
Russia is in difficulty, the car will be reversed? Kadyrov wants to create a group of Chechen mercenaries, what is his purpose?

author:Leo is growing

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In the history of Chechnya, February 27 is destined to be engraved. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, a controversial leader, made a sensational declaration on social media: "In the special military operation, the Wagner warriors performed well. Therefore, I decided to create my own private military company, and Chechen fighters will become the most courageous fighters in the world, even if they have been retired! The declaration provoked widespread attention and sparked endless speculation and concern.

The move sparked widespread speculation, as it was the first time since World War II that a regional leader of a major power still in office publicly declared that he would set up a private military company. The Russian government's response has been delayed, but analysts generally believe that in the context of the current Russian-Ukrainian war, Russian officials may have acquiesced to Kadyrov's plan. After all, Wagner Military began to carry out tasks in Syria, Africa and other places in 2014, and the outstanding performance of its mercenaries in the Russian-Ukrainian war made them stand out, and even once overshadowed the limelight of the regular Russian army.

Russia is in difficulty, the car will be reversed? Kadyrov wants to create a group of Chechen mercenaries, what is his purpose?

There are two main reasons why this mercenary team can stand out on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield. First of all, most of Wagner's junior officers are retired officers from the Russian army, who have rich combat experience and can receive higher salaries than the regular Russian army. In addition, the vast majority of the soldiers in this mercenary force are from "prisoner soldiers", who fight fiercely and do not even consider casualty figures in order to capture important strongholds. Secondly, Wagner's tactics are very flexible, adopting a multi-point attack and highly mobile tactical strategy, which is very different from the traditional Russian army tactics. This tactic of not playing cards according to the routine, frequently mobilizing Ukrainian soldiers, creating defensive loopholes, and then storming and breaking through, allowed Wagnerian mercenaries to repeatedly win on the battlefield.

Russia is in difficulty, the car will be reversed? Kadyrov wants to create a group of Chechen mercenaries, what is his purpose?

Returning to Kadyrov, his actions were not without reason. First of all, he may be preparing for the "post-Putin" era of Russia, actively conducting military preparations. The Russian-Ukrainian war continues in 2023, and the upcoming Russian presidential election in 2024 could trigger huge political changes. Faced with uncertainty over Putin's re-election, Kadyrov needs to ensure his own security. At present, Chechen forces are nominally subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Defense, but in practice they are only under the orders of Putin and Kadyrov, a special status that may be challenged in future changes. Therefore, Kadyrov chose to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of the Russian-Ukrainian war to expand the army and acquire equipment, and raise a private mercenary army completely his own to ensure that he can maintain his influence in the future political changes.

Russia is in difficulty, the car will be reversed? Kadyrov wants to create a group of Chechen mercenaries, what is his purpose?

Second, as a minority in Russia, Chechnya's relations with the Russian Ministry of Defense have been strained. The two Chechen wars created deep hatred, especially in the second war, when both sides fought brutal confrontations on the battlefield, exacerbating the hatred between them. Kadyrov suffered heavy casualties in the Russian-Ukrainian war due to the unfavorable operation of the Russian army, and repeatedly criticized the Russian military leadership, and even "shelled" the current Russian Defense Minister Shao Yigu. Despite Kadyrov's acceptance by Putin, the hatred between Chechen and Russian units has not dissipated. Faced with the possible "post-Putin" era, Kadyrov needs a personal force fully loyal to him to secure his dominance.

Russia is in difficulty, the car will be reversed? Kadyrov wants to create a group of Chechen mercenaries, what is his purpose?

Ultimately, Kadyrov's motivation for creating a private mercenary force was not just internal political considerations. Internationally, many insistent on Chechen independence regard Kadyrov as a traitor and have great hostility towards him. Their presence threatens his rule in Chechnya, but the Russian government is difficult to take public action because of the diplomatic issues involved. Therefore, Kader

Rov decided to use private mercenaries to deal with these threats from abroad. It is difficult for traditional government forces to carry out assassinations on the territory of another country, and such acts can cause serious diplomatic disputes. However, operating through private mercenaries can be as low-key and efficient as in ordinary criminal cases.

Russia is in difficulty, the car will be reversed? Kadyrov wants to create a group of Chechen mercenaries, what is his purpose?

In Kadyrov's view, self-preservation is a priority. He knew that even in Russia, there were people who wanted his head. The historical Chechen independence movement caused great social chaos and bloodshed, and Chechnya became a sensitive area of internal stability in Russia. And Kadyrov, as president of Chechnya, is in danger.

Kadyrov was not a simple politician, he was a warrior, a leader who knew military strategy well. He is well aware that the threat to Chechnya goes far beyond the country and comes from abroad. Especially those who insisted on Chechen independence, who saw him as a traitor and vowed to kill him. In this case, Kadyrov had no choice but to actively prepare for war and build an armed force loyal to him personally in order to protect against future crises.

In Kadyrov's eyes, Chechen independence is an uncompromising faith. Although the Russian-Ukrainian war may be a favorable opportunity for him, it is also a moment of both threats and opportunities. He needs to delicately balance domestic and international political power while maintaining control over Chechnya. The establishment of a private mercenary army became a trump card for him to move towards the future.

In this era of crisis, Kadyrov's decision-making seems calm, but it is actually full of tension and crisis. He knew that he had to firmly defend Chechnya's interests regardless of external pressures, even if it meant that he needed to resort to the power of private mercenaries to achieve this goal.

In the shadow of private mercenary units, Kadyrov awaits the future. This force, which he personally established, will become his last line of defense to guard Chechnya. In his eyes, this is not just an army, but also a stroke of his destiny in turbulent times. Over time, the story will continue to play out on the stage of history, and Kadyrov will continue to write his own legend.


Chechen President Kadyrov's announcement of the creation of a private military company has attracted widespread attention, and the move hints at multiple complications. First, it highlights the impact of the success of Wagnerian mercenaries on the battlefield in Ukraine. Second, Kadyrov may be preparing for Russia's "post-Putin" era, seeking guarantees for his own security and power consolidation. Finally, it could also be a means of managing Chechnya's relations with the Russian government, helping Kadyrov to exclude dissidents and preserve Chechnya's independent status. This event reminds us that in the complex context of political, military, and ethnic relations, the trade-off between individual power and regional interests will continue to affect the situation in Russia and its surrounding regions in the future.


Kadyrov's move to establish a private military company contains multi-layered factors such as the Russian-Ukrainian war, ethnic hatred, and personal power. His move is both a response to the successful performance of Wagner's mercenaries and a preparation for a future power struggle in the "post-Putin" era. At the same time, it is also a tactic in dealing with Chechnya's complex relationship with the Russian government. Behind this, we see that political forces, regional independence, national feelings and other factors are intertwined to influence the future direction of Russia and its surrounding areas. This event reminds us that in the complex and ever-changing geopolitical environment, politicians' decisions are often constrained and influenced by many factors, and these decisions will profoundly shape the fate of countries and regions.


Kadyrov's move to set up a PMC has provoked deep thinking about regional conflicts, political intrigue and ethnic minority relations. First, the event highlights the rise of private military companies in modern warfare. In international conflicts, the role of private mercenaries has become increasingly important, not only to provide political leaders with greater room to manoeuvre, but also to a certain extent to circumvent the restrictions of international law. This phenomenon reminds us that traditional international military rules are gradually being challenged and that the international community needs to pay more attention to and regulate the conduct of this emerging military power.

Second, Kadyrov's move also reveals a complex entanglement between ethnic minorities and the central government. Chechnya, as a minority region within the Russian Federation, has long maintained tensions with the central government. Historical conflict and hatred have made cooperation and trust between ethnic minorities and the central Government fragile. Kadyrov's creation of the PMC may be a manifestation of his distrust of the central government and a means he has taken to preserve Chechnya's independence. This situation reminds us that intra-national relations and regional conflicts need to be better understood and resolved, and that Governments need to adopt smarter policies to promote peace and stability within the country.


Kadyrov's establishment of a private military company is not only an incident of regional leaders' intrigue, but also a complex and deeply revelatory phenomenon. In this event, we see the intertwining of international conflicts, political power struggles, ethnic relations and other factors, affecting the future of Russia and its surroundings. The rise of PMCs is a reminder to the international community that traditional notions of warfare and military rules are facing unprecedented challenges that require greater scrutiny and regulation. At the same time, the complex relationship between Chechnya and the central government needs to be studied and resolved in greater depth in order to achieve long-term peace and prosperity in the country. This event has made us realize that the changing and complex geopolitical environment requires the international community and Governments to work together to build a more peaceful and stable world.

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