
Taiwanese pilot Lin Xianshun, who returned to the mainland in a plane and was chased and killed by 13 fighters, what is the current situation?

author:Wisdom and film

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It's a powerful story, a story of patriotism, courage, perseverance and sacrifice. The protagonist of the story, Lin Xianshun, a Taiwanese pilot, in order to realize the ideal of the reunification of his motherland, did not hesitate to risk his life and flew a fighter jet over the Taiwan Strait and flew to the mainland. However, the story is not just about his flying feat, but also covers betrayal and loyalty, thrilling pursuit of life and death, and emotional entanglements in finding new love on the mainland. In this introduction, we'll travel through the timeline to dive into this thrilling real-life experience.

First, the speed of life and death! How did Lin Xianshun avoid the pursuit of 12 fighters?

Taiwanese pilot Lin Xianshun, who returned to the mainland in a plane and was chased and killed by 13 fighters, what is the current situation?

Lin Xianshun, a Taiwanese pilot, has a deep affection for the mainland. However, Taiwan did not give him a warm home. His wife was separated, and the suppression of the Kuomintang made him feel lonely. Until he met his like-minded friend Huang Sik Sik-shing, the patriot who dared to fly over the strait, his life began to have a new direction. Encouraged by Huang Zhicheng, Lin Xianshun made up his mind to fly back to the mainland and fulfill his dream of the motherland.

2. Betrayal or loyalty? Why did Lin Xianshun fly back to the mainland?

Lin Xianshun, a Taiwanese pilot, but his heart has long returned to the mainland, because his father was one of the warriors who fled to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek in those years. Lin Xianshun has had a deep affection for the mainland since he was a child, believing that the mainland is his true home. However, Taiwan did not understand his emotions, and even his wife could not understand his patriotic feelings. At work, the Kuomintang's repression made him feel hopeless. Until he met his like-minded friend Huang Zhicheng, the hero who successfully flew across the strait back to the mainland. Lim was inspired and decided to realize his dream of returning.

3. Regain a new life! What did Lin Xianshun experience in the mainland?

On April 3, 1978, Lin Xianshun picked the opportunity and flew an F-5E fighter jet from Taiwan. However, his decision was strongly opposed by the Taiwan authorities, who immediately sent 12 fighters to pursue him and fired multiple missiles at him. His flight becomes a life-and-death chase, and he must use superb flying skills and high-performance fighters to evade missiles while keeping low to find the mainland. In the air, he engaged in a fierce confrontation with Taiwanese pilots, trying to persuade them to return to the motherland. It was not until the mainland sent support that he got rid of the encirclement, pursuit, and interception, and finally landed safely on the mainland.

Taiwanese pilot Lin Xianshun, who returned to the mainland in a plane and was chased and killed by 13 fighters, what is the current situation?

4. Happiness! Lin Xianshun found a new love in the mainland!

Lin Xianshun not only regained his freedom in the mainland, but also found a new love. He meets TV host Wang Ying, a gentle and kind woman who supports him. They attracted each other, understood each other, and soon began a happy relationship, which eventually married. Their happy lives prove that love can overcome all obstacles, especially the huge obstacles across the Taiwan Strait.


This is a true and touching story that shows the loyalty and love of the Chinese people to the motherland and nation, the desire and struggle for peace and reunification, and the pursuit and realization of happiness and beauty. Lin Xianshun's courage and patriotism are admirable, he not only found a new life for himself, but also represented the spirit and strength of all patriots. In his flying feat, we see perseverance and courage, as well as deep affection for the homeland. This story reminds us that no matter how difficult we face, we will always find the strength to move forward by sticking to our inner faith.

Taiwanese pilot Lin Xianshun, who returned to the mainland in a plane and was chased and killed by 13 fighters, what is the current situation?

Enlightenment 1: Loyalty and family and country feelings

Lam's story is a profound reflection of the power of loyalty and family feelings. In order to realize his ideal of returning to his homeland, he resolutely took risks, even though it could mean danger to his life. He firmly believes that the mainland is his true home, and shows a deep affection for his homeland. This enlightens us to cherish the feelings of our family and country, never forget our roots, stick to our faith, and forge ahead courageously to realize our ideals.

Lesson 2: The importance of friendship and solidarity

Lin Xianshun was lonely and helpless in Taiwan, until he met his like-minded friend Huang Zhicheng. Their friendship inspired Lim's courage and determination. In the face of difficulties and crises, the mainland's support also shows the importance of unity. This teaches us that friendship and solidarity can give great support in difficult times and should be cherished wherever they are.

Taiwanese pilot Lin Xianshun, who returned to the mainland in a plane and was chased and killed by 13 fighters, what is the current situation?

Lesson 3: Perseverance

Lin Xianshun encountered unprecedented difficulties in the air, and in the face of 12 fighters and missiles, he showed perseverance and excellent flying skills, and finally managed to escape. This shows that determination and perseverance are the keys to overcoming difficulties. No matter how big the challenge, perseverance and determination can help us overcome the difficulties.

Lesson 4: Family and happiness

Lin Xianshun not only found career success in the mainland, but also found a new love. His happy marriage to Wang Ying shows the importance of family and the key role of mutual support and understanding in the family. This tells us to cherish family relationships, support each other, and create a happy and fulfilling life together.


Lim's story is a touching story of loyalty, friendship, tenacity and family. His return to the mainland was full of difficulties and dangers, but his persistence and determination eventually allowed him to successfully realize his ideals. The story also highlights the importance of family and country feelings, as well as the power of camaraderie and unity in the face of difficulties. Eventually, he found a new happiness on the mainland, telling us about the importance of family and the crucial role of mutual support in life. This story inspires us to cherish our faith, to persevere in our dreams, to pursue happiness, and to be proud of the loyalty and tenacity of our Chinese people.

5. National unity and unity of the people

Lam's brave deeds provoked deep thinking about national unity. He believes that Taiwan is part of China and that returning to the motherland is his mission, and his actions have aroused more attention to this issue. This story tells us that national unity is an important topic that needs to be achieved through dialogue, cooperation and solidarity. Regardless of political beliefs, the unity of the people has great potential in achieving national unity.

6. The struggle for peace across history

Lin's story travels through history, with his father being an air force soldier who fled to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek in 1949 and himself returning to the mainland in 1978. The story reflects the complex history of Chinese mainland and Taiwan, as well as the changing relations between the two sides. However, he returned by peaceful means, avoiding conflict and war. This tells us the importance of peaceful struggle and dialogue to solve problems, and it shows that regardless of history, people can seek win-win results through peaceful means.

7. A new life and hope

Lin Xianshun found a new life and love in the mainland, and this story conveys new opportunities and hopes. Regardless of age or background, people have the opportunity to start over and achieve their dreams. The story also shows the recognition and acceptance of him by Chinese society, providing everyone with the possibility to integrate into a new environment.


Lam's story is an emotional and inspiring story that highlights the importance of loyalty, friendship, tenacity, national unity and family. His story inspires people to cherish their faith, to persevere in their dreams and pursue happiness, while also reminding us of the possibility of seeking national unity in peace and dialogue. This story highlights the power of loyalty and solidarity, and the ability of people to find new opportunities and happiness in new environments. Most importantly, it represents the tenacity of the Chinese people and the resolute pursuit of peaceful reunification, and provides a hopeful outlook for China's future. The impact of this story will continue to be passed on, inspiring more people to forge ahead and work towards the realization of their dreams and the unity of their country.

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