
Israel frantically attacked, US aircraft carriers rushed to help, can Hamas withstand it?

author:Red Wolf DH

Recently, a shocking Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East not only attracted widespread attention from the international community, but also revealed a series of unexpected events, this conflict can be described as three strange aspects, the first of which is the joint attack of Iran and Hamas on Israel, but the United States has responded vaguely. The incident is a source of concern, and Iran and Russia may have played a key role in the scene. Hamas's attack was well planned, not only unexpected, but also a demonstration of military power not seen before. Iran's support has clearly played a key role, particularly in the provision of equipment and professional training. However, the United States has chosen to directly acknowledge Iran's support without saying anything, an anomaly that raises doubts.

Israel frantically attacked, US aircraft carriers rushed to help, can Hamas withstand it?

The second anomaly is the strong condemnation of Hamas by Western countries without addressing the root causes of the conflict. The Hamas attack has caused a huge shock to Israel, and despite Israel's long-standing occupation of Palestinian territory, there have been few Western voices condemning Israel in the past. This unfair position is worrying, and Western countries seem to ignore the long-standing suffering and struggle of the Palestinians. The attitude of the Ukrainian president is even more puzzling, his condemnation of Hamas's terrorist attacks, but he is very contradictory in international affairs.

Israel frantically attacked, US aircraft carriers rushed to help, can Hamas withstand it?

The third anomaly is manifested in the attitudes of Middle Eastern countries. Countries such as Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait immediately sided with Palestine, while Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among others, chose to maintain a tactful statement. For his part, the Turkish president pointed to the root of the conflict and stressed that all parties should exercise restraint. This disagreement shows that the root causes of the Middle East problem are very complex and that the situation may heat up further in the future.

Israel frantically attacked, US aircraft carriers rushed to help, can Hamas withstand it?

With Israel's intense retaliation, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has fallen into tension. Israel, which claims to eliminate Hamas, has taken extremely drastic measures. At the same time, the United States ordered aircraft carriers to be sent to the Mediterranean Sea to support Israel and maintain regional stability. Although the United States would not be directly involved in the conflict, the action still had an important impact on the situation. The move was seen as a deterrent to Middle Eastern countries and a sign of close ties between the United States and Israel.

Israel frantically attacked, US aircraft carriers rushed to help, can Hamas withstand it?

The development of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is fraught with uncertainty, but Palestinian unity and determination will play an important role in the future. Only by uniting in a long struggle can the Palestinians finally emerge from their predicament and regain their territory. As for Israel, despite its military strength, a long struggle could lead to its isolation in the international community and eventually have to compromise. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict reveals issues that are not limited to a single battle, but involve broader issues in the Middle East and international relations.

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