
"Biden shows his cards, the US general gives a challenge, and 3 PLA units assemble"

author:Love the clouds of life ulR

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Strategic Transformation: The Biden Administration's Taiwan Strait Challenges and Military Realities Recently, tensions over the Taiwan Strait have once again attracted international attention. The United States, as a global superpower, naturally becomes the center of the spotlight. When multinational generals submitted letters of challenge to attempt to use force, most observers began to question U.S. strategic thinking. It is true that the strategy of force has been frequently used by major powers in history, but is it still applicable on issues related to the Taiwan Strait? Are there other, more sensible options? The strength of the US military is undoubted, and its powerful aircraft carrier fleet gives it an unrivaled advantage at sea. However, the realities of military developments in recent years have shown that this advantage is no longer as pronounced as before. The rapid rise of the Chinese navy and its advances in coordinated capabilities have undoubtedly made the military posture in the Taiwan Strait more complex. It is worth noting that the US military's stagnation in the development of anti-ship weapons has greatly reduced its ability to threaten Chinese aircraft carriers.

"Biden shows his cards, the US general gives a challenge, and 3 PLA units assemble"

This military reality greatly increases the risk that the United States will adopt a military strategy on the Taiwan Strait issue. The complexity and uncertainty of contemporary warfare make any impulsive military action potentially lead to unpredictable consequences. For example, the PLA's recent exercises in the Taiwan Strait demonstrated the interoperability of its army, navy, air, rocket forces, and strategic support forces, doubling the risk of any armed action.

"Biden shows his cards, the US general gives a challenge, and 3 PLA units assemble"

In the face of such military realities, the Biden administration should perhaps re-examine its Taiwan Strait strategy. First, the United States must recognize that the threat of force tactics may not be as effective as expected. Rather than risking challenges, it is better to find more peaceful and stable solutions, for example through dialogue and diplomacy. Second, the U.S. military needs to strengthen the development of modern weapons, especially anti-ship missiles, to ensure its military superiority. Finally, the Biden administration should work with regional countries to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, rather than simply seeking military superiority.

"Biden shows his cards, the US general gives a challenge, and 3 PLA units assemble"

In short, now is a critical time for the Biden administration to re-examine its Taiwan Strait strategy. Only by fully recognizing military realities and risks can we make decisions that truly serve the interests of the United States and the region. It is hoped that the situation in the Taiwan Strait will develop in the direction of peace and stability in the future. We look forward to hearing more views and suggestions on this important topic.

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