
Why did Israel die again?

author:Xiao Zhihui's worldview

Why is Israel likely to die again? Here's why:

A new round of military clashes between Israel and Palestine in October 2023 reportedly resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries on both sides and a humanitarian crisis. Israel has imposed a total blockade on the Gaza Strip, cut off water and electricity supplies and threatened ground incursions. The Palestinian militant Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into Israel, causing air defense sirens to sound in many parts of Israel. The international community expressed concern and called on the two sides to cease fire and resume peaceful dialogue.

The roots of this conflict can be traced back to the Zionist movement of the last century, when a large number of Jews emigrated to the Palestinian areas and clashed with the local Arabs. In 1947, the United Nations adopted the partition plan, which decided to establish a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine, but this plan was opposed by the Arab countries. In 1948, Israel declared its independence, triggering the first Middle East war. Since then, many wars have broken out between Israel and Arab countries, and Israel has gradually expanded its territorial scope and occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and other areas. The Arabs in those regions had been subjected to a state of oppression and deprivation, and their right to self-determination and human rights had been seriously violated.

Israel's expansionist policies have not only intensified the contradictions with Palestine, but also aroused widespread opposition from the international community. Many States and organizations consider Israel's annexation of the occupied territories illegal, that the settlements built by Israel are contrary to international law and that Israel's claim to sovereignty over Jerusalem is unjustified. Israel can only rely politically on the support of the United States, which is also a muddy crossing, unable to provide effective security guarantees for Israel.

Israel may die again for the following reasons:

Israel has not truly resolved its fundamental problems with Palestine, but has used force and violence to suppress and terrorize the Palestinian people. Such an approach will only inspire more hatred and resistance, leading to an escalation of the conflict that could eventually lead to an all-out war.

Israel does not enjoy the political recognition and support of the rest of the world and is left alone in the face of the powerful Arab and Islamic worlds. This situation has caused Israel to lose its diplomatic voice and influence, and has also caused Israel to be subject to economic sanctions and blockades.

Instead of respecting and protecting its own multicultural and religious beliefs, Israel emphasized the superiority of Jewish nationalism and Judaism. This approach has led to marginalization and discrimination against minorities such as Arabs, Christians and atheists in Israel, and has tarnished Israel's international image.

To sum up, Israel is a self-contained, self-isolated, self-destructive state that is not really aware of its mistakes and crises, nor has it taken effective measures to change its destiny. Israel may again perish not because its enemies are too strong, but because it has too few friends and too narrow-minded.

Why did Israel die again?
Why did Israel die again?
Why did Israel die again?
Why did Israel die again?

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