
In 2024, the new agricultural cooperative payment will open, and the per capita will rise to 380 yuan, so you may wish to take a look before abandoning payment

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In mid-October 2023, there was an uproar in the society about the centralized payment of new agricultural cooperatives. In this annual payment window, a seemingly mundane topic hides shocking facts. In previous years, the payment of new agricultural cooperative fees has always been an important concern for farmers, but this year's payment amount has broken through the ceiling of previous years, which is jaw-dropping.

In 2024, the new agricultural cooperative payment will open, and the per capita will rise to 380 yuan, so you may wish to take a look before abandoning payment

Generally speaking, the new agricultural cooperation is the predecessor of residents' medical insurance, which aims to solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment for farmers, and to prevent the phenomenon of poverty caused by illness. However, this mechanism, which once provided for the well-being of farmers, has now set off a wave of abandonment among villages. For ordinary farmers, the acre of land they work hard may only earn 800 to 1,000 yuan in exchange. However, in the face of such a small economic return, the new agricultural cooperative payment once again appeared in advance, which kept the village cadres busy.

In 2024, the new agricultural cooperative payment will open, and the per capita will rise to 380 yuan, so you may wish to take a look before abandoning payment

The increase in the payment standard of the new agricultural cooperative is even more striking. In my hometown, villagers reported that the per capita payment standard has reached 380 yuan, an increase of 30 yuan over last year. Back in 2020, the payment standard was only 250 yuan, which increased by 130 yuan in just a few years. Such consecutive price increases have made many villagers have the idea of abandoning their payments. It is understood that in 2022, the number of new agricultural cooperative payments nationwide has reached more than 40 million, and the high payment standards have become one of the main reasons why villagers have given up. For a family of four, the annual contribution is as high as 1520 yuan, which is indeed a big burden for many rural families.

In 2024, the new agricultural cooperative payment will open, and the per capita will rise to 380 yuan, so you may wish to take a look before abandoning payment

However, when we are caught in the contradiction between price increases and abandonment, have we ever thought about the deeper reasons? First of all, behind the price increase of the new agricultural cooperative is the development of social productive forces, as well as the comprehensive effect of multiple factors such as service level, reimbursement ratio and drug price. Over the years, prices have risen, and the service level and protection of the new agricultural cooperative have also been greatly improved, so it has become inevitable that the price of insurance will increase. Secondly, with the merger of urban and rural medical insurance, the level of medical security of rural people has also been greatly improved, chronic diseases have been reimbursed, and the proportion of hospitalization reimbursement has been continuously increased, which has a significant guarantee effect on the stability of families.

In 2024, the new agricultural cooperative payment will open, and the per capita will rise to 380 yuan, so you may wish to take a look before abandoning payment

Regarding the issue of the new agricultural cooperative payment standard in 2024, villagers in my hometown have expressed concerns. Every year the price increase means more economic pressure, but is it really necessary to give up contributing? Looking at it, although saving thousands of dollars a year is indeed a big temptation, it may bury hidden dangers in the future. Under the influence of factors such as the mask problem, the income level of rural households has generally declined, but living expenses have not decreased. For some families, spending $1,500 a year may be barely affordable and can be made up for by cutting back on some unnecessary expenses. A little sacrifice in the quality of life is nothing compared to the comprehensive guarantee provided by the new agricultural cooperation.

Perhaps, while considering abandonment, villagers should also consider a realistic and sober problem - although payment is expensive, the risk of illness is even more expensive. Although the price increase of the new agricultural cooperative is sad, the protection is also more comprehensive. Abandoning the payment may save thousands of dollars for a while, but if a family member suddenly falls ill, it is too late to regret. Just like Uncle Wang in the village, when he thought he was healthy, he was diagnosed with bowel cancer in the town. Fortunately, the new agricultural cooperative reimbursement can reduce the burden of medical expenses to a certain extent.

In the tide of abandonment of the new agricultural cooperation, perhaps we need more rational thinking. With the rising cost of living and increasing medical needs, we can't afford to pay for the future just because of the immediate payment. Looking at the entire village, although the price increase of the new agricultural cooperative has caused a lot of complaints, it has significantly improved the overall level of protection. Perhaps, for us, this is only a short-term economic pressure, but it is a necessary investment for the long-term protection of family health.

Generally speaking, although the payment of the new agricultural cooperative fee is a temporary problem, it is for the long-term well-being of the villagers. Under the pressures of life, perhaps we need more understanding and tolerance, rather than just choosing to escape. On the road of life, we will inevitably encounter various ups and downs, but just like the price increase of the new agricultural cooperation, it may only be a hurdle to a better future. Let us make the right choice for the future of ourselves and our families in sanity and calmness.

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