have a profound impact on international relations and global peace. Therefore, these enterprises should actively participate in social and international affairs to ensure that their actions do not lead to the escalation of international tensions or conflicts.

Finally, the stability of U.S.-China relations and other international relations requires more cooperation and diplomatic efforts. Countries must learn to solve problems together and reach consensus through dialogue and negotiation. In the era of globalization, no country can solve complex international problems alone. The international community must therefore work together to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future.

Taken together, these events provide profound implications for us to take seriously the complex challenges in international politics and economics. Neutrality, cooperation and prudence are the keys to resolving the problem in order to ensure peace, prosperity and stability for the international community. At the same time, States and enterprises must fulfil their social responsibilities and ensure that their actions do not lead to unnecessary escalation of conflicts and problems.

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