
Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

author:Increase and talk about sports


At the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese table tennis team encountered Waterloo one after another, and many individual events did not win gold medals.

To the outside world, this heralds the decline of Chinese table tennis.

However, a later analysis report by Xinhua News Agency pointed out that the system of the table tennis team competition at the Paris Olympics was beneficial to the Chinese team.

For a time, table tennis fans talked a lot, not only worried about injuries, but also full of expectations for China to regain the gold medal.

In fact, table tennis is far more than a competitive sport for China.

It carries the glorious history of Chinese sports and is also the link between China and the world.

In the confrontation of table tennis, it not only reflects the hard work of each athlete, but also contains the process of the rise of a big country.

Today, China's table tennis is facing challenges, but it should also seize the opportunity to shine again on the world stage.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

A defeat that broke the glasses

The table tennis event of the Hangzhou Asian Games officially kicked off.

China has been the dominant player in this tournament before, and everyone assumed that China would win the championship easily.

However, unexpected fiasco ensued.

The first is the Lin Gaoyuan/Liang Jingkun combination.

In the doubles match, they faced Chinese Taipei and were overtaken by their opponents with a 2-0 lead, and finally lost 2:3.

Later, in the women's doubles competition, the Sun Yingsha/Wang Manyu combination also lost 1:3 to the Japanese player.

And the last "gold medal hope medal" Chen Meng/Wang Yidi of this Asian Games was even shocked by the Indian athletes, losing three straight games.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

The three consecutive defeats of the Chinese team undoubtedly made everyone fall through the glasses.

For many years, China has been a strong country and proud of table tennis.

But at the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese team lost to players from other countries one after another, which is unbelievable.

The spectators in the stands looked at each other, and the coaching staff on the sidelines frowned.

Everyone on the Chinese team looked very upset, some bowed their heads in thought, some held their heads in their hands, and some even burst into tears.

The originally warm atmosphere of the scene instantly cooled down.

This is a profound lesson, and Chinese table tennis must face up to its performance in this Asian Games.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

The three consecutive defeats of the Chinese table tennis team have undoubtedly brought a great shock to the majority of fans and professionals.

Over the years, they have witnessed the glorious journey of Chinese table tennis from a nobody to the world's number one power.

The glory of the times is also the result of the hard work of generations of table tennis talents.

However, now, this losing streak undoubtedly makes people see that China's table tennis is facing a new round of transformation and adjustment.

In fact, the dilemma faced by Chinese table tennis also reflects that the entire Chinese sports are in the stage of climbing and overcoming difficulties.

In world events such as the Olympic Games, in more and more sports, the Chinese team faces the challenge of strong opponents.

This is the trend of the times, and it is also the only way for Chinese sports to move from catching up to leading.

In the face of this dilemma, all individual teams in China are reflecting on how to adjust their pace and make new breakthroughs.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

Undoubtedly, table tennis has special significance for Chinese sports.

It was the first Chinese sport to win a gold medal on the world sports stage.

Now that table tennis has fallen into a trough, it will surely inspire the Chinese sports community to carry out profound reflection.

This is not only a problem of table tennis itself, but the entire Chinese competitive system needs to re-examine itself, fundamentally solve deep-seated problems, and meet the challenges of the new era.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

Challenges and opportunities coexist

The defeat of the Chinese table tennis team is not accidental.

The strength of players from countries such as Japan, South Korea and emerging India has greatly improved, posing an unprecedented challenge to the Chinese team.

In the past, the Chinese team relied on all-round preparation and super high technical and tactical level, but with the departure of many coaches, this traditional advantage no longer exists.

At present, Chinese table tennis is in a stage of both challenges and opportunities.

The Hangzhou Asian Games is undoubtedly a wake-up call, a reminder that the Chinese team cannot be complacent.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity to make Chinese table tennis shine differently in the new era through reflection and adjustment.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

So, where should Chinese table tennis go? Perhaps the first thing that needs to be solved is the construction of the coaching team.

Over the years, the brilliant achievements of the Chinese table tennis team depend on a group of outstanding coaching experts.

Famous coaches like Kong Linghui, Guo Yan and Chen Xuan have all made great contributions to China's table tennis cause.

However, in recent years, they have left, resulting in a decline in the strength of the coaching team.

If the high-level coaching team can be rebuilt, it will inevitably provide strong support for the next development of China's table tennis.

Secondly, it is also necessary to pay attention to the selection and cultivation of the reserve force of the younger generation.

While high-level technical and tactical training, it is also necessary to strengthen the cultivation of the psychological quality and pressure resistance of the new generation of athletes.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the transformation and innovation of tactical thinking, and learn from the experience of other strong teams.

Only by doing these points can Chinese table tennis gain the impetus for the development of the new generation while maintaining its traditional advantages.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

At present, the dilemma of "challenges and opportunities" facing China's table tennis also reflects the problems faced by China's entire competitive sports.

On the one hand, with the improvement of the competitive level of other countries in the world, Chinese teams are facing unprecedented strong challenges and need to adjust their responses.

On the other hand, this is also the only way for China's competitive system to mature.

In fact, this situation has also occurred in some other traditional advantage projects in China.

For example, in football, China once led Asia for a long time, but then Japan and South Korea rose, and China fell into a trough.

However, after long-term development, Chinese football is now back on track and its strength is constantly increasing.

It is foreseeable that Chinese table tennis will also go through such a process, and finally get out of the predicament and be reborn.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

Of course, the particularity of the table tennis project also brings unique challenges to this transformation.

It was originally China's traditional gold supply project, and its sudden trough undoubtedly hit hard.

But at the same time, this also gives the Chinese table tennis community an opportunity to re-examine itself and adjust its structure.

I believe that through this reflection and adjustment, Chinese table tennis will definitely shine more dazzlingly.

Ping-pong diplomacy shows China's demeanor

It cannot be ignored that for China, table tennis is far more than just a sport, it also undertakes an important cultural exchange mission.

The "ping-pong diplomacy" of the 70s of last century became an opportunity for easing and improving Sino-US relations.

This fully demonstrates the far-reaching significance of sports exchanges in enhancing friendly cooperation between countries.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

Today, under the background of the in-depth development of globalization, the cultural value of table tennis is more prominent.

The players of the Chinese table tennis team come from all over the world, and their different growth backgrounds constitute the rich diversity of Chinese culture.

In the international arena, Chinese players also show the demeanor of Chinese table tennis to the world with an open and inclusive mind.

Regardless of the final result, the tenacious struggle and indomitable spirit displayed by the Chinese team made the players and spectators of the opponent countries impress the Chinese players.

In the table tennis matches, players from different countries enhance understanding and friendship through sports exchanges.

Invisibly, the small table tennis ball has also become a link between China and the world, and the significance of this cultural exchange is extraordinary.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

Not only that, the growth experience of Chinese table tennis players themselves often infects and inspires the audience.

Many of them come from ordinary families, and through their own hard work, they eventually grow into world champions.

This kind of tenacity and hard work often infects the vast number of young people and motivates them to strive for progress.

Therefore, even in the face of this Asian Games defeat, people should not deny or blame the Chinese team players.

On the contrary, these outstanding table tennis players still deserve respect in themselves.

Their unremitting spirit is the best example for Chinese youth.

On the new journey, they will also be able to forge ahead and achieve new results.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

Regroup and create glory again

To sum up, the Hangzhou Asian Games is both a failure and a new departure for the Chinese table tennis team.

As a responsible major country, China has the obligation to show grace on the sports stage and carry out friendly exchanges with other countries.

At the same time, it is necessary to deeply reflect on the existing problems and work hard to regain good results.

Chinese table tennis has a long history and profound heritage, and has created countless brilliance.

Even in the face of new situations and challenges, as long as we adjust the pace and regroup, we still have the opportunity to win glory for the country in the future Olympic Games and other international events.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

It is believed that through the experience of this bottleneck period, Chinese table tennis is bound to be reborn in nirvana and show people in a new state and style.

At that time, Chinese players will surely reach another peak on the table tennis court and present the style of Chinese sports to the world.

Let us continue to support the development of China's table tennis industry with confidence, with a positive and open attitude, and look forward to more exciting moments from them!

In fact, this ping-pong downturn should not be seen as a full negative impact.

As the Chinese proverb goes, "Woe depends on it, and misfortune falls."

There are two sides to everything, and the decline of the table tennis team this time may be an opportunity for the overall strength of Chinese table tennis to improve.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out

Through this reflection, the Chinese table tennis industry can see its own problems, and thus more clearly define the direction of development.

For example, it can strengthen the psychological construction of young team members, update training concepts and so on.

Just like a person will inevitably encounter failure in the process of growth, but failure itself is also the driving force for his continuous growth.

This is also an opportunity for the new rise of the Chinese table tennis team.

Of course, rebuilding the strength of the table tennis team also requires the support of all sectors of society.

Whether it is funds or talent training, the state and enterprises should pay more attention to the cause of table tennis.

After all, this is not only related to the success or failure of a project, but also to the overall development of Chinese sports.

Only with the joint efforts of the state and society can China's table tennis industry be rejuvenated and create glory again.

Conspiracy theories are up again! National Table Tennis deliberately lost to get the gold medal? Lost 3 games in a row, all 6 world champions are out


Therefore, this ping-pong downturn is actually a new historical opportunity.

It has sounded the alarm for the Chinese table tennis community and provided the impetus to start anew.

We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of the whole society, Chinese table tennis will be reborn and shine on the world stage with a new attitude!

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