
China's worries are still coming, US aircraft carriers are lining up to rush to the Middle East, and a full-scale war is about to break out

author:Happy and clear
China's worries are still coming, US aircraft carriers are lining up to rush to the Middle East, and a full-scale war is about to break out
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China's concern is still coming, the US aircraft carriers are lining up to the Middle East to cheer Israel on, Washington continues to add fuel to the situation chaos, and eventually it may backfire, and a full-scale war is about to break out.

China's worries are still coming, US aircraft carriers are lining up to rush to the Middle East, and a full-scale war is about to break out

Compared with the past, the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has come very suddenly, and the scale of the conflict is unprecedented in the 21st century. After the Palestinian armed organization Hamas launched an unprecedented raid, Biden said for the first time that the United States would support Israel as always. In order to show unwavering support for Party B, the Pentagon not only quickly transported military aid for the Israeli army, but also dispatched the USS Ford aircraft carrier battle group to approach the Middle East.

The US Central Command claims that the USS Ford carrier strike group has reached the eastern Mediterranean. On the day that the US Central Command announced the latest developments of the Ford, the US media suddenly broke another major news, which made people worry about the future direction of the situation in the Middle East.

According to the China Youth Network, citing the US Political News Network, two officials from the US Department of Defense revealed that the Pentagon has decided that the Eisenhower aircraft carrier and its fighters and accompanying warships will depart from the US military port of Norfolk to the coast of Israel.

China's worries are still coming, US aircraft carriers are lining up to rush to the Middle East, and a full-scale war is about to break out

One of the U.S. defense officials said the carrier is expected to arrive in the eastern Mediterranean by the end of this month, when it will operate jointly with the USS Ford strike group. At the same time, a spokesman for the US Department of Defense claimed that the US side is reviewing the deployment plan of the aircraft carriers USS Ford and USS Eisenhower, and specifically explained that the US military planned to redeploy the USS Eisenhower earlier.

It is worth mentioning that since the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli situation, China has called on all parties to cease fire to avoid further deterioration of the situation, and said that the two-state solution is the best way to solve the problem. But looking at the situation of US aircraft carriers lining up to rush to the Middle East, it can be seen that China's concern has still happened, the United States is afraid that it will start to arch the fire situation again, one aircraft carrier is not enough, and two more will be deployed, obviously mainly to ensure that the field can be calmed and send a strong deterrent signal to Iran and other countries.

However, you must know that Iran and other countries are not frightened, and there is already a deep hatred between the United States and Iran, and the US military sending aircraft carriers to support Israel will only make Middle Eastern countries stand more firmly together. A few days ago, the Lebanese Allah Party launched strikes on Israeli military facilities, making it clear that this move was aimed at solidarity with Hamas.

At the same time, the Yemeni Houthis also shouted to the White House, saying that if the United States intervenes in the conflict, it will directly intervene to support Hamas in attacking Israel. And the United States sent two aircraft carriers at this time, and Israel, which received the signal, will definitely be more brazen. The latest information shows that Israel suddenly launched another air strike on Syrian airports.

China's worries are still coming, US aircraft carriers are lining up to rush to the Middle East, and a full-scale war is about to break out

It can be seen that Israel's madness will inevitably make the Middle East countries that have not dealt with Israel more angry, and eventually increase the risk of a full-scale war in the Middle East. All in all, although the United States has said that it will not enter the war and called on all parties to exercise restraint, the act of sending multiple aircraft carriers to help Israel will inevitably further exacerbate tensions. Syria is probably just the beginning, once more and more countries are involved, Middle East countries are determined to retaliate, a full-scale war may be imminent, and the sixth Middle East war may begin.

China's worries are still coming, US aircraft carriers are lining up to rush to the Middle East, and a full-scale war is about to break out

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