
When a 48-year-old man prostitutes, he found that the other party enjoyed it very much, felt that he was very disadvantaged, and asked the woman for 1,000 yuan

author:Soy milk Talk

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text| @蛋仔AI

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This is a story about human nature, in which we will see the selfishness and greed for money of a middle-aged man, as well as the woman's insistence on autonomy over her own body.

When a 48-year-old man prostitutes, he found that the other party enjoyed it very much, felt that he was very disadvantaged, and asked the woman for 1,000 yuan

The protagonist of the story is a 48-year-old man named Zhang Ming, who has been divorced for many years and lives alone. One night, he decided to find a woman to kill his loneliness, so he went to a small brothel in an alley.

After he entered the room, he met a young woman named Xiaoli. Xiaoli looks young, but her eyes reveal a firm and independent temperament. Zhang Ming had a conversation with her and learned that Xiaoli did choose this profession out of financial difficulties.

A few minutes after the transaction went on, they began to have sex. But to Zhang Ming's surprise, Xiaoli seemed to really enjoy the process, her whole body relaxed, and her expression was full of joy and satisfaction.

This made Zhang Ming feel very dissatisfied and suffered, he thought that he paid the money, it should be his enjoyment, not the other party. So he stopped, stared at Xiaoli coldly and said: "You seem to really enjoy it, I think I paid but didn't get what I deserved." I ask you to give me another 1000 yuan, otherwise I will call the police. "

When a 48-year-old man prostitutes, he found that the other party enjoyed it very much, felt that he was very disadvantaged, and asked the woman for 1,000 yuan

When Xiaoli heard Zhang Ming's words, a mocking smile appeared on her face. She said firmly to Zhang Ming: "Sir, my selective work does not mean that I am your accessory. I enjoy the process, just because you can ask for more money at will. I'm just making a living for my life, I have my dignity and my rights. If you are not satisfied, you can leave, but I will not give you any extra money. "

Xiaoli's firmness and autonomy made Zhang Ming feel embarrassed and ashamed. He suddenly realized his selfishness and greed and felt deep regret for his actions. He apologized to Xiaoli and left the brothel.

This story teaches us that we should respect and value the dignity and rights of others, whether men or women. For women, their selective work does not mean that they are at the mercy of others, they still have their own independent thinking and autonomy. For men, we should learn to control our desires, respect the choices of others and treat them with equality and respect.

When a 48-year-old man prostitutes, he found that the other party enjoyed it very much, felt that he was very disadvantaged, and asked the woman for 1,000 yuan

Only through understanding and respect can we build true relationships between people, not driven by money and desire. Perhaps in the process, we will realize that not only other people's bodies, but also our own hearts and dignity need to be protected and respected.