
Fatty liver gives you four flavors of medicinal herbs, one flavor to dissolve phlegm, one taste to dissolve stasis, one taste to loosen the liver, and one taste to nourish the blood

author:There is no cure for suffering

Fatty liver is a common liver disease characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. The main causes of fatty liver disease include poor eating habits, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc. With the improvement of living standards and lifestyle changes, the incidence of fatty liver is increasing year by year and has become a public health problem.

For the treatment of fatty liver, traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that fatty liver is caused by pathological factors such as humid heat, phlegm turbidity, and Qi stagnation. Therefore, in the treatment of fatty liver, traditional Chinese medicine adopts a drug combination that takes phlegm, stasis, liver thinning and blood nourishment as the main treatment principles.

Fatty liver gives you four flavors of medicinal herbs, one flavor to dissolve phlegm, one taste to dissolve stasis, one taste to loosen the liver, and one taste to nourish the blood

Among them, phlegm-reducing drugs can improve liver function by eliminating hot and humid phlegm in the liver. For example, herbs such as bitter ginseng and Yin Chen have a good phlegm reduction effect and can help patients improve the symptoms of fatty liver.

Fatty liver gives you four flavors of medicinal herbs, one flavor to dissolve phlegm, one taste to dissolve stasis, one taste to loosen the liver, and one taste to nourish the blood

Anti-stasis drugs can promote blood circulation in the liver and improve the liver's oxygen supply and nutritional status. Chuanxiong, Danshen and other herbs have the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, which can effectively reduce the burden on the liver and promote the recovery of fatty liver.

Fatty liver gives you four flavors of medicinal herbs, one flavor to dissolve phlegm, one taste to dissolve stasis, one taste to loosen the liver, and one taste to nourish the blood

Liver thinning drugs mainly reduce liver discomfort by soothing the stagnation of the liver. Herbs such as chaihu and tulip are widely used in the treatment of fatty liver, which has a good liver-thinning effect and has a positive effect on regulating liver function.

Blood nourishing drugs can promote the recovery of metabolism in the liver and improve the function of the liver. Herbs such as angelica and white peony have a blood-nourishing effect, which can improve the anemia of patients with fatty liver and enhance the self-repair ability of the liver.

In summary, phlegm, stasis, liver thinning, and blood nourishment are important drug treatment principles for the treatment of fatty liver. When applying drug treatment, it is necessary to choose the appropriate drug according to the specific situation of the patient, and a certain combination of drugs is required to achieve the best treatment effect.

In addition, in addition to drug treatment, patients with fatty liver should also pay attention to improving their diet, reducing the intake of greasy and high-sugar foods, and increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits. In addition, moderate exercise is also very important for the treatment of fatty liver.

When receiving TCM treatment, patients should choose a regular medical institution, follow the doctor's guidance, and adhere to the treatment. At the same time, patients with fatty liver should also undergo regular examinations to understand the progress of the disease and adjust the treatment plan in time.



1. Liu, Y., Zhu, R., Chen, T., Zhao, G., & Cheng, H. (2017). Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Pilot Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017, 1-9. doi: 10.1155/2017/7514897