
The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

author:Jiaxing Zhengchun and culture

Text | Yang Yuemin

Edit | Lao Lu

The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

(The author is in the Xitang Ancient Town Wood Carving Museum)

In 1923, Gao Ersong and Gao Erbai were introduced by Yang Xianjiang and Shen Yanbing and joined the Communist Party of China successively, becoming the earliest Communist Party members in Qingpu.

Brother Gao was born in 1900 and 1901 in Liantang Town, Qingpu County, and his ancestral residence was Gaojiadai Village, East of the town. The age difference between the two is only one year, and the teenager is studying at Liantang Yan'an Primary School.

The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

The Gao family in Liantang Town has many relatives and friends in Jiashan . For example, the aunt's family of Jiangjiagang (Nangang) in Dingzha Township, the maiden family of Zhang Bihua, the wife of Gao Ercai, a cousin of Yilijing in Lize Township (his mother-in-law was also married out of the Gao family in Liantang), and the Gu family of Jiashan Rihui Bridge, and so on.

When he was a child, Brother Gao often came to Jiashan to visit relatives and friends. They are both smart and hardworking. At that time, the society was dark, and the brothers were worried about the country and the people, constantly following the advanced and eager for progress.

The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

Gao Ersong (literally Ji Hao, pen name Gao Xisheng) entered the Shanghai Youth Association Middle School in the spring of 1916 and entered the Nanyang Public School Middle School (that is, the middle school) in the autumn, where he met young students and teachers with progressive ideas such as Hou Shaoqiu and Lu Dingyi.

In 1922, Ersong was introduced by Hou Shaoqiu and Zhu Xiuyou to join the Chinese Kuomintang. At the same time, Yang Xianjiang and Shen Yanbing were introduced to join the Communist Party of China and were the first Communist Party members in Qingpu.

The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

Gao Erbo (字咏薇, pen name Guo Zhen, the same name as his brother Golson). In 1917, he entered the Shanghai Nanyang Institute of Technology. At the same time as his brother, he embarked on the road of revolution, and was introduced by Yang Xianjiang and Shi Cuntong to join the Communist Party of China and served as the secretary of the independent branch.

The brothers often published articles in newspapers and periodicals, attended various mass meetings, enthusiastically propagated and propagated Marxism-Leninism, and publicized Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles of "uniting Russia and helping workers and peasants."

The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

In June 1927, Chiang Kai-shek staged the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup and issued a wanted warrant to hunt down Communists and progressives.

A total of 197 people were listed on the wanted list (note: the original list was 197 people, but 8 people were later withdrawn, but in fact 189 people), and the Gao Erbai and Gaolsong brothers in Qingpu, together with many early CCP members such as Bo Luotin, Chen Duxiu, Yun Daiying, Mao Zedong, Li Lisan, and Liu Shaoqi, were also declared targets for arrest.

The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

At that time, according to the information obtained by the organization (Secretary Luo Yinong), it was believed that the Gao Erbo and Gao Erson brothers were too familiar with the people in Shanghai, and the Songhu Garrison Command had offered a reward of 1,000 yuan in silver for arrest, and could not gain a foothold, and it was more appropriate to temporarily avoid hiding in the countryside.

Therefore, the brothers moved from Qingpu Liantang to Jiashan Dingzha in Zhejiang, first hiding in Dingzha Jiangjiagang, and then transferring to Lize Township.

The Gao brothers | The earliest Communist Party member in Qingpu.

Gao Ercai, the Gao brothers' cousin, recalled: "At that time, the Kuomintang wanted my two cousins, so they took refuge in Zhejiang.

Yang Hansheng and others came together, who first went to live in my fourth aunt's house in Jiangjiagang in Dingzha Township for a while, and then moved to the home of my mother-in-law Jiang Dingzhen (who is also my cousin) in Lize Township, and lived for a relatively long time, one or two months.

After the three of them left Yilijing, they went to the Gu family in the east gate of Jiashan and were relatives of my wife's family. Finally, he took refuge in Japan and lived near Shen Yanbing's apartment.