
People who come over advise you not to travel after the age of 60, the following 6 reasons don't be unconvinced!

author:xixi is not state-owned

Beyond our sixties, perhaps we should re-examine the practical meaning of frequent travel. Needless to say, travel is a wonderful and fulfilling experience for young people, but for older people it can present a range of challenges that we need to weigh.

People who come over advise you not to travel after the age of 60, the following 6 reasons don't be unconvinced!

First of all, increasing age is inevitably accompanied by a decline in physical function. Compared with the vigorous physical strength of youth, the physical strength and reaction speed of the elderly gradually weakened. High-intensity activities, such as walking, climbing or long journeys, can be a challenge for us. This can make the journey more arduous and cause physical discomfort. Also, activities such as backpacking, luggage, and climbing can also place an extra burden on older us.

At the same time, older people may be more susceptible to new environments and foods. Living at home for a long time, we have adapted to a stable living environment and diet, so it is easy to cause gastrointestinal problems due to water and soil when traveling. Since immunity in older adults is relatively low, food and the environment may have a greater impact on our bodies. To avoid this problem, it is essential to know the customs and diet of the destination and take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of physical discomfort.

In addition, increasing age is accompanied by decreased physical function and slower reaction speed, which makes older people more likely to encounter unexpected situations while traveling, such as falls, traffic accidents, or sudden physical discomfort. Due to our age, we are less tolerant of these accidents, so we need to be especially careful, obey traffic rules, and pay attention to our own safety.

People who come over advise you not to travel after the age of 60, the following 6 reasons don't be unconvinced!

From an economic point of view, pensions for the elderly are usually limited, and most of the income has been spent on living expenses and old age. Frequent travel not only increases travel costs, but can also lead to an increased financial burden. In old age, it should be time to enjoy life, but frequent travel can lead to financial stress. Therefore, older people need to carefully control travel expenses to ensure that the economy is not severely impacted.

Another factor to consider is the needs of the family. Frequent travel can lead to a lack of care and companionship in the family, especially for those with grandchildren. There may be many people in the family who need our care, and if they are always traveling, it will lead to a lack of popularity and care in the family. It may also prevent us from participating in and supporting the various activities of our friends and family.

Finally, in tourist attractions, older people may be vulnerable to fraud and forced shopping pressure from merchants. Some unscrupulous merchants may lure elderly tourists into buying high-priced goods by various means, or even force them to shop. Older people are usually relatively easy to trust others and are easily deceived. Therefore, the elderly need to be especially careful not to easily buy expensive goods.

In summary, frequent travel may no longer be a wise choice for seniors in their sixties. Of course, this does not mean that we should abandon travel, but that the timing and destination of travel should be carefully chosen to ensure the pleasure and safety of travel. Consider a more relaxed and modest way to travel to better enjoy each day of your later life. This may include choosing a more comfortable way to travel, longer stays, and more family-friendly travel plans to stay healthy, financially secure, and take into account family needs.

People who come over advise you not to travel after the age of 60, the following 6 reasons don't be unconvinced!