
Three children gave birth to sluggishness, and the country made a new move! In October, the new agricultural cooperative began to pay fees

author:Serious cosmic QAC

In today's domestic society, more and more families are not very willing to have three children. One of the reasons is the increase in the cost of living and the increase in the economic burden. Especially in rural areas, raising a child is already expensive, and the financial pressure of adding another child is almost unbearable. In addition, the reduced demand for labour in rural areas has resulted in families no longer having more children urgently.

And, having three children requires extra time and effort to care for them, which can affect the parents' professional careers.

Three children gave birth to sluggishness, and the country made a new move! In October, the new agricultural cooperative began to pay fees

Despite some policies to support multiple births, such as housing subsidies and maternity subsidies, some families still choose to have only one child. At the same time, the increase in the cost of medical insurance is also an important factor for families. Taken together, raising and educating three children requires a lot of money and energy, and remains a huge challenge for the vast majority of families.

Although the birth policy has changed, it is only a minor change from the previous "family planning" policy.

Three children gave birth to sluggishness, and the country made a new move! In October, the new agricultural cooperative began to pay fees

The government's policy changes are aimed at addressing an ageing population and low birth rates. However, these policies do not radically change people's perceptions of fertility. In China, with the development of urbanization and modernization, people's perception of family size is gradually changing. More and more families are starting to value quality over quantity. They prefer to devote limited resources and energy to the education and growth of one or two children in pursuit of a better quality of life.

Three children gave birth to sluggishness, and the country made a new move! In October, the new agricultural cooperative began to pay fees

In addition, the cost of education is also an important reason for the decline in families' willingness to have children. As the level of education increases, so does the cost of education. Raising and educating one child already requires a lot of energy and financial resources for the family, let alone three children. Many families may make the decision not to have children or only one child, fearing that they will not be able to afford the education of three children.

Nevertheless, the Government sought to encourage fertility growth through policy reforms.

This demonstrates the importance and concern that the Government attaches to population issues. However, policy reform alone will not address the root causes. In addition to economic and educational factors, there are many other social and cultural factors that influence a family's willingness to have children. For example, women's career development, changes in marriage concepts, adjustment of family relationships, etc., will all have an impact on fertility decisions.

In general, most families in China are not very willing to have three children, of which the economic burden and education cost are the main factors.

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