
I am 50 years old, graduated from college in 96, with a pension of 1943 yuan, and I feel that college is in vain!

author:A teenager who has been chasing the wind

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"Life is like a gamble, there are losses and wins, but if you don't participate, you will never know how much you can win." This is my motto in life. As a 50-year-old man, I have experienced many ups and downs in life, however, I have never given up my ideals and efforts. In 1994, I was admitted to an ordinary junior college in the city with excellent grades, and it was already a great achievement in life to be admitted to the junior college at that time. That year, I was the only one in my village who was admitted to junior college, and my mother was proud of me and showed off whenever she was around. In college, I studied modern accounting, and although I didn't have much interest at first, I firmly believed that accounting was a good major and could give me a good future, because after graduation, it was a very good job search major. However, the year I graduated from college, I found that things weren't going my way. My classmates all got good jobs early, and I was forced to enter a state-owned enterprise and do work that was not related to my major. Although I felt very uncomfortable, I didn't give up. I continued to work and move closer to my ideals step by step. However, around 2000, our business began to decline.

I am 50 years old, graduated from college in 96, with a pension of 1943 yuan, and I feel that college is in vain!

Colleagues rumored that the company was going to be restructured, it was going to be bought out, and we would all have to lay off in the future. At first I didn't believe it, but in 2003, the company really bought it out, and I became a part of it. At that time, the company gave me 8,000 yuan in compensation. This experience made me deeply realize the difficulty and unknown nature of life. I decided to revisit my life and future and put myself back into work. I started teaching myself computers and gradually mastered some basic computer skills. I also took some online training courses to learn some new knowledge and skills. These efforts eventually paid off and I managed to find a new job and get a fresh start. Through this experience, I have learned a truth: only by continuous effort and progress can we get the opportunity to make a profit in the gambling game of life. No matter what stage we are in, we should maintain a positive attitude, constantly explore our potential, and constantly improve our abilities and skills. This is what life should really pursue. Finally, I would like to ask readers: are you always looking for opportunities on the road of life, or are you obsessed with pursuing your goals? Are you willing to keep learning and improving yourself?

I am 50 years old, graduated from college in 96, with a pension of 1943 yuan, and I feel that college is in vain!

I hope that everyone can adhere to their own ideals, keep forging ahead, and finally win their own victory. Pension is an important issue for every worker, and it is related to the quality of our life in old age. However, many people find in retirement that pensions are not as generous as they expected. Take the author's experience, I worked for 26 years and 9 months, paid about 7 years of pension insurance, but the final pension was only 1943 yuan. This made me feel very frustrated and helpless. Looking back, I feel like I've gone through many twists and turns. The first was university admission, and I struggled to get into a good university in the hope of getting better job opportunities through my studies. However, when I entered the workplace, I found that the actual situation was not what I thought. The work unit did not pay me pension insurance according to my work experience, but according to the minimum base, which made my personal account accumulate very limited. After that, I also went through the stages of layoffs and self-employment. Because of the precariousness of my job, I did not pay pension insurance for a while. It was not until July 2005 that I joined my current employer, which has been paying me pension insurance.

I am 50 years old, graduated from college in 96, with a pension of 1943 yuan, and I feel that college is in vain!

However, despite all my years of work, the amount in my personal account is still very limited, only 79,000 yuan. When I went to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in August this year to go through the retirement procedures, I was very disappointed to see that the pension on the pension plan was only 1943 yuan. I put in a lot of effort and time and effort to earn more pension, but the end result was far less than I expected. I believe that I am not the only one facing this situation. In China, many workers face the problem of pensions. According to statistics, China's pension gap is close to 30 trillion yuan. This means that the system may not be able to pay the retirement pension to which everyone is entitled in the future. So, why does this problem arise? In fact, this is related to the mainland's pension insurance system. The mainland's endowment insurance system is divided into two parts: basic endowment insurance and enterprise supplementary endowment insurance. The basic endowment insurance is uniformly stipulated by the state, while the supplementary endowment insurance of enterprises is decided by the enterprise itself. In my personal experience, the employer basically paid me pension insurance according to the minimum base, which led to insufficient accumulation of my personal account. In addition, the pension calculation formula is also problematic.

I am 50 years old, graduated from college in 96, with a pension of 1943 yuan, and I feel that college is in vain!

The formula for calculating the pension is determined based on the number of years of individual contributions, the contribution base and the contribution ratio. However, in practice, many people have a relatively low contribution base, which leads to a lower final pension. A number of reforms have been proposed to address this issue. For example, increase the contribution base of pensions so that more people can pay pension insurance according to a higher contribution base; Adjust the calculation formula of pension so that the proportion of individual contribution years and contribution base is larger; Strengthen the supervision of enterprises' supplementary endowment insurance, and ensure that enterprises pay endowment insurance in accordance with regulations. These are all aimed at raising the level of pensions and protecting the rights and interests of workers. However, it will take time to test the effectiveness of these reforms. At the same time, we also need to realize that the problem of pensions is not only a problem of institutions, but also involves the entire issue of economic development and social transformation. Only in the context of the development of the society as a whole can we really solve the problem of pensions. Personally, although my pension is not high, I do not regret my efforts and dedication. There are not only money and material things in life, there are many other things that can make us feel happy and satisfied.

It is important that we cherish the present, live every day, and do not be troubled by the regrets of the past, but actively face the future and look for more possibilities and opportunities. Finally, I would like to ask you, have you had a similar experience? What are your thoughts on the issue of pensions? I hope you can leave your comments and ideas to discuss this important topic together.

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