
Flowers of the Wild: A 19-year-old girl's thrilling dowry, which blooms 15 years later

author:Untethered dragon bag

The little girl, Yin Yuzhen, was once forced to marry Bai Wanxiang, a farmer living on the edge of the Maowusu Desert. This decision was a nightmare for her, as she not only lost her freedom, but also faced harsh conditions and poor living conditions. However, instead of being struck down by the predicament, she became a winner of the China Environment Prize. So, as an ordinary peasant woman, how did she achieve such remarkable achievements? Yin Yuzhen's father once encountered a big storm while exploring the Maowusu Desert, but fortunately, he was saved by Bai Wanxiang's father. As a result, the two families forged a deep friendship. One day, Yin Yuzhen's father mentioned while drinking that he would marry his favorite daughter to Bai Wanxiang, and the two families were very happy. Yin Yuzhen, who was only 19 years old, came to the Maowusu Desert with longing and expectation. However, when she arrives at Bai Wanxiang's home, she really realizes her predicament. Bai Wanxiang's home was a dilapidated cave with no door, and Yin Yuzhen almost had to bend down to enter. Her heart was filled with despair and helplessness, and one night she cried non-stop. When she woke up the next morning, she found that half of her door was blocked by yellow sand.

Flowers of the Wild: A 19-year-old girl's thrilling dowry, which blooms 15 years later

In the face of these difficulties and challenges, Yin Yuzhen persevered for a week, but she couldn't bear it anymore and decided to escape from here. However, she didn't know how to leave the place covered in yellow sand. So she was determined to change her life. She found her husband Bai Wanxiang and told him what she thought. Although Bai Wanxiang was very taciturn, at Yin Yuzhen's insistence, he supported her decision. So the couple decided to exchange the money of the family's most valuable sheep for 600 saplings. These saplings are their first life-changing step. They plant trees with all their might, digging pits in the yellow sand every day to cultivate saplings. Yin Yuzhen watered these saplings with her own hands, and she realized that only by letting the trees grow could she change her destiny. She hopes to change the desert by planting trees to make it greener and richer. However, life is not easy. Yin Yuzhen and Bai Wanxiang not only have to face poverty and harsh environment, but also overcome the difficulty of planting trees. They need to find water and spend a lot of time and energy watering and fertilizing every day. But they didn't give up, and they believed that as long as they kept going, they would definitely reap success.

Flowers of the Wild: A 19-year-old girl's thrilling dowry, which blooms 15 years later

After several years of hard work, the saplings planted by Yin Yuzhen and Bai Wanxiang gradually grew, and the green area of the Maowusu Desert gradually expanded. Their efforts were recognized and they received the China Environment Award as role models for environmental protection. Yin Yuzhen's story tells us that no matter what kind of predicament we are in, with courage and determination, we can change our destiny. By planting trees to improve the environment of the Maowusu Desert, she not only made her life better, but also contributed to environmental protection. Her story inspires us and tells us that everyone has the power to change the world.

Flowers of the Wild: A 19-year-old girl's thrilling dowry, which blooms 15 years later

References: 1. World Environment Day: How One Woman Is Changing Her Community by Planting Trees, Chinese Woman Wins United Nations' Highest Environmental Award, Miracle Girl: How to grow a green world with courage and determination?

Flowers of the Wild: A 19-year-old girl's thrilling dowry, which blooms 15 years later

"Deserts become oases, relying on perseverance and patience. When we treat a tree with heart, it rewards us with a forest. This is the voice of Yin Yuzhen, a Chinese desert girl. With her solid hands, she planted the seeds of life in the arid land that had been used for generations in the desert. Through more than 30 years of hard work, she has successfully turned 70,000 acres of yellow sand into an oasis, and cultivated flourishing crops and beautiful roses on this barren land. Her miracle touched the whole world and became a "miracle girl". Yin Yuzhen's story began in 1985, when she and her husband decided to go to Xihai, Ningxia, to plant trees and plant trees, and they invested all their savings at all costs to realize their dreams. But they had no experience planting trees, and due to the harsh winter and the lack of water in the spring, almost all the small saplings bought back died, and only a dozen survived. However, Yin Yuzhen and her husband were not discouraged, they focused on the surviving saplings, took care of them, and learned from their failures. They firmly believe that as long as they keep at it, everything will get better. However, to grow life in the desert, it takes not only perseverance and patience, but also courage and determination.

In order to plant trees, Yin Yuzhen's children also suffered a lot. In order to prevent the child from running away, they had to tie the child to the kang at home, but one day the child inhaled the sand grains in the lungs and did not clean them up in time, and eventually fell ill with tuberculosis. Later, in order to take care of her little daughter, Yin Yuzhen carried the basket to the place where the tree was planted, but the child's skin could not withstand the blazing sun in the desert, and blisters appeared on her hands and face. However, Yin Yuzhen did not give up, and she firmly believed that her efforts would be rewarded. After years of hard work, her dream finally became a reality. Through continuous experimentation and practice, she discovered a plant suitable for desert growth, mastered scientific planting techniques, gradually made the desert land fertile, and planted a variety of flourishing crops and beautiful roses on this land. Her success not only brought life power to the desert, but also brought a warm touch to the world. Yin Yuzhen's story tells us that as long as we have courage and determination, are not afraid of failure, are not afraid of pain, no matter how difficult it is in front of us, we can shine in the darkness. Every failure is a valuable experience, and every attempt is an opportunity to move forward.

As long as we persevere and treat every tree with heart, nothing is unattainable. Let us pay tribute to this miracle girl, believing that every effort will be rewarded and every seed will blossom and bear fruit.